
  • The Elder Scrolls 6 should blend elements from Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim for a perfect mix of gameplay and world-building.
  • The core gameplay in TES 6 should draw inspiration from the magic systems in Oblivion and Morrowind, but Skyrim's melee combat.
  • A focus on guild storylines, deeper characters, and immersive NPC interactions would enhance the player engagement in The Elder Scrolls 6. Similarly, bolder locations like those seen in Morrowind could make for a nice change of pace.

Skyrim was a massive success and, even more than a decade later, it's widely considered one of the standards that other games are based on. With The Elder Scrolls 6 in production and up next on Bethesda's release schedule, it's expected that much of the game will be influenced by Skyrim. However, though Skyrim was the most successful of The Elder Scrolls games thus far, to limit The Elder Scrolls 6 to Skyrim would be detrimental to the series. Instead, Bethesda should acknowledge that there are those who prefer Morrowind, Oblivion, and of course Skyrim, merging the three games together to create a perfect blend that appeals to all modern TES fans.

The Elder Scrolls 6 Shouldn't Be Preemptively Put on the Hook for Starfield

The Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield are completely different games, and the former shouldn't be preemptively criticized for the latter's shortcomings.

The Elder Scrolls 6's Gameplay and Mechanics

Combat Should Be a Cross Between Styles

Combat has always been a tricky issue for games in The Elder Scrolls. Morrowind used a dice roll system which was abandoned in Oblivion. Despite this change, Oblivion still didn't get the combat quite right, although its magic system was robust and worked really well. Skyrim's technology and animation worked well together to create a skill and combat system that felt weighted and real, but its magic system was heavily simplified. Drawing from Oblivion and Morrowind's magic systems with inspiration from Skyrim's combat would be best for The Elder Scrolls 6.

Morrowind's Bold World Should Be an Inspiration

Both Skyrim and Oblivion are set in European-inspired fantasy worlds, but Morrowind's landscape is a world of volcanic ash, monsters, and towering mushrooms. The unique setting and worldbuilding of Morrowind is one of the most appealing aspects of the game, and is one of the reasons players keep returning to it. If The Elder Scrolls 6 is set in Hammerfell, a similar removal from a European setting would be welcomed, especially if Bethesda chooses to push its creativity and create an as-yet unseen environment and culture.

Roleplaying Should Be One Aspect of Skyrim That Goes Untouched

Character building in The Elder Scrolls was fairly consistent from Morrowind to Oblivion, but received an overhaul with Skyrim. Some criticized Skyrim's changes as simplifying the RPG aspects of The Elder Scrolls, while others praised the new versatility available to players. Despite the criticism, being able to level a character using any skill in Skyrim, as opposed to only through Major Skills as in previous games, was a major change, and is something that should be brought forward to The Elder Scrolls 6.

Storytelling and Character in The Elder Scrolls 6

Better Guilds Should Be a Priority

The Elder Scrolls games are all defined by the multitude of stories in their worlds, rather than one main plot that dominates the game. Guild storylines take up a large percentage of these stories. Guilds are organizations the player character can join, and play a vital role in roleplaying and filling Tamriel with interesting characters and making the player feel like a part of the gaming world. Skyrim's guild storylines were criticized for not having the same depth as Morrowind or Oblivion, either by achieving top status in the guild too quickly, such as the Companions, or by not being relevant to the guild's advertised services, such as the Thieves Guild or College of Winterhold.

Immersing Players In a Living World is Key

One of the most important parts of creating a living world that players become and remain invested in is through NPCs who are interesting. Interacting with these characters is also crucial when considering roleplaying and the options the player is given to respond to NPCs, such as voiced vs unvoiced dialogue. While Bethesda appears to be favoring voiced protagonists, Skyrim and Oblivion's approach of an unvoiced protagonist worked well for roleplaying.

Deeper Characters Is a Must

Creating a connection between the player character and NPCs is something that both Morrowind and Oblivion excelled in, as the Tribunal's bond with the Nerevarine in Morrowind and Martin Septim's bond with the Hero of Kvatch in Oblivion are both bonds that aren't replicated in Skyrim. While both Delphine and Paarthurnax are both characters the Dragonborn develops bonds with in Skyrim, Delphine's relationship with the Dragonborn is more hostile, and Paarthurnax is a passive character. Martin and the Tribunal both bring conflict into the story and for the player, and reintroducing characters like that in The Elder Scrolls 6 would elevate the quality of the main storyline.