Following the success of Tom Clancy's The Division, Ubisoft is developing a movie based on the game that will feature Jake Gyllenhaal in the lead role.

Upon its release back in March, Tom Clancy's The Division has been nothing short of a massive success for Ubisoft. After setting a first day sales record for the company, the title went on to break the first week sales record for a new IP by grossing more than $330 million in just five days. With a new franchise now firmly established, the logical move would be to produce a sequel to The Division, but if a new report is to be believed, it appears that Ubisoft intends to capitalize on The Division's success through a film adaptation rather than another game.

According to an exclusive report from Variety, a film based on The Division is currently being developed under Ubisoft's film branch, Ubisoft Motion Pictures. The report further states that this upcoming Division film adaptation will star Prince of Persia star Jake Gyllenhaal, who is also attached to the project as a producer.

This project is understandably still in its early stages, and no details regarding the film's story or release window have been revealed yet. Ubisoft have yet to comment on the news of this Division film adaptation, though Variety does state that a writer is currently being sort for the project, suggesting that there will be a long wait for the movie.

While this won't be Gyllenhaal's first foray into the video game adaptation world, it is also interesting to note that this project is also not Ubisoft's first attempt at making a film. Prior to the announcement of the Division movie, Ubisoft have been involved with the film adaptation of Assassin's Creed, which is currently scheduled for a December 2016 release and stars Michael Fassbender in the lead role. Additionally, the studio is also currently developing a Splinter Cell movie, which will star Tom Hardy as Sam Fisher.

With the Warcraft movie nearly upon us, the Assassin's Creed movie still to come, a new Splinter Cell movie, a new Resident Evil movie for 2017, and now this news about a new Division movie, it appears that video game film adaptations are starting to make a comeback in Hollywood. It's still far too early to say whether the Division movie will be any good, but hopefully it will at least be better than a majority of the terrible video game movies that have been made so far.

Tom Clancy's The Division is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: Variety