As players journey through the world of Temtem, the Pokemon-inspired monster-collecting MMO, they will encounter different Dojos along the way. These Dojos steadily ramp up in difficulty as the players progress toward the end game.

RELATED: Things To Know Before You Start Playing Temtem

The Vumbi Dojo is the fifth Dojo in Temtem and a step up from the previous Dojo. It is a labyrinth of quicksand holes and multiple dead ends designed for players to get lost in. Luckily, this handy guide will tell players the exact route they need to take to reach Musa, the Vumbi Dojo Master. This guide also covers the fight against Musa and the Temtem they will use.

How To Reach Musa, The Vumbi Dojo Master

Temtem, Vumbi Dojo

To safely get through the Vumbi Dojo sand maze, players should have their Temtem prepared in advance. There is no perfect route that players can take without engaging in confrontation, so proceed with caution. Musa is located at the North end of the Dojo. The best route that will take players to Musa with a minimal amount of Temtem battling is detailed below. Taking the wrong route can result in players getting lost, losing their progress, and having to start again.

Room One

  1. Jump into the rectangular sandpit directly in front, as this is the only way players can go.
  2. Keep walking north and drop into the next sand hole directly in front.
  3. Walk through the door to proceed into the next room.

Room Two

  1. Hop into the smaller pit on the right.
  2. Walk to the left of the room and jump into this sandpit here.
  3. Players will instantly fall into an unavoidable pit and end up in the same room, just further ahead.
  4. Walk forward, battle the pair of Temtem trainers here, and move onto the hole they were blocking.
  5. Use the smallest pit in the lower-right corner to proceed.
  6. There should be one pit left in this room. Take it to land by the doorway to the next room and walk through.

RELATED: Temtem: How To Farm Luma

Room Three

  1. In this sprawling room, take the square sandpit on the right.
  2. Take the North pit directly above the player character.
  3. Players should ignore the Temtem trainers in this room unless they are in need of some pansuns, and take the pit on the left.
  4. There should be three sinkholes in a triangular formation. Use the right one to progress.
  5. Players should now find themselves in a corridor with sandpits to the north and south; use the south one.
  6. There is another pair of Temtem trainers to battle. Beat them and take the pit in the top right. This should drop players into a U-shaped corridor with a pit on the right.
  7. Finally, players should land in a room with only one pit to use, and this will take them to a corridor that will take them straight to Musa!

The Fight Against Musa

Temtem, Musa, Vumbi Dojo

Dojo Master Musa has a full squad of six Temtem, mostly indigenous to the Kisiwa region. Three of them are Earth-types and focus on high defense, so they will absorb most of the player's damage and outlast their team. His Temtem are all leveled 43-53, so players should ensure their Temtem are up to scratch and at least level 45-50 to ensure they won't easily be defeated.

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Melee (x4) Earth, Nature, Water



Melee, Nature, Water



Digital, Mental, Wind



Melee, Wind



Digital, Mental




Players should ensure that they have a Melee Temtem on their team, like a Smazee/Baboong, to soak up some damage and deal some powerful Melee Techniques. Nature, Water, and Wind Temtem are also great choices against Musa's team. If players chose the Mental-type Temtem, Houchic, as their starter Temtem, they would also have a slight advantage.

Toward the end of the fight, players will face off against Yowlar and Skunch in a battle of wills. Both Temtem have powerful fighting moves, Haito Ushi and Oshi-Dashi, and they are pretty tanky Temtem with high base HP stats. Yowlar can freeze itself using Hibernate, with restores a massive amount of its HP. Players should try and defeat it before it uses this.

The best way to win this fight is by simply outlasting the opponents and forcing them to use their STA and inflict self-damage through overexertion. Musa's Temtem may even skip turns to rest and restore their STA. Make sure to heal up any wounded Temtem between each turn and Revive any fallen Temtem whenever necessary to secure the win.

Musa Rewards

Temtem, Musa, Vumbi Dojo

Once players have defeated Musa, they will be rewarded with 2463 pansuns, and the Resistance Badge item that can be equipped onto a Temtem. It increases the damage of Neutral attacks by 15%, which is very useful for Neutral Temtem like Yowlar.

A portal will open, so players will not have to navigate the maze again to reach Musa. Musa can be rechallenged in weekly rematches, allowing them to earn bonus rewards and flex their Temtem's strength.

Temtem is available to play on PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.

MORE: Temtem: Things The Game Does Differently Than Pokemon