When The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim was first released almost a decade ago, the opening intro immediately indicated that the open-world role-playing game would take the world by storm. Although the introduction is now a notoriously long obstacle to a new playthrough, the cart journey through Helgen in Skyrim offers players a high-stakes beginning to an epic game. Not only does the sequence allow for an exciting prison escape doubling as the game's tutorial, but it continues a tradition that might carry into the beginning of The Elder Scrolls 6. While the opening trope would connect the future game to the past, the game deserves a new start.

Some players who started their Elder Scrolls journey with Skyrim might not know that the prisoner escape sequence is a facet of almost every released game. The trend started with the first released game, The Elder Scrolls: Arena, where the player character has to escape from their jail cell in the Imperial Dungeons. In Skyrim, players are still prisoners en route to being executed after being tied to Nord rebel Ulfric Stormcloak. It would be a refreshing change for The Elder Scrolls 6 to do away with the prison escape trope in exchange for a fresh and unique beginning.

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Why Bethesda Might Stick With The Prison Escape


Although the franchise's famed initial quests involving being held prisoner could use a fresh coat of paint, there is reason to believe that Elder Scrolls developer Bethesda might stick to their decades-long formula. In a recent interview with franchise director Todd Howard discussing The Elder Scrolls 6, he let fans know that the developers already had the beginning of the game fleshed out and might have been developing the new title since the release of Skyrim. Given the enduring legacy of the prison escape trope in the Elder Scrolls canon, this could mean that the creative team has already decided to continue the pattern.

There is some merit to keeping the prison escape opening sequence. As seen in The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, the trope allows player characters to start with a clean slate by having to escape their cell and essentially "start over." Also, the prison escape sequence will give players a feel for the game world and what they might face in the future, as there is usually an NPC to provide them with context and tips. Finally, the prison escape sequence adds a slow and suspenseful start to the game, allowing players to take their time and get a sense of the controls.

The Elder Scrolls 6 Needs A Unique Opening Sequence

elder scrolls 6 screen from 2018 teaser trailer

Although some players might miss the prisoner escape tradition if cut from The Elder Scrolls 6, the upcoming game means a chance to explore new and innovative ways to make the beginning feel special. In the years after Skyrim was released and changed the industry with its impact, countless RPGs have experimented with how to create a compelling opening sequence. Given the franchise's affinity for player choice, there is ample room for multiple dynamic opening sequences depending on the player's chosen background, similar to Dragon Age: Origins.

While few details have been released about The Elder Scrolls 6, there are rumors that the game might be set in High Rock, Hammerfell, or even across multiple provinces. The game could have players begin in the area reflecting their background - High Rock for Bretons, Valenwood for the Bosmer, Black Marsh for the Argonians, etc. It could even be possible to have players connect their Skyrim character data, customizing the opening sequence to the choices they made as the Last Dragonborn. Given the advances in gaming technology between the release of Skyrim and the present day, the sky is the limit.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in development.

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