One of the most exciting parts of Texas Chain Saw Massacre is how players can customize their characters. These types of cosmetic and gameplay customizations can alter the experience in the genre as the game hopes to be a big change from Dead By Daylight.

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But as players first join teams for either the victims or the family, they'll notice that they can't customize their characters right away. Texas Chain Saw Massacre gives players a message that says, "This feature is currently locked. Play more to unlock." Yet there is no text that tells gamers exactly how much more they have to play.

How To Unlock Loadouts & Skills

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Customizing At Level Five
  • Get the player profile to level five.
  • Gamers can use any victim or family member to accrue profile experience points.

It will take several matches to get to level five. Since the characters will be so much weaker without any skills, boosted attributes, or selected perks, this does mean that many newcomers will be losing most of their games until hitting level five. Playing with friends can alleviate this difficulty some but not entirely.

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The good news is that by the time players hit level five, they'll have accumulated a healthy stash of skill points to invest in any player. Choose a favorite victim and customize the character until it feels just right. After that, the game's difficulty eases up.

Those interested in playing the role of an antagonist can also reset their skill trees and all those skills will carry over to one of the best family members. Eventually, players will have so many hit points that they can have multiple maxed-out characters and be ready for anything. At first, don't be afraid to leave and rejoin matches until the preferred character is available. Or ask a teammate to trade characters, everybody playing their best will help the entire team.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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