
  • The family members in Texas Chain Saw Massacre have a significant advantage in chasing down victims and controlling escape routes.
  • Leatherface, the iconic character, is actually the weakest and can easily be avoided by victims with headphones on.
  • Some family members, like Hitchhiker and Cook, have abilities that make them highly effective in locking down areas and locating victims.

The ruthless family members have the upper hand in Texas Chain Saw Massacre, able to end most matches after just a few minutes of chasing. When experts understand the maps and layouts, they can essentially keep every escape locked down while making extra side trips to go hunting.

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Some of these family members reinforce that advantage, showing opponents why they're so difficult to stop. But other selections in Texas Chain Saw Massacre tend to give away this advantage, allowing victims to escape because of an inferior skill set and ability.

5 Leatherface

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Leatherface Customization Page



Blood Harvesting




  • Ability: Maim

Unfortunately, the game's most iconic character is also its weakest. He's useless at keeping Grandpa fed, only useful for chasing down victims. But he's slow and very loud, so victims can easily avoid him just by having their headphones on.

His skill, Maim is often used to break down doors but this takes a long time and seems ignorant that keeping victims locked behind doors is a big perk; opening doors makes valuable noise. Worse still, Leatherface is required for every game so it's worth getting used to playing with him as a regular family member.

4 Sissy

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Sissy Customization Page



Blood Harvesting




  • Ability: Bane

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Like Leatherface, Sissy makes noise as she runs around. Her song is pretty but only slightly less noisy than the chain saw Leatherface uses so prepare for victims to easily dodge Sissy's pursuit. Bane allows Sissy to poison items that victims pick up but this has three major issues.

The first is that Ana, one of the game's worst victims, is completely immune to poison. The second issue is that most victims find the tools they need early, so poisoning lots of tools is often a waste of time. Finally, the poison will hurt a character but rarely kill them, so it still requires a confrontation to get that final blow.

3 Johnny

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Johnny Customization Page



Blood Harvesting




  • Ability: Hunt

Johnny is most lethal when he's close to the victims. When playing with friends, see if they can give Johnny a general area to be in. Once he's there, Johnny can use his Hunt ability to track down the victims. Running and hiding doesn't help them since Johnny can see their trail.

2 Hitchhiker

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Hitchhiker Customization Page



Blood Harvesting




  • Ability: Trap

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Once players understand the map, Hitchhiker becomes one of the best family members thanks to his Trap ability. Placed at the right locations, Hitchhiker can lock down several areas that victims simply have to go through. Once the trap springs, he can easily finish off whoever got hit without a struggle.

1 Cook

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Cook Customization Page



Blood Harvesting




  • Ability: Seek

Cook's ability, Seek, is the best ability across all family members, allowing him to locate enemies from any point on the map. His low Endurance might be cause for concern but since he'll always be able to get the jump on victims, his relatively high Savagery means he won't need to be in a prolonged fight, he'll win after just a few strikes. Even if he's hurting, players who use Cook can simply communicate locations to teammates.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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