Inspired by the story of H.H. Holmes and his “Murder Castle,” The Dark Pcitures: The Devil In Me is the fourth chapter of Supermassive Games’ The Dark Pictures Anthology. The interactive survival horror drama now follows the story of the small film crew Lonnit Entertainment, whose struggles with their Holmes-focused true crime episode gets a breakthrough after an invitation to visit an exact replica at an estate on a remote island.

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Players of The Devil In Me need to control protagonists led by investigative reporter Kate Wilder and director Charlie Lonnit as they try to outwit a killer whose murders are heavily inspired by Holmes. Taking cues from other Dark Pictures games, players rely on logic and quick-time events to outpace this Holmes copycat. However, for more sadistic players, is there a way to let the killer win?

This guide contains significant spoilers, so players should proceed with caution.

How to Kill Erin


Among the cast members of The Devil In Me, Erin has the most number of opportunities to die throughout the game. Players get a sample opportunity to have Erin killed as soon as they enter the replica Murder Castle, but other opportunities could arise where Erin may die. Here are these circumstances:

  • Blackout: After Erin investigates the hallway outside her room, she gets locked in a dark room before Jamie comes to her rescue. She sees a mysterious man who offers her an inhaler in her time of panic. To kill Erin, she must try fighting this person, who stabs her during her attempt.
  • Silver Ash (1): If Erin survives Blackout, she ends up in her bedroom to review her recorder. This eventually leads to the opening of a passage, which she then takes to the Silver Ash Institute. After discovering some rotting animatronics, lights go out and she can either hide or run to the door. To kill Erin, she must run to the door, where she encounters Du’Met and ends with the animatronic doctor stabbing her.
  • Silver Ash (2): After leaving her hiding place to find Du’Met, she gets trapped in a white room. Kate will hear her scream and ends up trapped in a room adjacent to her. Air is draining out on both sides, and Jamie is forced to choose who to kill between Kate and Erin. To kill Erin, Jamie must choose to deliberately kill her by letting her run out of air.
  • Maze: When Erin reunites with Kate and Jamie after Du’Met falls from the roof, he begins pursuing them once more. They eventually get to a Maze, where Erin will be separated from the pack. When the chase transitions to Kate’s perspective, Erin dies if Kate chooses to climb instead of running after barricading the area.
  • Lake: If Erin survives, she’ll get to the lighthouse and ride the boat until Du’Met joins them. He instantly tries to kill Erin, which he successfully does so by impaling her with an axe if she fails her QTE.

How to Kill Charlie


Charlie is the second character among The Devil In Me cast that can get an early death, although it happens a bit later than much of Erin’s circumstances. Here are the points in the game where players can get Charlie killed.

  • Incinerated: When Charlie and Jamie get trapped via a metal gate, they end up in a freezer and faced with a horrific scene. The pair try to escape, but Charlie falls to a trapdoor and passes out. After waking up in the basement, Charlie notices gas entering the room and a mannequin stepping in to open a lighter. The room is lit on fire, and Charlie can either try to open the door or lift up the grate. To kill Charlie, he must try to force his way to open the door.
  • Waste Disposal: If Charlie stays under the grate, he survives until after Du’Met enters and mistakes his burnt overcoat for his remains. He eventually ends up in a dark room that is revealed to have a conveyor belt alongside some grinders. Multiple QTEs can kill Charlie here, alongside a first set wherein a mistake can have him ground to death. If he fails to keep calm in the presence of Du’Met, the latter will also kill him. Lastly, if he decides to go back, he’ll fall into the grinder and die.
  • Hotel Grounds (1): If Charlie survives the encounter with Du’Met, he gets up from the basement and makes his way to the hotel grounds after hearing Mark’s screams. After reuniting with Mark, he’s informed of the plan to go to the lighthouse to signal for help. In the warehouse, Du’Met catches up with them. Charlie can die if he fails to hide, wherein Du’Met guts him and strings him to a meat hook.
  • Hotel Grounds, Cliffside (2): Should Charlie hide from Du’Met, he and Mark have to cross an unsteady beam. Charlie dies if he fails this balance check.
  • Lake: When Charlie and the others get to the lighthouse, they use the death of an unfortunate police officer as a means to start a boat to escape. Du’Met manages to follow them for a final showdown. Charlie can die by having his head chopped off.

