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In The Devil in Me, Supermassive Games decided to expand the game in the Curator's Cut, unlike in previous The Dark Pictures Anthology titles. This means that players will get additional scenes if they choose to replay the game again, including more death scenes and entire chapters missing from the original.

One of these scenes is called Party, and it features Jamie looking through an office after getting locked in the pig cooler with Charlie. In order to get through this chapter with all the secrets, players will need to unlock the safe in the office in this survival horror video game.

RELATED: Dark Pictures: Devil in Me - The Real History of H. H. Holmes

The Safe in The Office in Party in The Devil in Me

Unlike previous key code puzzles in The Devil in Me, this one is not easy at all. There is a piece of paper on the table by the safe with a four-digit code, but this is incorrect. Du'Met has updated the code, and it can be found elsewhere.


The First Clue to the Safe's Code

Unlike the fusebox key code solution in The Devil in Me, players will have to complete this in multiple steps. The first hint to the safe's code is on the cork board. Look at the Snake Oil poster, then look to the right. Jamie will focus in on the post-it note in the corner. It will tell players to look to Dr. K for the answer to the safe's updated code.


The Second Hint to the Safe's Code

After players have opened the closet and been "attacked" by the mannequin inside, search the closet. There will be a lounge key on the floor of this tiny room. This will unlock the door in the hallway to the lounge. Once inside, there will be a plaque on the wall to the left; this sign will have the answer to the puzzle, if players can find it.


The Answer to the Safe Code Puzzle

For those players who just want the four-digit code for the safe, here it is. This is the four-digit year listed on the sign from the lounge with Dr. K's name on it. After this, players will need to head back into the lounge and look for more clues to help Jamie get out as well as a The Devil in Me obol coin on the floor of the lounge.


If players did not get to see the chapter Party, and thus can't complete the achievement for collecting all the secrets, they most likely lost Erin earlier in the run. Party will only show up if players save everyone in The Devil in Me up until this point.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.

MORE: Complete Guide to The Devil in Me: Collectibles, Endings, and More