Pokemon has remained one of the biggest family-friendly entertainment franchises on the planet since its debut in 1996. A long-running series of beloved RPGs, an immensely popular trading card game, and multiple anime series are just a few of Pokemon's most successful pieces of media, and that's barely scratching the surface. It's nearly impossible for any competitors to reach the same heights as Pokemon, but that hasn't stopped Temtem from trying - and Xbox Game Pass could allow it to reach a much bigger audience.

First appearing as a Kickstarter all the way back in June 2018, Temtem had a bold and clear vision: to be a Pokemon MMO. The Kickstarter gained traction pretty quickly, and the game was soon funded. After a while in early access, the developer has finally launched Temtem's 1.0 update, and has brought the game to consoles. With the inherent popularity of Temtem's premise, and the following its already accrued, it seems like the perfect game to bring to Xbox Game Pass for all parties involved.

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Temtem Should Come to Xbox Game Pass

Temtem - Battle

Temtem's overall gameplay loop is exactly how the title was originally described. Players will drop into Temtem's colorful world of the Airborne Archipelago, a nation of six floating islands, and will set about on their journey to become the best Temtem tamer in the land. Players will be walking into bushes to trigger encounters, capturing adorable little Temtem creatures and training them to become stronger by battling with other tamers. But the big hook of Temtem is that most of the tamers players will see in the overworld are all other real-world players.

Being an MMO, Temtem allows players to work together to take down tougher monsters, or battle against one another to see who's the better tamer. As players make their way on their own journey, they'll be able to see hundreds of other players doing the same, making Temtem's world feel as though it's bursting with excitement. Temtem also has some customization mechanics where players can create their own character and unlock a plethora of cosmetics. Players can also purchase and decorate their own house within the game and invite other players to come check it out, borrowing some elements from Animal Crossing.

Temtem is an ideal game to come to Xbox Game Pass. With Temtem being in early access on Steam since January 2020, the game's accrued quite the cult following over the last two years. Every few months or so, Temtem makes the rounds on social media, with its Pokemon-inspired MMO premise being an immediate sell for nostalgic gamers. That being said, Temtem is still a relatively unknown game in the grand scheme of things, with the general gaming public not really knowing anything about it. So despite now releasing fully, and being launched on modern consoles, there's seemingly very little buzz surrounding Temtem right now.

It's been seen time and time again that Xbox Game Pass has the power to lift a game to new heights, and bring it to audiences that would have otherwise never thought about picking it up. If Temtem came to Xbox Game Pass, then it would not only serve to bring more attention and players to the game, but also potentially bring in more subscribers to Xbox Game Pass. With Temtem currently being quite pricey on modern consoles, Game Pass being the more affordable option could result in a successful pairing.

Temtem is available to play on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: 7 Best Electric Type Temtem (& Where To Find Them)