The Elder Scrolls 6 will release someday, but so little is known about it that almost everything is pure conjecture. If there is one thing that seems given, it’s that the next game in the franchise will feature its standard selection of races. Perhaps The Elder Scrolls 6 could introduce new or forgotten races, but at the very least, the core selection will likely remain.

That does beg the question of how these races will operate within a new area, specifically High Rock and Hammerfell. The most reliable “tease” for The Elder Scrolls 6’s location seems to come from Starfield’s trailer, as an etched-in landmass in it certainly resembles the two countries of Tamriel. And while beast races will remain estranged there or anywhere, while the people of Skyrim are more likely to show their seafaring sides, it is the Bretons who will come front and center in High Rock.

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Breton Abilities in Skyrim and Beyond

Bretons, or Manmeri, are essentially half-elves. As their ancestors and lineage come from a selection of elven and menfolk, they have strengths akin to both. Once upon a time, Bretons were said to be taller than the average person, but it’s unsure why that was changed. That could have been just slowly cut or part of the magic in their blood diluting over the years, but if there is one thing that is certain about Bretons in Skyrim and anywhere, they are powerful with magic.

Playing a Breton in Skyrim gives major bonuses to major magic skills like Conjuration, Alteration, Illusion, and Restoration. Their political, diplomatic nature also results in a speech bonus, while they also get one for Alchemy. They summon familiars from day one, absorb percentages of hostile spells, and gain resistance to magic. If players want a powerful mage, Breton is in a good starting position. As such, while some races may need to adapt as they move into High Rock and Hammerfell, in terms of skills, Bretons are at home just about anywhere.

Roleplaying a Breton in Skyrim vs. a Breton in High Rock, Hammerfell

Map Of High Rock From The Elder Scrolls

Indeed, this is true of living in Skyrim as well. Many Bretons live in the Reach, which while technically part of Skyrim, is essentially a smaller High Rock. Some traveled from High Rock, others have lived there forever. Some are descendants of Elves and Nords, luckily or seemingly finding a middle line in how they are treated in Skyrim. There is no major mistrust between Bretons and Nords, like between Argonians and Nords or Nords and Imperials, but there is a lot of person-to-person variation.

Bretons are often mocked for their nature, with many races in Skyrim using a Breton’s political and/or diplomatic nature against them. But at the end of the day, a lot of Nords and Bretons, as well as Bretons and other races, have good neutral relationships in Skyrim. They still play minor roles overall, but they may take center stage in The Elder Scrolls 6. Come High Rock, there is the political intrigue to consider.

Bretons, Politics, and More

High Rock may have five major kingdoms still, though much of Fourth Era High Rock is left in shadows, but there were plenty of smaller ones. The hierarchal, political nature of High Rock means there is always a lot of power and social vying going on. The Elder Scrolls 6 may very well lean into this nature, showing the beauty of the control, but also the beauty of the Bretons.

At the same time, even though it Empire, High Rock is largely independent. Not only is Cyrodiil spread then by the Fourth Era, but to even get to High Rock meets traveling through Hammerfell or Skyrim, neither of which are particularly hospitable. Basically, High Rock seems like a haven in comparison.

Even in Hammerfell, the Breton’s nature may be seen. The Bretons are often “people persons,” and their social nature shines through in their relationships with others. With it taking more of a center stage, as High Rock could be one of The Elder Scrolls 6’s main locations, fans should expect more of this. Now, it’s impossible something has gone seriously, seriously wrong since High Rock lore was really highlighted, but that would likely just undermine the Bretons.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development.

MORE: The Elder Scrolls 6: Hammerfell and High Rock Enemies That Could Replace Skyrim's Dragons