The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion has a large world, displaying the Imperial Province of Cyrodiil during unrest. The gates of Oblivion opened as the hordes of Daedra began invading, striking the province, which was left without its Emperor after the recent assassination. Beyond this, multiple guild storylines explore conflicts across the province, which the player can participate in.

How Oblivion Paid Homage to The Elder Scrolls: Arena

Bethesda has a long history of referencing its own games, and there are a few ways in which Oblivion pays homage to Elder Scrolls: Arena.

However, the game also presents many independent quests unconnected to those storylines. They can be found randomly as the player finds themselves involved in minor affairs, which, nevertheless, sometimes prove to be as intriguing and enticing as extensive storylines. The game has nine large cities, and each contains some independent quests that the player can participate in during their adventures.

10 Imperial City: An Unexpected Voyage

An Unfortunate Stay


This is a short quest, but its unpredictability and chaotic nature will surely make for a memorable experience. It begins with the player sleeping at the Bloated Float Inn, an authentic inn on a ship on the water. However, when they awaken, they discover that the boat was hijacked by a small group of bandits.

The player must escape this unfortunate situation by defeating bandits one by one. The quest presents some variety, if they keep conversing with each bandit for long enough, they will be able to gather information that causes the captain to surrender, allowing them to end the quest with less bloodshed.

9 Anvil: The Siren’s Deception

A Predator Gang

Anvil in Oblivion

An investigation quest starts in Anvil and focuses on the Sirens, a gang of women that prey upon married men and rob them while distracting them with their ‘charms.’ The player helps Gogan and Maelona recover a family relic from the gang, which has the player search for the gang and bring them to justice.

This quest is notable for a slightly different pattern of development depending on the player character’s gender. If the character is male, he poses as a potential victim of the gang, while a female character pretends to join them. Either way, the gang is defeated, and the two quest givers are revealed to be undercover guards, further adding twists to the quest.

8 Chorrol: Shadow Over Hackdirt

A Daughter Lost

Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion - Houses Ranked - Chorrol Arborwatch-1

This quest starts in Chorrol and demonstrates itself to be considerably more complex and intricate than it could be seen at first. Upon their first visit to the City, players will encounter Dar-Ma, an Argonian woman. However, the next time they arrive in the City, she goes missing, and her father asks for help finding her.

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Discusses Oblivion References in Gold Road Chapter

Lore buffs will appreciate some details in the Elder Scrolls Online's Gold Road chapter as it revisits an iconic location from Oblivion.

This leads the player to the remote village of Hackdirt, where Dar-Ma is held. Its people are hostile and distrustful of all outsiders, consumed by their worship of mysterious entities. The player needs to uncover the secrets of this place.

7 Skingrad: Paranoia

A Delirious Bosmer

castle skingrad oblivion elder scrolls

This quest is comedic as it deals with a Bosmer named Glarthir and his continuous paranoia. When the player encounters him, Glarthir acts very suspiciously and maintains a pressing belief that others are spying on him. After arranging a meeting away from the supposedly prying eyes, Glarthir hires the player.

The quest is notable for its amusing storyline and subverting the tropes of an investigation, as ultimately, no one is actually conspiring against Glarthir. It also allows for variety between doing as Glarthir asks and accusing others of spying on him, reporting him to the city guard or one of his victims, or killing him themselves.

6 Kvatch: The Battle For Castle Kvatch

Reclaiming The Lost City

Kvatch Rebuilt in oblivion

This quest continues the story, which starts with the main quest, “Breaking the Siege of Kvatch,” but this part is a side quest. Kvatch is different from other cities as it has been destroyed and overrun by Daedra at the time of the game, which turns it into a devastated war zone with only one side quest to decide the fate of the City and for the playable character to become the Hero of Kvatch.

The quest starts in the chapel of Akatosh, from which the player will battle through hordes of Daedra as they come closer to the heart of the City. Eventually, the player reaches the castle only to discover that the count of the City is already dead. The quest ends on a somber note, with the future fate of the City remaining clouded.

5 Bruma: A Brotherhood Betrayed

Chasing A Vampire Hunter

Bruma in Oblivion

This quest in Bruma is a much more thorough investigation than other quests presented in Oblivion. The player learns about the murder of Bradon Lirrian by a Dunmer named Raynil Dralas. The latter accused the former of being a vampire while he claimed to be a seasoned vampire hunter.

However, if the player chooses to investigate, they will eventually get on Raynil’s trail and discover that the story about a vampire was simply a ruse for Raynil, a ruthless mercenary hunting for a reward. The player can stop him by fighting him in a cave or, if they stall for too long, allow him to escape to Morrowind.

4 Cheydinhal: A Brush With Death

The Painter's Dream

Oblivion Cheydinhal

This quest displays Oblivion’s potential for surrealism in its full glory. Initially, the player learns that a famous painter in Cheydinhal has gone missing and is sent to investigate the case by his wife. However, eventually, the player discovers that the painter has gone missing within his own painting, a separate realm that the player enters.

The Elder Scrolls' Dark Elves Have the Most Interesting Origin Lore of All Races

While tons of races have interesting lore in The Elder Scrolls, the Dunmer's fall and how they effectively come full circle with it stands out.

Once inside, the player can become a part of the painting and walk in the drawn world. They help the painter get out by helping him get his brush back, eventually leading to an encounter with painted trolls. Overall, this unique quest allows the player to visit a small world space of the painting.

3 Bravil: Through A Nightmare, Darkly

A Twisted Realm

Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion - Houses Ranked - Bravil-1

A quest similar to the one in Cheydinhal, this one allows the player to enter a completely unique small world space. An Argonian mage named Kud-Ei asks the player to help her save a friend who has fallen comatose and is now trapped in a magical nightmare without a way out. With Kud-Ei’s help, the player can enter the nightmare.

The nightmare itself contains four stages, which are named ‘tests’ and can be done in any order so that the player can save the unfortunate mage. The tests vary; one requires the player to kill strong foes, while another presents a puzzle for them to solve. Overall, it is a very memorable quest with different activities and a unique, grim atmosphere.

2 Leyawiin: Mazoga The Orc

The Wayward Knight

Castle Leyawiin The Elder Scrolls 4 IV Oblivion

This Leyawiin quest sees the player get to know a peculiar character, an orc named Mazoga, who claims to be a knight in the castle, much to the annoyance of the City’s count. The player is tasked with learning more about Mazoga and perhaps aiding her in her task. The character-focused nature of the quest allows the player to feel more of a personal connection to her.

Oblivion: 10 Deadliest Creatures In The Shivering Isles

These creatures are best avoided if possible by any adventurers in the Shivering Isles.

The player helps Mazoga go through a dungeon and discover a gang of dangerous bandits, which they help her take down. Throughout the quest, she details her backstory and how she became a knight. At the end of the quest, the player becomes a knight errant of their own.

1 New-Sheoth: Final Resting

A Surprising Request

Shivering Isles Order attacking the palace

New Sheoth is a city added in the Shivering Isles expansion and is the only one not located in Cyrodiil but rather in a plane ruled over by Sheogorath, the Daedric prince of madness. The quests one can encounter in such a place are, as expected, much more insane and chaotic than those of the main game. This quest is no exception.

The quest giver, Hirrus Clutumnus, seeks nothing more than to end his own life but does not want to commit suicide due to a fear of ending up as a restless ghost. The player has to kill him, having various options to do so. Hirrus’s preferred method is to be pushed off a ledge, but nothing stops the player from simply cutting him down.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

PC , PS3 , Xbox 360
March 20, 2006