
  • Heihachi Mishima's ruthless and dangerous nature is felt through many characters in Tekken, showing his huge influence.
  • Heihachi's despicable acts include kidnapping Jin, killing Michelle's father, and forcing his own father to starve.
  • Heihachi shows no remorse for his actions, whether it's experimenting on Steve or killing his own wife and throwing his son off a cliff.

Heihachi Mishima is one of the most ruthless and dangerous characters in all of Tekken, often going to extreme lengths to get what he wants, even if it means putting his own family on the line. Although he doesn't actually appear in Tekken 8, Heihachi's massive influence on the world can still be felt through many of the characters. Although his daughter Reina showcases a bit of her father's smug and intimidating personality, this is only a glimpse into what the man himself was actually like when he was still alive and kicking.

Tekken 8: Easiest Characters For Beginners

For players new to Tekken or to fighting games in general, these characters are the best to learn the ropes with.

It's fair to say that throughout Heihachi's many appearances in the Tekken series, he's committed some downright despicable acts that only someone with his strength and influence would be able to get away with. The world of Tekken is no doubt a safer place without Heihachi, but it definitely doesn't hurt to look back on the worst things he's ever done during his time as an antagonist and consider what compelled him to act the way he did in the first place.

7 Kidnapping Jin During A Tournament

Heihachi Isn't Above Playing Dirty If It Means He Can Get One Step Closer To The Devil Gene

Jin strung up as a prisoner
  • Takes Place In Tekken 4

While nearly every Tekken game has an Iron Fist Tournament set up for warriors around the world to test their strength against one another, the individual organizing these competitions usually has a much more sinister reason for doing so. In the case of Tekken 4, Heihachi announced the tournament in order to try and secure genetic material from humans who were in possession of the dangerous Devil Gene, primarily Jin and Kazuya, who he knew would go very far.

However, rather than letting them play out their matches fairly, Heihachi decides to kidnap Jin right before the semi-finals are about to begin, allowing him to take on Kazuya himself. After pummeling Kazuya, he takes both of his relatives to Hon-Maru, where Heihachi manages to lure out Kazuya's Devil form by exposing him to his son, with this being their first time seeing one another. Even though he's a skilled and experienced fighter, Heihachi still isn't above playing dirty, especially when there's a chance that he can get his hands on the Devil Gene.

6 Killing Michelle's Father

During His Quest To Find A Mysterious Pendant, Heihachi Brutally Murdered Michell's Father And His Entire Tribe

Julia looking over at her old farm house
  • Takes Place In Tekken 2

After searching for a mysterious pendant that was supposedly able to subdue the wrath of the mighty Ogre, Heihachi eventually came to learn that Michelle's father knew of its whereabouts, and therefore, decided to apprehend him. What ensued was a bloodbath as Heihachi and his men wiped out not only Michelle's father but also his entire tribe. Needless to say, this horrific attack traumatized Michelle and encouraged her to join the Iron Fist Tournament to seek revenge, which she unfortunately fails to do upon realizing that she's far from strong enough.

Tekken: 7 Best Easter Eggs In The Series

The Tekken games always contain a few small secrets and hidden Easter eggs, most of which are incredibly weird and wacky.

When Tekken 3 rolls around, though, Michelle actually approaches Heihachi to talk about the danger of Ogre, only for the grumpy old man to then kidnap her so that he can steal the pendant for himself. Heihachi will take any opportunity he can to show off his unrivaled power and strength, but this inevitably ends with him making far more enemies than friends.

5 Organizing A Tournament To Lure Out Ogre

Heihachi Didn't Care For The Safety Of His Participants, So Long As Ogre Made An Appearance At His Tournament

  • Takes Place In Tekken 3

Only a few minutes into the story of Tekken 3, Jin's mother, Jun, is killed by a ravenous and incredibly strong being known as Ogre. This event completely destroys Jin's self-confidence as he believes that he's nowhere near strong enough to protect those that he cares about. After he is approached by Heihachi, who has since learned of the boy's potential, Jin trains day and night to prepare for the upcoming King of Iron Fist Tournament, where he will be able to put his strength to the test.

Although Jin does very well when facing off against the other combatants, it soon becomes clear that the only reason Heihachi had made him so strong and why he set up the entire tournament in the first place was to lure out Ogre himself. Although this single creature could wipe out every combatant in the arena if it wanted to, Heihachi clearly has no care in the world for the safety of his participants, even going as far as to put a bullet through Jin's head once Ogre does finally show up.

