
  • Texas Chain Saw Massacre differentiates itself from Dead By Daylight with its team of three killers, creating a new dynamic and emphasizing teamwork.
  • Each killer in Texas Chain Saw Massacre has unique abilities, requiring effective communication between teammates to maximize their effectiveness.
  • Unlike Dead By Daylight, Texas Chain Saw Massacre offers multiple ways for survivors to escape, adding replayability and distinguishing itself from its competitor.

For seven years now, Dead By Daylight has had a monopoly on the asymmetrical multiplayer game market. A game that sees a team of four survivors go up against one killer, Dead By Daylight is an extremely simple title on the surface, but a fairly complicated one to master, with plenty of perks, characters, and maps for players to get their head around. And while there have been plenty of competitors over the last few years, like Evil Dead, Friday the 13th, and Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, none have managed to knock Dead By Daylight from its pedestal. But that might be about to change.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre is set to release on August 18, and it has quite the buzz surrounding it. Though it's another asymmetrical horror multiplayer game, Texas Chain Saw Massacre is setting itself apart from Dead By Daylight in a number of ways, and if the recent reviews are anything to go by, these differences make the game one to watch out for, definitely for any fans looking to try something familiar but fresh.

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How Texas Chain Saw Massacre Is Separating Itself From Dead By Daylight


By far the biggest difference between Dead By Daylight and Texas Chain Saw Massacre is the game's number of killers. While Dead By Daylight pits four survivors against just one all-powerful killer, Texas Chain Saw Massacre puts a team of four survivors against a team of three killers. Naturally, this means that Texas Chain Saw Massacre has balanced its teams quite differently from Dead By Daylight. Texas Chain Saw Massacre's killers are a little less effective than those in Dead By Daylight, making teamwork a surprisingly big focus of the competitor.

Each one of Texas Chain Saw Massacre's five killers has a unique ability and their own set of strengths and weaknesses. Players will need to communicate with their killer teammates in order to use these abilities most effectively, otherwise, the survivors can gain the upper hand quite easily. For instance, The Cook's special ability is Seek, which allows him to listen through walls and pinpoint the location of a survivor. While this ability is fairly useful on its own, it becomes truly powerful when paired with someone like Leatherface, who can use his Maim ability to severely injure the targeted survivor. The Family also need to work together to harvest blood from their victims and bring it back to Grandpa in order to locate the survivors more easily.

Much like Dead By Daylight, Texas Chain Saw Massacre's survivors will also have to use teamwork to succeed, but unlike Dead By Daylight, they have some powerful abilities of their own. Each survivor in Texas Chain Saw Massacre also has a special active ability, ranging from the ability to shoulder charge into a killer to briefly stun them to pick a lock much faster. While Dead By Daylight's survivors get perks that grant buffs and bonuses, Texas Chain Saw Massacre's active survivor abilities put a lot more of the action in players' hands.

Another big difference between Dead By Daylight and Texas Chain Saw Massacre is the latter's several different ways to escape. In Dead By Daylight, survivors can only escape as a group by powering up a series of generators and leaving by way of one of two big gates on the edges of the map. Each map of Texas Chain Saw Massacre has at least four different ways for the survivors to escape. After starting in the basement, survivors need to make their way to one of the map's exits, with each one posing a handful of unique obstacles and challenges from electrified fences that need to be shut-off, to doors that need to be pick-locked. This should hopefully add quite a bit of replayability to Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and help it to stand out from Dead By Daylight.

Dead by Daylight is currently available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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