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One of the later chapters of The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me is called Morello. In this section of the game, players wander around the Morello's old suite of rooms at the horror hotel. The characters Kate and Erin are on the lookout for clues to what happened to the whole family, and there are loads of important things to look at in these rooms. But there is a keypad that requires a code to continue through the rest of the suites, and players might be confused as to how to get this door open.

RELATED: Dark Pictures: Devil in Me - The Real History of H. H. Holmes

The Morello Suites in The Devil in Me

After Jamie gets separated from Kate, played by Jessie Buckley, the power goes out, and Kate will find herself in a dark corridor along with Erin if she is still alive. She can enter the rooms at the end of the hallway, and these are the rooms that were once occupied by the Morello family. There are a total of three rooms; the first two are accessible immediately, but the third is locked behind a key code.

The Secret Code to the Morello Suite's Spare Room

There are several hidden The Devil in Me secrets along the way, including a notebook filled with the beginnings of a true-crime book. The important one to finding this code is a sketch pad filled with a schedule. When Kate enters the room, it will be immediately in front of her on a table. Look for the glitter that denotes something she can interact with.


There is a new inventory system in The Devil in Me that has never been used in The Dark Pictures games before, so some players may have forgotten that this is there. Players will need to use the pencil in Kate's inventory to reveal the secret code. The pencil has only been used once before, and that was all the way back in Island, which was the beginning of this game.


For anyone that missed it, the code is 1999. Getting this code is super important, as players cannot complete the game without moving to the next room. Head up to the third room and type this code into the keypad to move on to the third room, where players will find some more evidence and where they will meet up with Jamie if they have saved everyone in The Devil in Me so far.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.

MORE: Complete Guide to The Devil in Me: Collectibles, Endings, and More