A new video showcasing The Day Before's RTX graphics is giving gamers another sneak peek at the upcoming title from developer Fntastic. In the brief clip, footage from the post-apocalyptic zombie MMO shows what there is to look forward to ahead of The Day Before's release in March.

With The Day Before being just a few months away from its scheduled release date, many gamers are curious to learn more details about the upcoming survival MMO. The game's developer Fntastic has recently been under fire for revealing on its website that the studio relies heavily on volunteer work, which hasn't sat well with many gamers who view the studio's choice as exploitative. Despite the controversy, Fntastic seems to be on target for March, having delayed the game ahead of its original June 2022 release, and have revealed a short showcase of the title's RTX capabilities with a very brief glimpse of gameplay.

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The video, which is only about a minute in length, is a montage presenting different environments ranging from the outside of urban sprawls and suburban neighborhoods to the inside of apartments and claustrophobic basements. With The Day Before being one of 2023's most anticipated games, some who are excited about the zombie survival project might be disappointed in the lack of gameplay in the teaser, though. The trailer showcases a bit of RTX during gameplay, but overall the footage contains mostly glimpses of the world's environments.

Although the RTX footage presented looks beautiful, those who are looking forward to The Day Before may not be pleased with what the teaser has to offer, while others may be satisfied with just a brief glimpse of the game in action. However, the new clip doesn't feel nearly as in depth as Fntastic's development update back in 2021, but this could very well lead many to crave more and keep them excited for the March release. Despite the potential of being left wanting more after viewing the video, the RTX graphics are definitely impressive.

The Day Before has a lot of competition for March when it comes to upcoming horror titles. With the release date drawing closer and closer, it's a little surprising that Fntastic opted to release such a short clip in order to showcase the game's RTX capabilities. After dealing with recent controversy, the developer could have chosen to display more evidence of the game's quality in order to get the studio back in critics' good graces. Whatever the reasoning is for Fntastic to release such a limited preview, many are curious to find out if The Day Before will be the next big name in the zombie survival genre.

The Day Before is set to release on March 1 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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