The Batman is kindling more audience anticipation as its release casually approaches into view with two brand-new posters. The latest posters provide a more detailed look at Robert Pattinson's Caped Crusader and his capricious partner, Zoe Kravitz's Catwoman. The posters serve a unique purpose, hinting at an element that audiences can expect to see from the newest Matt Reeves endeavor.

The first new poster for The Batman showcases the dynamic duo, deemed 'The Bat and the Cat.' The masked vigilante himself stands alongside the skillful Selena Kyle as they look over a tainted Gotham City amidst an orange backdrop. Their relationship has generated whispers in several promotional elements for the film, but the new poster further underlines the notion that their connection will be a significant focus of the narrative. The Batman trailer released by Warner Bros. focused on their collaboration with one another, where Kyle stated, "If we don't stand up, no one will." The Riddler, played by Paul Dano, has risen as the plague rooting within Gotham, prompting the two vigilantes to form an unusual team to bring his actions to an end.

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The second poster, both released by Twitter Movies, focuses more on the Caped Crusader himself, revealing a close-up look of Bruce Wayne donning his iconic mask. The poster is crisp with the details it exhibits, emblazoned with the phrase "unmask the truth" atop the vigilante's head. Trailers have indicated that The Riddler seeks to unmask the truth about the "cesspool" that is Gotham City, hinting that Wayne has a part to play as well. The possible connection perplexes Wayne, who slowly begins to lift the veil from the shadows of his past. The Riddler is a physical threat for Batman and a psychological one, which screams on the poster. Deep within the vigilante's eye, one can see the image of a green question mark, highlighting the room the villainous antagonist takes up in Batman's mind.

The Batman (Poster #1)
The Batman (Poster #2)

The posters also include the highly discussed rating given to the film by the Motion Picture Association. The Batman was rated PG-13 and ushered in a slew of comments ridiculing the decision. The trailers presented a darker and more violent take on the classic narrative, sparking enthusiasm that the film would hold no punches. Unfortunately, The Batman's rating conveys a different message, but it doesn't mean the film won't explore more profound levels of physical and psychological brutality within the Caped Crusader. Warner Bros. doesn't want to alienate the film's most aggressive demographic, thus making the rating beneficial. These posters are the first time the PG-13 rating has sat in the film's promotions, which means things are finalizing and creeping closer into view.

Things are ramping up as the film floats closer toward its theatrical release. Warner Bros. focuses heavily on the connection between Batman and Catwoman in its promotions, hoping the pair will attract as many eyes to the theater as possible. The Batman came in third on a recent Fandango poll, asking audiences to select their Top 10 most anticipated films in 2022. With the recent success of Spider-Man: No Way Home and Scream, it's not farfetched to assume that The Batman will perform well at the box office. The pandemic is an ongoing issue, but audiences have shown that they will show up for films they are eager to experience.

More promotional elements are sure to rise in the upcoming weeks, providing even more details to an already cryptic story. Will this new take by Reeves meet or exceed the expectations The Dark Knight unintentionally placed in the minds of audiences? Time will certainly tell, but the lead-up to The Batman has been a frenzy like no other.

The Batman will arrive in theaters on March 4, 2022.

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Source: Twitter Movies/Twitter