Star Trek is a renowned science fiction franchise, which began as a quirky, yet beloved TV series in the 1960s. The series spans a multitude of TV shows, films, games, books, and other forms of media. Star Trek takes audiences where no one has gone before, and the clever writing of the show allows for deeper themes to be explored and understood through subtle context.

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What makes the franchise fascinating is the many films on Star Trek’s belt. The format between TV and film can be vastly different, with the latter focusing on action and a large budget. Out of the many films, only some can be regarded as the best of what Star Trek has to offer.

9 Star Trek: Generations

jean luc picard and james t kirk

With Star Trek: Generations, audiences are introduced to a new cinematic changing of the guard. The crew of the Enterprise from The Next Generation lead their first feature film but seem unable to begin their adventures on a cinematic scale without the original Star Trek cast physically passing the torch.

The film takes the audiences of Star Trek and The Next Generation and pairs them up for a buddy adventure between Captain Picard and Captain Kirk, the latter, who had been trapped in the mysterious Nexus for years. Sadly, Picard and Kirk’s bond should be the crux of the film but lacks major scenes to create a friendship.

8 Star Trek: Beyond

kirk new uniform in star trek beyond

Following the rebooted timeline of Star Trek, Kirk and company embark on a tonally different mission from the first two films. Star Trek: Beyond provides audiences with a sci-fi adventure, filled with big-budget action. The scope of the film, including the music, feels like the series’ attempt at Marvel Studios Guardians of the Galaxy.

Compared to the first two films, Beyond feels more like a side quest than the main adventure. This comes from the many talented actors in their respective roles embarking on their own “quests” in the film. However, the chemistry between Spock and Bones is a treat.

7 Star Trek: The Motion Picture

star trek original crew in the motion picture

After the original series of Star Trek was canceled in 1969, a decade would pass until the crew returned to action. Star Trek received its motion picture debut, with the original cast returning onboard the Enterprise. The Motion Picture deserves respect, for even being in a post-Star Wars world, it doesn’t attempt to replicate its rival’s success.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a slow-building film, one that seems more inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey than 1977’s Star Wars. The film’s story is a reunion of favorite characters, as well as dialogue heavy, and filled with intrigue for whatever the villain may be.

6 Star Trek (2009)

star trek reboot spock and kirk

The sophisticated sci-fi franchise was reborn with 2009’s reboot. After saying goodbye to the experienced crew of the Enterprise in Star Trek6, fans of the series were boldly optimistic about the rebooted cast. The talent of the reboot shined, and each character brought the personality of the old cast to life, with a flare of something new.

2009’s Star Trek lent itself to the action scene, with bold visuals, well-written humor, and a strong story for fans of old Trek and new to like equally. The film takes a novice crew of the Enterprise, and shows audiences a more modern Trek, for audiences of the 21st century.

5 Star Trek 3: The Search For Spock

star trek 3 crew in normal clothes

Without feeling like an echo of a Star Trek episode, Star Trek3: The Search For Spock has the impossible task of being a superior film to its predecessor. Although, Star Trek3’s strength, it does not attempt to do so, but instead, places the crew of the Enterprise on the pedestal, without an enemy to focus on.

Still reeling from the loss of their comrade, Spock, the Enterprise’s relationship with each other is center stage. The cast has never felt stronger, and their friendships shine through this stunning motion picture. The team of the Enterprise works together tirelessly and against all odds to save their fallen friend.

4 Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country

kirk from star trek 6

Star Trek6: The Undiscovered Country, is a curtain call to the original crew of the Enterprise. It’s a beautiful cinematic send-off to the characters audiences have grown to love for the past 30 years. The plot itself is character-driven and filled with mystery. There are clever parallels to the closing of the Cold War, with a brewing peace treaty between the Federation and the Klingons signaling the end of a conflict that has reaped lives for too long.

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The film is somewhat a personal journey for Kirk, who must put aside his hatred for the Klingons that he holds responsible for the death of his son, and instead, seek the prosperity of peace amongst civilizations. It’s a grand goodbye to one of science fiction’s most famed crew.

3 Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home

spock and kirk on a past earth

What makes Star Trek4: The Voyage Home not only a great Star Trek movie, but one of the greatest is the fact that it is not afraid to have its own identity. Instead of having the Enterprise crew embarking on an action-packed adventure, filled with torpedos and phaser beams, they go back in time, to go save some whales.

The plot, on the surface, seems entirely ridiculous, but that’s what makes it worse. To see the Enterprise crew in a lighthearted and fun setting is entirely enjoyable, and a refreshing look at the audience’s favorite crew. The Voyage Home features the cast getting into some eccentric situations, and it’s fun for everyone.

2 Star Trek: First Contact

picard and data with guns

Setting a course to the destruction of the Borg is no easy task, but one that Captain Picard has been obsessing over to an unhealthy degree. Ever since Picard’s humanity was stolen from him, he has been angry, and not thinking straight. Star Trek: First Contact is the climax of the Borg, and Picard’s acceptance of old demons.

There are some great moments in First Contact, whether they are filled with action, fun, or character-driven opportunities. First Contact is a rewarding viewing experience for fans of The Next Generation, as it is filled with excitement, visual spectacle, and an engaging premise.

1 Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Khan

star trek 2 enterprise crew

Star Trek2: The Wrath of Khan may well be the cliché choice, but it’s for very good reason. The Wrath of Khan is not only the best of what Star Trek has to offer regarding its cinematic entries, but it is a masterful film in general. It’s a great sci-fi flick that doesn’t slow down, and Khan is a truly threatening villain to the characters.

There’s an intensely strong plot, the tension that seems unending, and a great supporting cast. The film is filled with anguish for the Enterprise and a dramatic entry into the immortal friendship between James T. Kirk and Spock. The Wrath of Khan features an emotional crux yet to be topped in the Star Trek franchise.

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