The Addams Family has appeared in comic books, cartoons, CGI, and live-action forms, and their popularity throughout the decades has made it one of the media's few consistently successful franchises. It's not a surprise to see Tim Burton, a director known for his horror and comedy work, looking to reprise the characters and their story yet again. There's already plenty of buzz around the upcoming Netflix series that focuses on the brooding Wednesday, the oldest child in the family.

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They're supposed to be weird, but after watching a few episodes of the Addams Family, the viewer starts to realize that everything about them makes perfect sense. That includes the relationship of the leading couple, Morticia and Gomez, who have what could be the most perfect couple in entertainment history.

6 They Share The Same Values

Ask any marriage counselor, divorce lawyer, or life coach and they'll cite this as the most important factor in keeping a relationship together. Even when they were a sitcom couple during the Golden Age of television, they were always different from their counterparts in other shows in the sense that they didn't provide cheap entertainment with petty bickering or fights based on silly misunderstandings.

It's not only the dynamic of their relationship that's in equilibrium, but Morticia and Gomez have the same ideas when it comes to raising their kids, organizing their home, and spending their money. They're also equally matched when it comes to their sex drives, another crucial factor in staying together.

5 Public Displays Of Affection

the-addams-family-CGI cartoon

They don't leave the sanctuary of their home very often, especially in the old show, but it doesn't make a difference to the way they behave together when they do. The classic show displayed Gomez as more demonstrative than the demure Morticia, but modern interpretations of the couple have evened this out.

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As romantically inclined as Morticia is towards Gomez, she's still a pure Goth, and that means few cracks can show in her pale facade. Gomez is one of the few people that can break that shell, and being a warm and outgoing person himself, they form a nice balance.

4 The Adorable Pet Names

moriticia and gomez adams 1993 movie the addams family

The obvious affection that Morticia and Gomez have for each other is expressed in their nicknames, which are sweet and endearing without being cringeworthy. Instead of typical pet names like sweetheart or darling, or something that would just be embarrassing like "snookums" they've chosen terms of endearment that are unique but not weird.

It seems like a couple who lives in the kind of Gothic environment would have nicknames for each other that reflect the same aesthetic, but Morticia and Gomez sound more like old-world Europeans with their adorable but classy French and Spanish terms. "Cara mia" and "mon cher" are very simply translated into English equivalents like "my dear" but sound meaningful when they pass between these two dedicated lovers.

3 Rich, Classy, And Fearless


Despite their confidence, wealth, and devil-may-care attitude, the Addams never harass or intimidate anyone with their dark Gothic ways. In fact, anyone who sneers at their lifestyle will simply get their own smug attitude thrown back in their own faces and learn the hard way that it's better to mind one's own darn business.

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For the most part, the Addams family keeps to themselves until someone crosses them, quietly enjoying their home and vast estate, but when provoked both Morticia and her husband can be fierce and unforgiving enemies. As the family saying goes, "We Would Gladly Feast On Those Who Would Subdue Us" and as Morticia so deftly explains, these are not just pretty words but the credo she and her spouse live by.

2 A Satire Of Conventional Marriage

Addams Family mansion

This was always hinted at in the classic show, but the viewer didn't see other couples compared to Gomez and Morticia as often back then. Writers had to tiptoe around subjects surrounding marriage, sex, and other social issues in the early days, but as the Addams Family stepped into the modern era, their commentary on social hypocrisy would get sharper.

The movies in the 1990s, The Addams Family and the sequel, Addams Family Values, made these kinds of social differences and more central part of the plot even though it repeated a lot of the same plot points from the first movie. Some of the jokes were even more daring at this point, riding the success of the first movie and competing publically with "politically correct" culture.

1 No Money Problems

addams family vault 1993 film screenshot

The greatest relationship in the world can still fall prey to the most deadly conundrum of all, and that's financial difficulty. As far as Morticia and Gomez are concerned, however, this isn't something they need to be concerned about. It gives them an advantage from the start that not every couple has.

The finances of the family were never explained or even asked about in the earlier show and cartoons. The movies in the 1990s revealed a vast fortune in an underground vault that could sustain them, work free, for generations. How this money is generated isn't explained, but Gomez and Morticia seem to come from old families and probably inherited a lot at a young age. Like Gomez once casually revealed, "I didn't hate my mother, it was an accident." Morticia is an understanding woman that shares his enthusiasm and doesn't judge him.

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