The Batman is looking like it might be one of the best superhero movies of 2022. There haven't been many this year, but the aggregates are through the roof. Whether all fans agree with those scores remain to be seen, but the caped crusader is certainly raking in the gold at the box office.

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What should viewers take away from their experience with The Batman? Is it the best movie in the live-action franchise? Will some scenes or quotes live in infamy like Batman and Robin'slitany of ice puns, or The Dark Knight's many catchphrases from The Joker? There aren't many, but there are still some fun quotes worth noting. There will be spoilers.

8 “They Think I’m Hiding In The Shadows, But I Am The Shadows”

The clown gang from The Batman

This is one of the earliest lines said by Batman in the movie. It’s when he is narrating how he has to stalk his prey carefully. He says this just before appearing to that clown gang in the rain.

The idea that criminals are afraid of shadows is why Batman is a cool character. That is his goal. He will hurt villains if he has to, but he does it to set an example. “Fear me for I may be everywhere.” That is an example of what he may be thinking.

7 “Oh, This Guy Is Hilarious”

Gordon and Batman from The Batman

This line is said by Gordon right after he and Batman discover the thumb drive. The Riddler made a quite literal thumb drive wherein he attached the mayor’s thumb to a digital device.

It was needed to unlock the next part of the puzzle. The way Gordon says it is great. It’s one of those lines that show Gordon is clearly over his head. He wants to stop normal criminals as any cop or detective would. Who has the time for supervillains that are punny?

6 “Is That The Mayor, Oh Sh*t It Is”

The Penguin from The Batman

This is something The Penguin says when Batman is interviewing him about the murder of the mayor. He’s playing it real cool, acting like he doesn’t know anything about the photos in question. One of the biggest revelations in The Batman is that The Penguin’s hideout is like ground zero for all criminal activity in Gotham.

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That’s where Falcone is hiding out. There are even members of the police force moonlighting as bodyguards for the club. It’s about as corrupt of a place as one can get in the seedy underbelly of Gotham.

5 “You Got A Lot Of Cats”

Batman and Selina from The Batman

Batman utters this line when he goes to see Selina at her place. She’s got a great line after this, saying she has a thing for strays. The amount of cats she has doesn’t compare to Batman Returns.

That version of Catwoman seemingly died and then was reborn with cats helping her up. Those first two Batman movies are weird but still fun in their own right. What this scene gets right in The Batman is how Selina is a caring person but only in matters, she deems worthy. Is Batman one of them?

4 “If You Are Justice, Please Do Not Lie, What Is The Price Of Your Blind Eye?”

A Riddler video being broadcast in The Batman

This is one of The Riddler’s best lines in the movie. It can be heard in the first full trailer for The Batman. It’s one of the last questions he asks DA Colson before blowing him up. What he is asking is how much was Colson getting paid to turn his back on justice.

He says only ten grand which seems low. How often was he getting that payment and did everyone in the force get that amount? Whatever the case may be Colson’s answers weren’t good enough for The Riddler to spare his life.

3 “Yeah Man, That’s Your Thing”

Gordon and Batman from The Batman

Batman and Gordon work well together in the movie. Their partnership in past films was not high. Batman would talk to Gordon and then leave. They never worked a case together as much as they do in The Batman.

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Hearing them butt heads on their own ways of justice was great to hear. Gordon says this line to Batman after he tells Gordon not to use guns. Presumably, Gordon doesn’t want to kill people either, but he knows that sometimes guns are necessary especially in this city since masked vigilantes are common in Gotham.

2 “See, I Told You”

Batman from The Batman

One of the best reoccurring bits in the film starts with Batman visiting the Penguin’s club. This is where he first interviews him over the photos he gathered as evidence. The doorman would not let him in. Instead, he fetches his twin and says, “See, I told you.”

It’s like they were making bets whether Batman would politely knock on a door. This joke comes back when Bruce wants to get in. The twins have the same exchange but this time it doesn’t end in violence. If only they knew Bruce and Batman were the same people.

1 “I’m Vengeance”

The Riddler from The Batman

There are two characters that say this line in The Batman. The first is Batman. It’s his response to the clown gang member that attacks Batman at the beginning of the movie. The second character to speak it is one of The Riddler’s cronies.

This is the better utterance of the line. After he is unmasked in the shelter scene, someone asks who he is. His response is, “I’m vengeance.” The reason why this line is repeated is to show that The Riddler and Batman both believed their justice to be true. It is a central theme of the movie. Batman just went about things less dramatically dirty.

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