Developer Fool's Theory is perhaps best known for its forthcoming remake of CDPR's first game in The Witcher franchise, as it has often been a support studio for others, but that may soon change. The Polish developer is also working on an original IP called The Thaumaturge: a supernatural, narrative-driven RPG experience. But unlike The Witcher, which takes place in its fantasy universe and has been fleshed out by multiple adaptations of Andrzej Sapkowski's books, The Thaumaturge features a supernatural take on history.

Originally teased as "Project Vitriol" back in 2019, The Thaumaturge is a magic mystery CRPG following the titular Thaumaturge, Wiktor, as he is drawn back to his hometown of Warsaw. Wiktor can forge pacts with supernatural entities known as Salutors, who play roles in the game's combat, investigative mechanics, and narrative, which will see him literally and figuratively confronting his demons. Game ZXC recently spoke with Fool's Theory design director Karolina Kuzia-Rokosz about its initial development, how other projects influenced the studio's work, and more. The following transcript has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Q: How did the development of The Thaumaturge begin? Did Fool’s Theory start with thaumaturgy as a mechanical system, a narrative premise, a vehicle for exploring Warsaw, or maybe something else entirely?

A: At the very beginning, The Thaumaturge was a completely different concept, but at its core, it was always meant to be a story about a 'magician' and his otherworldly minions. Throughout various prototypes of mechanics, we attempted to determine the essence of what the game should truly be. Collaborating with 11 bit studios, we extensively discussed our aspirations for the title—whether the early mechanics resonated with us and conveyed the desired atmosphere. We began by refining how players interact with the game (the easier part) before delving into decisions about the setting and methods to convey the engaging and mature story (which is undeniably the more challenging aspect of the job).


Q: What was the most challenging aspect of developing The Thaumaturge? Can you share any special moments that occurred during development? Turning points or breakthroughs that helped define the game?

A: Creating a brand-new IP always presents a challenge akin to reinventing the wheel. You must familiarize yourself with the characters, the unfolding story, the desired player interactions, and every other aspect. This phase of the project is both exciting and infuriating—you generally know what you want to achieve but are unsure of how to do it. It's a search for the identity of those bits and pieces that will ultimately create a consistent experience for players. A pivotal moment occurred when we settled on the setting, though I must admit that initially, we chose a different year than 1905 for the events to unfold. After some time and continuous research, we adjusted the game's timeline slightly forward, as it became evident that the late summer of 1905 provided the perfect backdrop for our vision. Once the timeline is set, there are specific events you can rely on and relate to. In the end, this sets the stage for the story of The Thaumaturge.

Q: What was working with Unreal Engine 5 like? How did the engine benefit The Thaumaturge?

A: Given that our previous project, Seven: The Days Long Gone, and its DLC, Drowned Past, were both developed using Unreal Engine 4, we were already acquainted with the technology and tools. Later, we could enhance and improve them to better serve their purpose in The Thaumaturge. Unreal Engine offers excellent features for creating non-linear, narration-heavy games.

Q: What influences went into composing the musical score of The Thaumaturge?

A: We aimed to create mysterious, grim, yet witty tunes that accompany our equally witty character, Wiktor, in his adventures. We invested in folk influences from the Warsaw of 1905, a multicultural, diverse, and dangerous city. Polish, Jewish, and Russian tunes intertwine and meld together in the brew we've prepared for you. We joined forces with the amazing Sutari and Hélène Quartet. Their talents and mesmerizing voices completed our tunes in the best possible way.

Q: How important was it to the team that The Thaumaturge’s setting takes place in Poland given that it’s Fool’s Theory’s home base?

A: We care about telling stories that feel close to us, narratives that could be true given certain circumstances, resonating with what we know, and what we've learned, or experienced. Placing the game's action in a location where some of us used to live or still live is our way of expressing how we perceive our reality. We believe that real-life Poland remains somewhat unexplored in the realm of video games, so we aim to shed light on our history, places, and people—inevitably gone, but not forgotten.


Q: The CRPG genre has been having a bit of a renaissance recently between the widespread acclaim of Disco Elysium and the recent success of Baldur’s Gate 3. How did the experience assisting with Divinity: Original Sin 2 and BG3 translate to the development of The Thaumaturge?

A: I believe that through our collaboration with Larian, we've had the opportunity to learn from extremely talented developers—masters of their craft. While The Thaumaturge may not be as extensive or intricate as Larian's productions, we share similar principles and dedication when it comes to telling our stories.

Q: Fool’s Theory also assisted People Can Fly’s Outriders with level design and programming support. Although it is a drastically different game, has anything from Outriders influenced Fool’s Theory’s approach to The Thaumaturge?

A: I would say no, those two projects do not have a lot in common.

Q: Do you think The Thaumaturge could be a good primer for players ahead of The Witcher Remake, also in development at Fool’s Theory?

A:The Witcher is an established IP, whereas The Thaumaturge is just embarking on its journey. These titles differ in their construction, but they share a common goal of telling impactful stories in vibrant and believable worlds. Through the narrative of The Thaumaturge and our approach to delivering it, we aspire to leave players craving more stories in the future.

Q: What would be the most important thing for RPG fans interested in The Thaumaturge to know before diving in?

A: Within the confines of the defined character, there is still plenty of room to shape your own story and find your unique voice. Additionally, in this world, you have the choice of whether your vices become a burden or a weapon.


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The Thaumaturge

The Thaumaturge is a story-driven RPG set in 1905 Warsaw, Poland. Players take on the role of Wiktor, who can see entities called Salutors that normal humans cannot. It features isometric gameplay, turn-based combat, morally ambiguous choices, unique character development features, investigation mechanics, and much, much more.

March 4, 2024
Fool's Theory
11 Bit Studios
Adventure , RPG