
  • Communication is key: Alert fellow family members if a victim tries to escape or if a trap has been set off. Coordinate efforts to prevent the victims from getting away.
  • Lock doors: Always lock doors to make it harder for victims to escape. Don't give them an easy route to an escape exit.
  • Feed Grandpa: Remember to keep Grandpa fed with blood. He's a valuable asset to the family, so don't neglect him.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre game gives fans of the franchise the choice of 5 different family members to play with. There's Leatherface, Hitchhiker, and The Cook from the original 1974 classic movie, and two new murderous characters, Johnny and Sissy, created especially for the game version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

RELATED: Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Best Build For Leatherface

It can be a gratifying experience to fire up that iconic chainsaw, and chase victims around the different locations on the farm. Or to hear dialogue from original actor Edwin Neal, as he reprises his role as Hitchhiker, as the player hacks and slashes through multiple victims. But fans need to remember that, as formidable as these killers can be, they are also susceptible to making mistakes, especially as the victims in the game possess a number of different abilities.

Lack Of Communication

Horror Games 2023 Texas Chainsaw Massacre

It's good to talk, and communicating is an absolute must if the family members want to hold onto their prized meat. If the killer spots a victim trying to escape, it is important to alert the other family members to this, and they can endeavor to stop this from happening.

Or maybe a trap has been set off, and other members of the killer crew need to be informed of this. The victims will make mistakes, but don't let them get away with these errors in judgment. Communication is one of the advantages and joys of playing with friends in a match.

Failing to Lock Doors

victim tries to escape the basement

If doors aren't locked, it gives the victim an easier route towards an escape exit. Players should always lock doors behind them as it's not enough to just shut the door.

Of course, it is possible for a victim to pick a lock with one of the handy tools available to them, but it can be time-consuming. It's not just about killing as a family member, they must prioritize making the property as difficult to escape from as possible.

Not Feeding Grandpa

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Grandpa

Leatherface is the worst offender for not feeding Grandpa, which is a surprise as he's the most famous killer in the franchise.

RELATED: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: How To Feed Grandpa

As fans of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre will be aware, Grandpa is one hungry old man. The family members need to keep him topped up with blood if he's going to be of any use to them. It's a big mistake if he's left hungry for too long.

Hitchhiker and Sissy Being Left Out

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Best Sissy Build Collage

A big mistake to make in a match is to not choose to play with either Hitchhiker or Sissy. The twisted murderers are the only characters in the game who can enter small spaces and crouch down in order to capture the victims.

If a victim enters these areas, it's very difficult for Leatherface, The Cook, or Johnny to venture in there after them. However, the thinly built Hitchhiker and Sissy have no such problem and can follow right behind the victim and end their lives.

Not Using The Killer's Items

leatrherface running with a chainsaw

Certain family members have an unlimited number of items to use throughout the game. For instance, The Hitchhiker has many different traps at his disposal, and The Cook has padlocks galore on his person.

RELATED: Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Best Build For Hitchhiker

Don't make the mistake of not using these items as soon as they are needed. They ensure that the farm is a much deadlier prospect for the victims, as the match commences.

Don't Turn Off The Chainsaw

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Best Leatherface Build Collage

Everyone wants to save on their electricity bills, even sadistic serial killers, but if the player takes on Leatherface, keep the chainsaw on at all times if possible.

Leatherface is able to roam without his chainsaw, but the two are inseparable so don't keep them apart for too long. Turning off the chainsaw does make Leatherface a bit quieter when roaming for victims, but the downside to this is that it takes too long to turn it on and rev it to an acceptable level to hack a victim to pieces.

Not Listening For Survivors

killers and victims in texas chain saw

Not all serial killers are good listeners, but it's something to work on, alongside the urge to slice and dice human flesh. The Cook has the ability to listen very well to the sound of anxious victims trying to escape the property.

RELATED: Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Best Build For Cook

A failure to listen is a failure to prepare for the escape attempts from the victims. They will talk to each other, roam through tall grass, and try to enter locked doors if the killer remembers to lock them. Even if The Cook isn't the serial killer of choice, any of the other family members are able to listen out for escapees.

Don't Make Too Much Noise

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Visual Alarm

It's easy to forget that it's not just the victims who need to stay quiet in the game. In order to not be hacked to bits by Leatherface's chainsaw and the other killer's handy weapons of choice, keep the noise down.

As a killer, it's not a good idea to march around the property like a bull in a china shop. Victims in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre will be alerted to the approaching family member. Chainsaws aside, it's probably best to keep the noise to a minimum.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is available for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

MORE: Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Pro Tips For Family Members