How to Kill Jamie

Jamie in the Glass Trap

Jamie in The Devil In Me is perhaps the most pragmatic and self-aware among the cast. Despite her bravery, players who control her can unfortunately make her “miss” some timings that would inevitably end up in her demise:

  • Observation Room (1): After she and Kate (and possibly Erin) discover the existence of a nerve center that lets Du’Met move around the hotel quickly, she volunteers to bait the latter to trap him in between walls. Multiple QTEs can determine whether Jamie escapes the killer. Failing will have Du’Met catch Jamie and eventually stab her in the back.
  • Observation Room (2): If Jamie makes it past the wall, Du’Met continues the pursuit until she and Kate are separated. They end up in a room with a glass wall between them, with a button determining who gets crushed. To kill Jamie, she must have either given the screwdriver to Kate or lost it in the chase with Du’Met. That way, players can make Jamie sacrifice herself and get crushed.
  • Rooftop: If Jamie survives the glass wall, she and her companions still get pursued by Du’Met. They eventually get to a rooftop where she is caught by Du’Met. She asks Kate for help, and Jamie will die if she refuses.
  • Forest Path, Homestead: After Kate and Jamie push Du’Met off a cliff, they reunite with Erin before the villain pursues them again. The pair make it to a farmhouse where a dog, Connie, is making noise, which attracts Du’Met’s attention. Not killing Connie will have the villain discover her. Jamie can also ask Kate for help, but Du’Met will kill Jamie.
  • Lake: Jamie can join the team as they escape via the boat from the lighthouse, but Du’Met catches up to them. If she doesn’t jump, Jamie dies as a gas tank drills her chest.

RELATED: The Devil in Me: Where to Find All Inventory Items

How to Kill Mark


While Kate is arguably the character with the most playability, Mark is more difficult to kill. In cases where he’s caught by Du’Met, Mark somehow manages to find ways of getting out. This is eventually explained with his relevance to the rest of the game’s plot. However, there are ways of killing Mark to get the worst ending:

  • Lake (1): In the first set of QTEs in the boat when fighting Du’Met, Mark dies by getting hit by the axe on the back.
  • Lake (2): Another failure in the QTEs against Du’Met will have the villain stab Mark’s throat with the back of his axe.
  • Lake (3): When trying to pull Du’Met with the anchor, a misstep will have the anchor impale Mark’s chest.

How to Kill Kate


Kate of The Devil In Me is perhaps the character with one of the fewest death chances throughout the game. Alongside her ex-boyfriend Mark, Kate is the only other character whose opportunities for death come at rather unique moments. In order to kill Kate, players need to do the following in their playthrough of this interactive drama:

  • Observation Room: When Kate manages to close the door, she ends up in a room with a glass wall opposite Jamie. Again, the glass wall can go to either of them. Players can kill Kate by making sure she doesn’t have the screwdriver before sending the wall to her direction.
  • Lake: When Kate and her friends jump to the boat to escape, Du’Met catches up to them. In one of the QTEs, the party attempts to use the anchor to bring Du’Met out of the boat. Failing the QTE will snap Kate’s neck.

How to Kill Connie


Throughout the course of the player’s journey in The Devil In Me, they will eventually discover that the Morello family previously owned a dog named Connie. When Kate and Jamie become stuck in the barn, players have the option to save both Jamie and Connie, with the dog even accompanying them as they try to escape via the speedboat. However, there’s a way to kill Connie in the game:

  • Homestead: When Du’Met is chasing Kate and Jamie, they have the option to kill Connie to stop her from barking. Jamie can do this, or Kate can do this after Jamie is killed.
  • The Curator’s Reaction: When meeting the Curator to recap the events of the story, even he will react to the players negatively, stating even he is surprised that players managed to kill the dog.

How to Kill Everyone


Should only Kate and Mark survive (yes, even the dog isn’t spared) the ordeal, the entire “Lake” chapter doesn’t happen. Rather, they get sent straight to Ultimatum. In here, Mark and Kate wake up to a rather unpleasant situation. At this point, Mark has to make a difficult choice.

  • Mark says nothing, refuses the deal: If Mark refuses the deal, Du’Met injects the acid through Kate’s nose and melts her insides. Mark is then suffocated.
  • Mark complies, asks for help: If Mark complies, the scene goes to a spiel where Mark invites the next victim, June Collins, and her family to invite them to the island over the phone. If he asks for help, June thinks it’s a prank call and the pair are killed as though Mark refused to comply.
  • Mark complies: If Mark complies normally, the scene transitions to him welcoming a family to the island in the same way Morello did to them back then. He and Kate book it to the ferry, just like the scene with Morello and his daughter. However, the ferry is revealed to be chained to the island and the pair are pulled back to the island. The final shot is Du’Met aiming at them with a rifle.

How to Kill Everyone At Once

One of the more satisfying ways to complete this achievement is to have everyone survive, therefore bringing players to the climactic finish involving a boat escape in the Lake chapter. As players expect, Du’Met resurfaces for a final showdown like in horror films, forcing gamers to undergo yet another string of quick-time events to ensure Du’Met is eliminated for good. Failing all the QTEs will result in all the characters dying, earning the achievement.

Everyone Dies on Boat

While this does take a long time to happen throughout the playthrough, this approach is exactly like a horror film that subverts a hopeful ending. Not only that, players can also reboot their save and do the QTEs correctly, saving everyone in the boat and earning the Happy Ending Achievement.

The Devil In Me is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: The Devil in Me: All Trophies and Achievements