Like its inspiration, Pokemon, Temtem is an MMO creature-collecting game where players can test their might against other players and Dojo Masters. Proceeding through the regions in Temtem's open-world of Airborne Archipelago requires players to complete the Dojo of the area and defeat the Dojo Master residing there.

RELATED: Temtem: How To Beat The Arissola Dojo

The Mokupuni Dojo is the second Dojo players will encounter in the beginning stages of Temtem. It needs to be cleared in order to move onto the next region, Citerior Omninesia, as the players will need the Elevator Key, which is given as a reward once the Mokupuni Dojo Master, Rawiri, has been defeated. This guide will detail how to bypass the log platforming puzzle in the Mokupuni Dojo to reach Rawiri and the six Temtem he will use in battle, with their weaknesses that players can exploit to win.

How To Reach Rawiri, The Mokupuni Dojo Master

Temtem, Mokupuni Dojo

When players first enter the Mokupuni Dojo, they will notice that there will be some moving log platforms above pools of lava directly in front of them. Players must time their movements carefully to get to the next section

Temtem, Mokupuni Dojo, example of getting trapped

If players aren't quick enough, they will get trapped in the bushes surrounding this puzzle and be teleported back to the start of the Dojo. The grassy platforms will also trap the player, meaning they cannot move and will be teleported back to the beginning area.

Temtem, Mokupuni Dojo

There are more moving logs to the right of this next section. Players cannot jump on platforms with bushes on, so they need to memorize the patterns of the moving logs and time their movements. Once they've reached the edge platform, they will see two chests guarded by two Temtem tamers.

RELATED: Best Digital Type Temtem (& Where To Find Them)

Fight the pair of tamers, and open the two chests to get 2 Average Crystals to sell and a Vigorous Loquat. Once they've done this, they can either deliberately fail their jumps to teleport back or jump back across to the middle platform.

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The left of the center platform is essentially the same as the above: get across the rapidly moving logs and avoid falling into the bushes to reach another pair of tamers and two chests. Defeat these tamers to earn some much-needed pansuns, and open the two chests to get two Coolers and one Ice Cube.​​​​​​​

Temtem, Mokupuni Dojo

From the middle platform again, the player can finally progress forward to reach a set of four moving logs. This section will test the player's patience as it is a fine art to wait for the fight moment before advancing.​​​​​​​

Temtem, Mokupuni Dojo

Once they've traversed this tricky section, the player will finally have reached the Dojo Master, Rawiri.

The Fight Against Rawiri

Temtem, Mokupuni Dojo and Rawiri battle

Rawiri has six Temtem in his squad, proving to be formidable foes. Like the theme of the Dojo itself, three of Rawiri's Temtem are Fire-types, and two are Nature-types. All of his Temtem have level ranges between 18 to 30. By this stage in the game, players should aim to have their main Temtem squad at around level 25 or above to ensure this fight goes smoothly. ​​​​​​​

RELATED: Where To Find Oceara In Temtem









Fire, Toxic



Water, Earth



Water, Earth



Water, Earth



Fire, Toxic

Players should ensure they have a decently leveled Water-type Temtem in their roster, as these are super effective against Fire-types. Two commonly spawning Water Temtem from the first island, Deniz, are great for this fight: Saipat and Kalabyss. They both take reduced damage from Rawiri's Fire Techniques, and their Water Techniques then deal double damage in return. ​​​​​​​

Players must also ensure they pick up and equip the Ice Cube item from one of the earlier chests onto one of their Temtem. This reduces Fire-type damage by 20%, which should be equipped onto one of the player's Nature Temtem if they have one, as Fire Temtem are strong against them.

Once players have defeated Rawiri, he will reward them with 720 pansuns and the elevator key to reach the next location, Citerior Omninesia, and progress through the game's story campaign. In weekly rematches, they can also rechallenge Rawiri to get bonus items and rewards. A teleporter will also open, so players can bypass the irritating platforming section.

Temtem is available to play on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Hidden Secrets Many Have Not Found In Temtem