Given The Division 2's chaotic nature as an MMO where players set out to cleanse a pandemic-ridden Washington DC, weapons are of utmost essence. To help players along their journey in the game, there are numerous options to pick from. Ranging from pistols to shotguns to assault and sniper rifles, The Division 2 is simply full of variety.

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Weapons are further divided into tiers, with exotic weapons being the highest-ranking tier in the game. What this means is that exotic weapons are, by default, the greatest in the category and are hence the hardest to acquire. To save players some grind, here is a list of the greatest exotic weapons in The Division 2.

7 Nemesis

Nemesis Division 2

The Nemesis is a devastating, low-rate-of-fire sniper rifle in The Division 2. Unlike most sniper rifles in the game, the Nemesis has to be charged up before it can fire. Additionally, players can mark enemies before shooting for extra damage.

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Ideal for marksmen players that hunt from afar, the Nemesis is a weapon that encourages long-ranged shooting. While a weapon such as this one calls a specific playing style and unlearning conventional sniping rules, the payoff is more than worth it, since a well-placed shot with the Nemesis is guaranteed to be among the game's most satisfying kills.

6 Chatterbox

Chatterbox Division 2

The Chatterbox is an exotic P90 SMG in The Division 2. Besides being the coolest-looking SMG in the game, the Chatterbox features a quick rate of fire and an extended mag that holds 60 rounds. Both of these features make it a viable weapon for almost any type of player.

From sprayers to those with a precise aim, the Chatterbox is rewarding at mid to short-range. There is not much to say here, besides the fact that the Chatterbox is an exceptionally powerful weapon that will shred through enemies in both PvP and PvE encounters. Pairing it with a support build will lead to excellent results given the nature of the weapon. The 3 piece Empress is a great set to pair with the Chatterbox.

5 Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams division 2

Sweet Dreams does precisely what its name implies, putting even the largest of enemies to sleep very quickly. It's an exotic shotgun that dishes out a lot of damage very quickly.

With the right customization, this weapon is ideal for tackling enemies with larger health bars. While it has a very low drop rate, those who are lucky enough to acquire it have a powerhouse that can rip through anything. Players looking to play with Sweet Dreams should consider a support type of build. Sweet Dreams will more than makeup for any damage lost in a build of this kind. A 4-piece True Patriot alongside the Setup backpack and grenades will make for an excellent Sweet Dreams build that will greatly aid any team during PvE.

4 Liberty

Liberty Division 2

While the Liberty has a few use case scenarios, it is arguably the greatest pistol one can equip alongside a shield in The Division 2. Given its high damage and punching power, when paired with a shield it makes for an optimal tank build in the game.

Not only does it complement the shield greatly but it does an excellent job on the offensive. Headshots with the Liberty have very high damage. For liberty, players should go with a hybrid tank/support build. The Memento Backpack, Hunter's Fury set alongside cores that boost health will make for a very strong build that fully utilizes the power of Liberty.

3 Pestilence

Pestilence Division 2

Pestilence is a ludicrous LMG that does everything fans of LMGs would want from one. Beyond its high rate of fire and near impeccable mag size, Pestilence features a devastating talent known as 'Plague Of The Outcasts'.

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What this talent does is it triggers a debuff on whoever gets hit that deals 100% increased damage on every shot that connects. Upon death, a debuffed enemy transfers it to the closest living enemy. All in all, what this means is that players get a weapon that is a killing machine. Due to its offensive nature, players are encouraged to go for a DPS build when playing with Pestilence. For this, going with the Hunter's Fury set alongside damage-boosting attributes will be a very complementary build.

2 Lady Death

Lady Death Division 2

Lady Death is the greatest SMG for those who love an all-out attacking playing style in The Division 2. This is due to its powerful talent called 'Breathe Free'. This gives players stacks as they move, which leads to a 75% damage increase per shot. Each stack is consumed upon a shot fired.

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Besides this, the talent also increases the player's running speed each time they get a kill. In sum, Lady Death encourages players to adopt an extreme run-and-gun style of playing. Due to its quick nature, players should aim to get the Coyote Mask, Ceska Chest, and cores that increase armor regeneration and health.

1 Eagle Bearer

Eagle Bearer

Eagle Bearer is a powerful exotic assault rifle in The Division 2. What makes it such a powerful weapon is its well-roundedness, range, big mag size, and powerful talents. Eagle Bearer is a weapon where the accuracy increases as players shoot, which favors a long-ranged style of gameplay.

This is aided by this weapon's high range. The 'Eagle's Strike' talent, besides increasing accuracy as shots are fired, grants the tenacity buff upon headshots. Tenacity increases the damage of the Eagle Bearer greatly. All these factors come together to make the Eagle Bearer one of the best assault rifles in The Division 2.

The Division 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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