The amount of fan debate surrounding The Elder Scrolls 6 is understandably massive, with the title being one of the most anticipated games in recent memory. With fans still having very little official information to go off of, a lot of the major details of the title are currently rumored through conjecture and a huge amount of community-led discourse.

One of the most important details surrounding The Elder Scrolls 6 is the geographical setting of the title, with the game most likely following its predecessors by being predominantly set within a single province in Tamriel. The most commonly rumored provincial setting for The Elder Scrolls 6 is the large region of Hammerfell, and this area would fascinatingly provide its own equivalent to the iconic dragon shouts of 2011's Skyrim.

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Skryim's Dragon Language and Shouts

Blue image from Skyrim showing the Dragonborn shouting at a frost troll.

Dragon shouts are a synonymous mechanic within Skyrim that added a truly unique combat element to the successful release. Within The Elder Scrolls lore, dragon shouts are an example of some of the most powerful forms of magic that exist, being the native ancient language of dragon-kind. This particular form of magic is tied to the souls of dragons, and while it can be harnessed by mortals via serious dedication, it can be more easily wielded by rare "dragonborn," who are humans born with the souls of dragons.

As a game mechanic, dragon shouts offered a serious incentive for players to engage with imposing dragons in combat in order to upgrade and learn new shouts. The shouts of Skyrim are broad in their utility, but generally offer huge combat advantages that the player can wield while tying into the core narrative of the game. These shouts were such a successful and iconic part of Skyrim that many wondered how the franchise would continue similar mechanics outside of the dragon-saturated province, but Hammerfell just may offer its own alternative.

The Elder Scrolls 6: Hammerfell's Yoku Language

elder scrolls 6 hammerfell political factions

Apart from its huge size and geographical diversity, one of the most fascinating aspects of Hammerfell concerns its long and mysterious history. Although Hammerfell was previously occupied by The Elder Scrolls' Dwemer, the province was soon occupied by the Redguard towards the end of the First Era, with the Redguard going on to be the race most associated with the province.

The Elder Scrolls' Redguard were forced to migrate to Tamriel following the mysterious and highly debated sinking of their home continent of Yokuda. Despite their migration, the Redguard predictably maintained a lot of the cultural and historic norms of their Yokudan heritage, which would go on to be the source of serious internal conflict as some Redguard wanted to move toward the cultural norms of Tamriel instead.

A huge element of Redguard Yokudan culture is the native language of Yoku, a once synonymous element of Redguard culture that predictably waned over time as the race settled within Tamriel. The Yoku language is just as ancient as dragon shouts, although of course does not possess the same powerful magic qualities as the dragon language. However, that is not to say that Yoku could not be included in a Hammerfell-set Elder Scrolls 6 as a partial equivalent to dragon shouts.

For example, the aforementioned mystery surrounding Yokuda's destruction could be a key element in exposing an ancient power of the Yoku language, which could easily be a huge narrative thread of The Elder Scrolls 6's main story. While it will of course be difficult to maintain the lore-sensitive power of Skyrim's dragon shouts, it is clear that the Yoku language could offer a fantastic equivalent within the upcoming Elder Scrolls6.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in development.

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