As a poison and trap specialist, Sissy is a fantastic complement to the family in Texas Chain Saw Massacre. With Leatherface required to be in every match, somebody will have to feed Grandpa and assist the family in the basement from the surface.

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Sissy is more than up to the challenge, perfectly happy to take an indirect and supportive approach as the rest of the squad tracks down victims. Poison may not be lethal but it will cripple victims long enough for the rest of the family members in Texas Chain Saw Massacre to polish off those who get hit.

Skill Tree

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Best Sissy Skill Tree

Go right at the first branch and then take the next two left turns on Sissy's skill tree. This route picks up all four of her critical perks for this build. These perks will help the rest of the team so when playing with friends the team should appreciate the investment.

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This route is not particularly heavy on attribute points with only 23 extra points to pick up. But since Sissy shouldn't engage in direct confrontation, she doesn't need many points to do her job. The value of the perks is well worth the sacrifice.


Texas Chain Saw Massacre Best Sissy Perks
  • Universal Donor
  • Dinner Bell
  • Efficient Herbalist
  • Granda Ability - Nobody Escapes Hell

Universal Donor is self-explanatory, giving Sissy more blood to feed Grandpa. Since she's not built for confrontation, she should take on this task and relish it. It's her way of becoming one of the better family members. Dinner Bell will highlight victims that get caught up in one of Sissy's traps, so even if she doesn't kill them, her teammates can seek out and destroy the target.

Efficient Herbalist is pretty critical as well. Sissy will want to poison everything but constantly taking time to craft a new trap for her Bane ability will prevent her from getting the coverage she needs. With a little luck and some help from the Nobody Escapes Hell Grandpa ability perk, she can poison most critical objects that opponents will likely use.


Texas Chain Saw Massacre Increasing Sissy's Blood Gathering
  • Blood Harvesting: +12
  • Endurance: +11

With twelve points in Blood Harvesting, Sissy maximizes this attribute. This will be a huge aid to Leatherface and the other family member as she keeps Grandpa fed and alert. Even the best victims will find themselves needing to hide instead of making a break for it, giving her allies time to hunt.

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The rest of the points should go into Endurance because Sissy will want to run from place to place. So much of her success depends on getting her traps down early. Sprint to get from place to place so that by the time victims escape their chains, the traps are already set.

Ability Modifiers

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Best Sissy Ability Modifiers
  • Level 1: Create Poison Faster
  • Level 2: Increase Poison Duration
  • Level 3: Poison Pickup Locations

If Sissy spends too much time making poisons, she's a burden to the team. Cutting this time down to just three seconds at the first level with Create Poison Faster is important. When victims do get poisoned, the longer the poison lasts, the more time allies get to arrive on the scene, so Increase Poison Duration is a natural next choice.

For the final selection, Poison Pickup Locations is just about mandatory for this build. If Sissy can't poison bone scrap piles or toolboxes, there are some matches where she won't be able to poison anybody since several victim builds utilize these two items exclusively.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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