Those familiar with the Long War mod from XCOM 2 and Paradox Games (Stellaris,Hearts Of Iron series) can satisfy their grand strategy itch with the early access release of Terra Invicta. Beginning with a UFO crash landing on the planet, the game starts with a race against other factions to salvage technology, gather strength, and find out what these aliens want. Similar to XCOM, players will investigate alien activity around the globe and expand their influence before taking to the stars and eventually constructing their very own ships.

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The game eventually morphs into an Expanse-like space epic as players garner more control of the solar system and appropriately deal with the alien threat, as well as each other. Instead of taking control of countries, players will helm one of the 7 unique organizations present within the game — Humanity First, the Resistance, the Academy, the Initiative, the Servants, the Protectorate, and Project Exodus. Each faction has a unique take on the alien situation with varying goals that will inevitably clash with others. However, with so many mechanics to work out and understand, which faction should newcomers try out?

4 The Servants

the servants from Terra Invicta grand strategy game

Terra Invicta is no walk in the park. In fact, it might be one of the most challenging grand strategy games on the market. The game immediately throws players into a shadowy political game of subterfuge as factions scramble to control and influence various nations and secure resources. Players must recruit several agents to improve their organization’s standing and strength. Whilst China, Russia, the United States, Europe, and India sport starting armies, space industries, and nuclear arsenals, players may wish to start with the small fish and bring smaller nations into their sphere of influence.

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Enter the Servants. Much like a modern-day doomsday cult, the Servants are a faction that has forsaken their allegiance to humanity, viewing the aliens as saviors here to cleanse their sins and save them. The game recommends this faction to players looking for an easier challenge, as it effectively removes the aliens as adversaries and instead aligns with them.

That said, the Servants stand in direct contrast against factions such as The Resistance and Humanity First, as both factions see the Servants as sell-outs and traitors. Apart from making enemies with 2 factions right off the bat, players who want to welcome their alien overlords with open arms just might find this experience intriguing and perhaps even rewarding.

3 The Resistance

the resistance from Terra Invicta grand strategy game

Essentially playing a more complex game of XCOM, players seeking a less ground-based combat experience and more political intrigue will enjoy this faction to its utmost. The goal of the Resistance is to unite the world together and be able to mount an effective defense against the xeno-threat whilst protecting the world’s populace and keeping them more or less intact.

Much like climate control, players will have to appeal to the world’s leaders and try to convince enough of them that a massive threat is potentially on its way and that everyone needs to prepare for it. For those wanting to relive their glory XCOM days from another angle, this faction is the one to go for.

2 Humanity First

humanity first from Terra Invicta grand strategy game

Similar to the Resistance but ‘willing to go the extra mile,’ Humanity First is a faction for players wanting to see the origins of the ‘Imperium Of Man’ come to fruition. With a hatred for the aliens, Humanity First shares much in common with other fictional organizations, such as Warhammer 40K’s Space Marines and Mass Effect’s Cerberus. Willing to do whatever it takes to purge the alien threat, Humanity First doesn’t care if a few million lives stand in the crossfire.

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Offering interesting and warped event choices, players might be enticed with being able to carry out a few war atrocities to achieve some greater good. Taking it a step further, this faction doesn’t want to only fend the aliens off; it actively wants to destroy the aliens outright, alongside any humans sympathizing with the aliens.

1 The Initiative

the initiative from Terra Invicta grand strategy game

The game’s true Illuminati faction, the Initiative hides in the shadows, observing where the balance of power sways. Seeking to profit from the chaos, players will assume the role of powerful magnates, figures, and corporations operating from the sidelines before striking the victory chord. Not aligned or technically against any faction, the Initiative allows players to keep a low profile as they gather strength whilst other factions openly tear each other apart.

Beginners may also stand to stay ahead of the competition as this faction is guaranteed to strategically benefit no matter who’s ahead or behind. Face it, who doesn't want to play as Elon Musk during an initial alien invasion?

Terra Invicta is currently available in Early Access on PC.

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