June is typically a huge month for video games, with massive industry events like E3 usually taking place halfway through the month. With no E3 this year, some fans were a little worried about getting news of upcoming games, but many other showcases have moved into the void left by E3 to provide their own exciting updates. The Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022 is one such event that will hopefully shine a light on games in development and provide players with plenty of new announcements as well. Some may even be hoping to hear more about Bethesda's highly-anticipated title The Elder Scrolls 6, but they may want to temper their expectations.

With the last mainline entry in The Elder Scrolls saga launching way back in 2011, fans have already been waiting a long time for The Elder Scrolls 6. There may have been DLCs for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in the interim, as well as the MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online and its various expansions, but they might not have been able to scratch that itch the way The Elder Scrolls 6 will hopefully be able to. News has been scarce since its announcement, and any fans hoping for a substantive update during the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase may be in for some disappointment.

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How The Xbox And Bethesda Games Showcase Is Shaping Up

Xbox Bethesda Showcase

This will be a chance for both Xbox and Bethesda to unveil some titles and reveal more about already-revealed games to get players as hyped as possible for upcoming releases. Showcases aren't just for making big announcements about new games – they're also a great opportunity to dive deeper into titles that players already know are in development, like Bethesda's intriguing new IP Starfield. The sci-fi RPG may have been pushed back into 2023, but Bethesda should still take this chance to reveal more about the mysterious game and ignite fan interest once more.

Arkane's Redfall was also delayed into next year, but it still seems like an obvious candidate for the showcase. Fans are hoping to see a bit of gameplay from the vampire-focused game, and it's a perfect time for Arkane to show off how the game handles. Obsidian Entertainment's new IP Avowed will likely get a mention, or perhaps a glimpse at the RPG in action, even if its release is still a while away. With Xbox's focus on indie titles in recent years, it's probably a given that there will be some smaller games on the docket as well, which is great news for fans of independent releases.

Why It's Unlikely Elder Scrolls 6 Will Make A Significant Appearance

the elder scrolls 6 logo

Players may be hoping for more news on The Elder Scrolls 6 alongside these other exciting titles, but that seems very unlikely. Although the game was announced way back in 2018 during that year's E3 showcase, The Elder Scrolls 6 remains almost as much of a mystery as it was then. Some fans may feel like it's high time for some more news about the next Elder Scrolls installment, but Bethesda has said previously that there will be no official updates about the game until after Starfield releases. With so much of Bethesda's energy focused on its new IP, there doesn't seem to be much room for The Elder Scrolls 6 at the moment. With the additional news that Starfield was delayed into 2023, the next Elder Scrolls feels even further away.

Fans knew that The Elder Scrolls 6 was always going to be released after Starfield, but Xbox boss Phil Spencer also confirmed that the next entry will release after Playground Games' upcoming Fable. With that game as much of a mystery as The Elder Scrolls 6, there's currently no telling when that will come out either. If the game is still years away – which is highly likely at this point – Bethesda may be wary of releasing too many details about it and risk fan excitement losing momentum before The Elder Scrolls 6 even has an official release date.

Players also aren't entirely sure what state of development The Elder Scrolls 6 is in. Although the game has been in official development for a few years now, Starfield has undoubtedly taken a lot of development capacity with its hugely ambitious sci-fi setting and space-faring gameplay. It's likely that The Elder Scrolls 6 has been on the backseat in favor of Bethesda's newest property, so it may still be fairly early days for the game, and the developer might not actually have that much to show just yet.

RELATED: Four Years Later, The Elder Scrolls 6 Might be Bethesda's Best-Kept Secret

What We Know So Far About The Game


With the success of previous entries in the franchise and the enduring popularity of titles like Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 6 seemed inevitable. It may have taken longer than fans wanted for it to be confirmed, but the news finally came in 2018 that it was on its way. That said, there hasn't been a lot of other news in the meantime, and players have been left to speculate about what The Elder Scrolls 6 will be and where it will take place. Bethesda confirmed that the game was in very early development in 2018, with The Elder Scrolls 6 not even in a playable form yet for internal teams, but four years on players aren't that much closer to knowing where the game is at now.

The teaser trailer in 2018 did give gamers something to theorize about, with rumors circulating about a possible Hammerfell setting and a focus on the Redguards. Other than that, leaks and rumors have been surprisingly thin on the ground, considering how much usually manages to make its way out into the public when a game in a hugely popular franchise is in development. While Starfield's leaks have hardly been the most exciting and have mostly focused on images of interiors and buildings, The Elder Scrolls 6 has barely had any at all.

Twitter user SkullziTV did share some information regarding possible mechanics at play in The Elder Scrolls 6, including an intricate political system, the chance to enter into advantageous marriages, and various conflicting factions to navigate within the game. This would certainly give The Elder Scrolls 6 an intriguing focus, but players are also hoping it retains a lot of the Skyrim magic with a compelling open world and plenty to keep them occupied.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

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