Tetris is one of the most beloved puzzle games in the industry. After blowing up on the original Game Boy, the series has continued through many iterations, often finding new life with creative interpretations. Tetris Effect is a game that brought Tetris back on modern hardware with unique visuals, becoming a popular version of the classic puzzle title. Now Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the designer of the game, has revealed that his next game is in development.

In response to a tweet celebrating the 19-year anniversary of the game Rez, a music shooter created by Mizuguchi, he thanks all those who have enjoyed his games. He also says that he has moved on to a "totally new adventure," a brand-new project that will follow-up the successful Tetris Effect and its sequel.

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The word "adventure" makes the tweet more interesting, as it could be a hint at what type of game is on the way. Thus far, whether it be Rez,2011's Child of Eden, or Tetris Effect, Mizuguchi's games have been cerebral puzzlers and or rail shooters, often with a focus on music. His wording could mean that the next game will be a new genre, as "adventure" would point to games more in line with a point-and-click adventure, a Telltale style game, or even The Legend of Zelda.

It also could be that Mizuguchi is referring to his own adventure in game development, as each new title he creates is an experience all its own. Whether his next game is an addictive and thrilling new puzzle experience, or something uniquely its own, it should be interesting to see what the creator of Tetris Effect has in store.

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