4 Experimenting On Steve

Steve Was The Only One Who Survived Heihachi's Cruel And Sick Experiments

Steve Fox
  • Mentioned In Tekken 7 And Tekken Tag Tournament 2

In an attempt to replicate the immense power possessed by the Devil Gene, Heihachi set up a genetic modification plan where he would conduct experiments on humans to try and instill them with a synthetic Devil Gene to mimic the power of the original. While many of his unfortunate victims died during the process, one who managed to survive the experiments and eventually escape the facility with the help of his doctor, Emma, was everyone's favorite boxer, Steve Fox.

Although Steve's backstory is somewhat muddy by the time he leaves the facility, he's likely unaware of the horrific experiments that were conducted on him as a child, and it's not known whether it has enhanced his physical strength in any way. Still, the fact that Heihachi went as far as to experiment on actual children just to try and create a powerful protege shows just how sick and twisted he really is.

3 Killing Kazumi

Heihachi Will Gladly Kill Any Potential Traitors, Even If It Includes His Own Wife

Heihachi holding up Kasumi in her devil form
  • Shown In A Flashback In Tekken 7

Heihachi's late wife, Kazumi, despite being a host of the Devil Gene, was able to see the destruction that its power could cause to the world if it ever got out of control, and she quickly realized that Heihachi's obsession with it was driving him down a very dark road. After confronting her husband about this, Heihachi, unsurprisingly, engages in a battle with Kazumi, managing to overwhelm her even in her Devil Form.

Tekken 8: 7 Best Character Episode Endings

Tekken 8 continues the tradition of the series having some of the most weird, wacky and wonderful character endings in the fighting game genre.

After finally defeating her, Heihachi decided that he couldn't risk having a potential traitor among his ranks and decided to snap his own wife's neck to ensure there was no way she could betray him again. Despite Kazumi pleading with Heihachi to let her go, stating that this would only prolong the cycle of violence, which it eventually did through Kazuya, he still selfishly decided to kill her just to protect his own skin, showing little to no remorse for doing so.

2 Forcing His Father To Starve

After Taking Everything From His Father, Heihachi Forced Jinpachi To Starve To Death In A Cell

  • Takes Place In Tekken 5 And Mentioned In Tekken Tag Tournament 2

There are not many people in the Tekken universe who can hold their own against Heihachi in a fight, but one grizzled fighter who is arguably just as strong is his own father, Jinpachi. Of course, having competition was never part of Heihachi's plans, so he decides to stage a coup involving his father's company in order to secure its riches and resources for himself.

When Jinpachi tries to relay the Mishima Zaibatsu back from Heihachi only to be defeated, his own son chooses to throw him in a cell below the Hon-Maru, where he would eventually starve to death before his body gets possessed by a strange demonic entity. The fact that Heihachi was willing to act in such a way toward his own father just to acquire a little extra power is truly unforgivable and downright sickening, especially considering how he decided to go about it.

1 Throwing Kazuya Off A Cliff

Heihachi Threw His Own Son Off A Cliff As Part Of A Sadistic Test

Heihachi throwing kazuya off a cliff
  • Shown In A Flashback In Tekken 7

After brutally killing Kazuya's mother, the young boy swore revenge on his father, but it quickly became apparent that he was nowhere near strong or experienced enough to take down someone as powerful as Heihachi in his current state. As a result, Heihachi would consistently punish Kazuya, pushing him to the edge of his life every time they fought and showing no concern for his own son's safety. As part of a sadistic test, Heihachi decided one day that he would drop Kazuya, his own son, off a cliff in an attempt to see if he really did possess the Devil Gene and if he was strong enough in general to survive such a terrifying ordeal.

Although Kazuya did obviously manage to escape an untimely death after being thrown off a cliff, the fact that Heihachi was willing to take the chance of killing his son in cold blood just to test his strength isn't going to be earning him any father of the year awards any time soon. Heihachi seems to revel in the idea of his family being based on an endless cycle of violence and vengeance. This single act proved that even after all he had already been through, his only concern above everything else was seeking and acquiring true strength and power.

Tekken: 7 Best Intro Movies, Ranked

Tekken is often regarded as having some of the most iconic and memorable intro cinematics in gaming, with these being among the very best.