There is no denying who has the advantage in every game of Texas Chain Saw Massacre. The win rates are badly skewed toward the family and even one victim escaping feels like a rarity. However, the right Ana build can ensure that she's got the best odds of surviving a confrontation.

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Actually, Ana is one of the few characters that can absorb more than a few hits in Texas Chain Saw Massacre. While confronting the family on purpose is almost always a bad idea, Ana can not only survive the encounter but make it to the exit while opponents are wailing on her.

Skill Tree

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Best Ana Skill Tree

By going left three times and then right twice on Ana's skill tree, players get two of Ana's three best perks. It's also important to make sure that one of the random skill nodes gives the Fight Back perk. If players don't get this perk, simply respec along the same path until getting it.

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Ana is very fortunate that this path also gives her a copious quantity of attribute points. When it comes to ranking victims, Ana usually doesn't come out looking so great but after she gets her skill tree fully unlocked along this path, she gets a very creative path to victory.


Texas Chain Saw Massacre Best Ana Perks
  • Fight Back
  • No Sell
  • What Doesn't Kill You

The Fight Back perk is one that almost no victim can use well but Ana can. If she's activated her Pain Is Nothing ability, she can even intentionally take a few hits and then run away. The family member will have no idea but their stamina will be devastated for some time, making them unable to catch her as she scampers off.

No Sell allows Ana to save her ability until the second time she is attacked as it will significantly reduce the first three hits delivered. Finally, What Doesn't Kill You makes Ana extremely powerful, allowing her to heal back all damage she has just taken. When playing with friends, let them know when Ana has been attacked so they can take advantage of the distraction.


Texas Chain Saw Massacre Increasing Ana's Toughness
  • Toughness: +15
  • Endurance: +18

Ana's incredible ability to absorb blows won't mean a thing unless players invest in her Toughness. Max out this skill and get the largest pool of health in the game. The best family members won't be able to kill her even after ten full seconds of trying.

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After this, it's important to go for Endurance over Strength. While Ana's Pain Is Nothing ability helps her tank, it does not help her with damage; she will still lose in a sustained fight against most family members. Endurance will help her run for longer periods of time after these attacks, allowing her to escape even with the full attention of her opposition.

Ability Modifiers

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Best Ana Ability Modifiers
  • Level 1: Quicker Recharge Rate
  • Level 2: Stamina Hit Recovery
  • Level 3: Reduced Damage

The Increase Duration branch is ignored here since Ana should never be sitting there and absorbing hit after hit. The skill already lasts longer enough to survive an encounter so long as Ana runs away afterward. With the Stamina Hit Recovery at level two, she'll have lots of stamina to outrun her attackers.

Reducing the damage to 80% with Reduced Damage at level three is key to this build. Most victims can't survive a single encounter with a family member but Ana doesn't have to worry about getting knocked around a little. Opponents will feel like their attacks do nothing and Ana will have plenty of time to get to safety in the meantime.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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