The Dragon Prince documents the charming tale of three unlikely heroes who set off on an adventure to restore peace to a war-riddled world. Prior to this pursuit, however, Rayla operated as an assassin who was tasked with putting an end to King Harrow's questionable reign.

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While chasing Callum through Kotalis Castle, Rayla stumbles into a secret passageway containing the Dragon Prince's egg. The egg was thought to be destroyed, but its discovery causes her allegiances to shift. Hoping to restore harmony to the chaotic world she lives in, she decides to join Callum and Ezran on their journey to return the egg to its mother.

10 "I Just Pressed All The Stones With The Jelly Hand Prints."

Callum, Ezran, and Rayla in The Dragon Prince@._V1_ (1)

While chasing Callum and Ezran through their home in Kotalis, Rayla briefly loses their trail and is forced to solve a puzzle. According to Ezran, this puzzle took the young prince a month to solve, so it is highly unlikely that their pursuer will be able to figure it out.

These reaffirming words are cut short when Rayla descends through the ceiling with a smug look of accomplishment on her face. When asked how she solved the puzzle, Rayla responds by saying she "just pressed all the stones with the jelly hand prints." Young Ezran's love of jelly tarts has been his undoing, but it served to highlight Rayla's advanced intellect.

9 "Interesting Theory. Care To Discuss?"

Callum, Ezran, and Rayla preparing for battle in The Dragon Prince

Upon learning of the Dragon Prince's survival, Rayla attempts to reason with her fellow assassin to call off the attack on Kotalis. Runaan refuses to oblige to this request and instead attacks Rayla for betraying him.

Rayla knows she cannot best Runaan in combat, but distracting him is the only way to ensure the survival of her new friends. Runaan eventually figures out her goal and realizes she is stalling him to which Rayla replies "Interesting theory. Care to discuss?"

8 "Can You Imagine Going Through Life With Only Four Fingers?"

Rayla stares at her injured hand in The Dragon Prince

While attempting to locate Callum's Primal Source Cube in the Banther Lodge, Rayla is captured by Amaya, the leading general of the Standing Battalion. Her hands are bound and tied around a wooden pillar in the lodge's basement, but Rayla decides to make light of the situation by cracking a joke.

Her captors stand guard in front of her, ensuring that she doesn't try to escape. One of the guards examines her unique sword only to have the blade shoot out and frighten him. In response to this, Rayla suggests he be more careful as messing with her things may result in a severed finger. As a Moonshadow Elf. Rayla was born with only four fingers, a trait that makes her delivery of this joke especially comical.

7 "Goodbye, Sweet, Solid Land. I Barely Knew You."

Rayla and Callum in a boat in The Dragon Prince

Rayla spends the majority of The Dragon Prince attempting to showcase her fearless side, but her first encounter with flowing water reveals that certain things frighten her. She suffers greatly from seasickness, so traveling to Xadia via boat isn't her ideal method of saving the world.

While drifting across a lake, Rayla and her friends are flung off their boat by a monster lurking in the river's depths. Rayla lands safely on a nearby shore, but Callum and Ezran were not so lucky. She watches on in horror as the beast attacks her comrades before realizing that only she is capable of saving them. She is compelled to do what is right, a noble trait that outweighs her fear of water.

6 "Greetings, Fellow Humans. Human Fellas. I Sure Do Like Hanging Out With Other Humans, And Talking About Things Like Money And Starting Wars."

Human Rayla in The Dragon Prince

The arduous journey to Xadia requires Rayla and her companions to enter a town full of humans. Callum and Ezran have no worries about exploring the town, but if the townsfolk learn of Rayla's Moonshadow heritage, the mission to return the dragon egg would be jeopardized.

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To remedy this, Rayla raises her hood over her head to conceal her horns. Callum, unconvinced by this disguise, states it won't work, to which Rayla responds with a very interesting human impersonation. She regularly reverts to this persona while in the presence of humans and, surprisingly, it usually works.

5 "Let's Go Judge And Criticize Things Other Humans Do, And Then Do The Exact Same Thing Ourselves."

Human Rayla smiling in The Dragon Prince

While progressing forward toward Xadia, Rayla encounters a frighteningly large obstacle blocking her path. She needs to secure the appropriate means of crossing the ocean but, unfortunately for her, doing so will require her to interact with humans once again.

She raises her hood over her head for the second time to impersonate her human companions, allowing for even more of her opinions on human culture to seep through. Each impersonation leaves Ezran in hysterics due to how accurate it is and, of course, the cliché accent she delivers it with.

4 "Moonshadow Powers!"

Rayla explaining how her Moonshadow Powers work in The Dragon Prince

In an attempt to understand magic a little better, Callum looks to Rayla for advice. Being a Moonshadow Elf grants her the ability to turn invisible under the light of a full moon, so Callum asks her what the process of harnessing this ability feels like.

Rayla usually showcases a strong command of the English language, but words seem to fail her during her explanation. She describes the process by making a series of nonsensical sounds and hand gestures before leaping to her feet and exclaiming "Moonshadow powers!" Callum learns shockingly little from this exchange, but Rayla's love for her culture is made even more evident through her eccentric delivery.

3 "Protecting That Dragon Doesn't Just Feel Like The Right Thing To Do. It Feels Like The Right Thing For Me To Do."

Rayla in The Dragon Prince

Soren and Claudia show up while Rayla is trying to save a wounded dragon that was shot down from the sky. She unsheathes her blades in preparation for battle, but Callum insists they flee before they are caught.

Rayla reluctantly agrees but feels guilty about leaving the defenseless beast behind. She considers her options for a while before deciding to return to the dragon's side and protect it. This choice highlights how noble she truly is, even if it means risking her life to save another's.

2 "We Will Never Speak Of This Again. I Will Bind Myself To Killing You If You Even Mention-"

Callum and Rayla in The Dragon Prince

It isn't safe to travel through the Midnight Desert at night, so Callum and Rayla decide to rest in a nearby oasis. Rayla however, is stricken by guilt for abandoning her former comrades and is thus unable to sleep. Callum attempts to comfort her, but she has no interest in listening to his kind words.

To get her attention, Callum reminds her of how amazing he perceives her to be. Touched by the level of detail he goes into, Rayla leans in to kiss him but, to her horror, is met with a face of shock and confusion. Callum explains he didn't mean for his words to convey romantic undertones, leading Rayla to threaten the young prince with a painful death if he ever brings it up again.

1 "The Dragon Queen Must Never Know!"

Rayla and Callum in The Dragon Prince

Rayla and Callum eventually reach Xadia after a long journey together. The final stage of their mission sees the pair ascending the lair of the Dragon Queen, but their spirits remain high thanks to the blossoming feelings they have for each other.

Callum asks Rayla if she plans to inform the queen of their relationship, but she dismisses the idea. Her response leads Callum to inquire if their relationship is a "secret forbidden romance situation." Rayla, amused by the notion, decides to play along and insists "The Dragon Queen must never know!"

The Dragon Prince Season 4 is scheduled for release in November 2022.

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