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Last year, Terraria’s Journey’s End update launched on PC, and console players have been patiently waiting for their chance to enjoy the new content ever since. That wait has just come to an end for some of these fans, as Terraria 1.4 is now available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. As these players start digging into the update, some questions may arise, and one of those questions may be how to zoom in and out on a console controller.

Terraria 1.4: How to Zoom In On PS and Xbox

To get right to it, PlayStation owners that would like to zoom in while playing Terraria 1.4 should hold R1 and press up on the d-pad. Xbox owners will do something very similar, though it is RB that they should be holding before they put in the previously indicated directional input. And when these players wish to zoom back out, they should simply hold the shoulder button that they held before and press down on the d-pad.

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To note, there are some other things that Terraria players can do while they are holding R1/RB on their console controllers. More specifically, pressing left on the d-pad will pull up the full map and pressing right will toggle the minimap. While these operations may not be performed quite as frequently as zooming in and zooming out, it is certainly useful to be aware of how they are executed.

terraria zoom in console

Fans should now be quite familiar with the controls that are available to them on console, and they can get busy exploring the new content. Among that content is Terraria’s NPC Happiness system, which centers around placing characters in their preferred biomes and near neighbors that they like. For those players that are curious, increasing an NPC’s happiness can cause them to sell their goods at a reduced cost and start offering Pylons, which makes it a worthwhile endeavor.

There are also some new bosses in Terraria 1.4, which will put players to the test. While no significant details on these bosses will be provided here, as to avoid any spoilers, it is worth mentioning that players will need to perform some specific actions to spawn them. While zooming in and out are not among those actions, manipulating the camera will be important as players work their way to the bosses, and they should have no trouble doing just that after reading this guide.

Terraria is out now on PC, PS3, Xbox 360, iOS, PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One, 3DS, and Switch.

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