
  • The Day Before's player count has dropped drastically by 90%.
  • The game's early access launch fell short of high expectations.
  • The substantial drop in concurrent user count, negative reviews, and accusations of false advertising have resulted in a severe loss of player trust.

The Day Before player count has declined by 90%. A wave of dissatisfied players has been voicing numerous complaints about The Day Before, expressing their discontent through negative reviews, refund requests, and simply by ceasing to play the game.

Developed by Fntastic and published by Mytona, The Day Before faced a tumultuous development cycle marked by delays and legal disputes. Hopes were high prior to the game's early access launch, as The Day Before was the most-wanted game on Steam with an impressive following of almost 250,000 players, more than twice the number of followers enjoyed by its competitors. However, when the early access version finally launched, the optimism surrounding its release quickly eroded, revealing a stark contrast between pre-launch anticipation and the harsh reality of player experiences.

The Day Before Removes Video from Its YouTube Channel

The Day Before developer Fntastic deletes one of the game’s early trailers from its YouTube channel following the game’s rocky launch on PC.

SteamDB data reveals a substantial drop in The Day Before's concurrent user count. From its peak at 38,104 users during the launch on December 7, the numbers dwindled to a mere 4,473, marking an almost 90% decrease. On the very day of its launch after its peak, the game lowered to 21,125, and by December 8, the player count plummeted further to 8,659, underscoring a concerning trend. While the game was quickly losing players, The Day Before was also receiving negative reviews on Steam.

The Day Before SteamDB chart

Of the 19,118 Steam reviews, a staggering 15,116 are negative, highlighting a torrent of player discontent. Complaints range from missing features, unfulfilled promises, and technical issues to accusations of being misled and scammed. A major concern has been that The Day Before is not an open-world MMO as advertised, with players upset and requesting refunds. The current dissatisfaction of players has positioned The Day Before among Steam's worst 10 user-reviewed games of all time.

Prior to its early access launch, The Day Before was accused of copying other games. This negative trend has continued to grow, leading to a rocky release with noteworthy consequences; recently, the moderators of The Day Before official Discord server have been forced to shut down the server due to the wave of complaints.

Beyond technical issues, the overwhelmingly negative player feedback suggests a fundamental disconnect between promised features and the delivered product. The developers face an uphill battle in regaining player trust, and the substantial drop in player count raises questions about The Day Before's ability to rebound from its tumultuous early access period and establish itself as an engaging experience in the competitive gaming landscape leading up to its full release.

the day before poster
The Day Before

Following a terrible pandemic, players must survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic world of The Day Before filled with infected monsters and other opportunistic survivors. An MMO and survival game from FNTASTIC, The Day Before boasts an open-world, multiplayer environment where players can scavenge and fight for their lives.

December 7, 2023
Open-World , Zombie