The Quetzal Dojo is the fourth players will encounter on their journey through the world of Airborne Archiepelago, the monster-collecting MMO universe of Temtem. It is one of the most challenging dojos in the game, truly ramping up the difficulty from the previous one, the Nanga Dojo.

Related: How To Beat The Mokupuni Dojo

Players must make their way through a crystallized maze which is basically an ice-rink, which can be frustrating if players don't know where to go. This useful guide will detail the route players need to take to reach Yareni, the Quetzal Dojo Master, as well as the Temtem she will use in her fight. This Temtem dojo really tests the players' mettle, and their patience!

How To Reach, Yareni, The Quetzal Dojo Master

Temtem, Quetzal Dojo

Upon sliding into this dojo, players will skate down a narrow pathway, and happen across two bumpers. Once they've bypassed these bouncing obstacles they will see Yareni. So close, yet so far, as she is unreachable from this point. Continue down the left staircase to see the massive ice rink. If only players still had their crystal skates. Follow these next steps for the best route to reach Yareni.

Related: Hidden Secrets Many Have Not Found In Temtem

  1. Step through the middle section to go south.
  2. Handle this female tamer, and use the middle lane to go right. Players should time their movements right to bounce off the bumper and continue to a north island. Don't worry if the timing is off, as players can just backtrack and try again.
  3. Battle against the shirtless tamer, and continue north. Wait for the red angled bumper to turn facing their player character before moving. If players have done this correctly, they should bounce left, right and then upwards to a section with a pair of tamers waiting.
  4. Once these two tamers have been dealt with, head to the north of their island, and take the right pathway.
  5. Wait for the bumper to turn, so players will be bounced east.
  6. They will be ricocheted through a series of different bumpers, and land of a narrow pathway.
  7. Since there's only one pathway, head north. Player's will need to exercise their patience and wait for the right moment to make their move. Once the bumper north of them has lowered, players should move and after a bumpy journey, they should arrive at the staircases leading to Yareni.

The Fight Against Yareni

Temtem, Quetzal Dojo, Yareni

Like all the previous Dojo Masters, Yareni has a full squad of six Temtem at her disposal - overall, a very well-balanced team that will be tough to beat. Like the theme of the dojo itself, three of her Temtem are Crystal-types, meaning they are weak to Melee Techniques. A Melee Temtem is a must-have, ideally a Skunch or even a Saipat for their robust fighting techniques. Players that chose Smazee as their starter Temtem have the advantage here.





Toxic, Wind



Crystal, Mental

Fire, Earth, Digital, Crystal


Crystal, Earth

Water, Nature, Earth, Melee


Electric, Wind






Crystal, Water

Nature, Melee

All of her Temtem are between the high levels of 33-46, so players are going need to make sure their Temtem are in a similar range to avoid wiping out completely. Make sure to use the Coward's Cloak item to level up faster.

Players may have a tough time battling against Myx as it is a tough Crystal and Mental hybrid Temtem. With its Puppet Master passive trait, it causes all incoming rival single target Techniques to be redirected to their ally while it's below 40% HP. This can be quite a nuisance to deal with, and may take a while to knock it out.

Once players have defeated Yareni, she will reward them with some pansuns for their trouble, and players will be able to progress forward through the story campaign.

Temtem is available on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintedo Switch.

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