Table of contents

With the stakes higher than ever, Victor Chevalier, leader of the UN Special Operations team, joins the Iron Fist Tournament in Tekken 8. Slashing his way through enemies with his close-quarters style, Victor is as suave as he is arrogant, combining an elegant fighting style that alternates between rapid interwoven strikes and strong, focused attacks that risk interruption in exchange for high amounts of damage on successful execution.

With combos and tactics that require a focus on timing, players may find Victor complicated at first, but those who spend time learning his two different stances, Perfumer and Iai Stance, will be able to add a fighter to their roster that can excel in almost any situation.

Tekken 8: 7 Best Rage Arts

Each character in Tekken 8 has a unique Rage Art move that they can throw out, but these ones are definitely the most fun to watch in action.

Style Overview

Victor is one of the fastest fighters in the game, with startup times hitting as low as 7 frames. With Tekken 8's new Special Style control layout, Victor can quickly and easily output unstoppable combo chains, making him a huge player in the Iron Fist roster. A decorated super spy with a reputation for breaking hearts, Victor combines a close-quarters melee style that integrates several types of weaponry with his ninjutsu teleportation tactics to keep enemies guessing and dishing out massive amounts of pain. When first approaching Victor as a fighter, keep these tactics in mind:

  • Fast, yet strong - Victor's normal attacks are some of the fastest in the game, allowing players to lock up enemies before they have a chance to attack. Just like most speed-based fighters, Victor does sacrifice damage amounts on some of his fastest techniques but can transition to his Iai Stance (LK + RK) to open up a new line of powerful attacks that, when chained together, can rack up immense damage.
  • Slash and dash - Victor's best damage comes from his enhanced katana, capable of releasing charged, unblockable attacks that can severely wound enemies. Victor can combine this strength with his teleportation skills by inputting directional variations of LP+RP for easy yet powerful attacks.
Tekken 8 Reveals Devil Jin

Jin Kazama unleashes his lingering dark side in the latest Tekken 8 trailer, which sees the dreaded Devil Jin take to the battlefield once more.

Move List

Tekken 8 - Victor - Heat

Players will find Victor has fewer moves than most fighters, but this doesn't make him any less deadly. All together, Victor has 105 techniques in his kit, with two stances to transition to change the pace of the fight. His Perfumer technique (Forward + LK) can transition into a line of swift, slicing techniques using his combat knife and karambit, while Iai Stance readies Victor's katana, allowing players to deal out increased damage. Victor is also a master of ninjutsu, allowing him to use blink moves that can be used to dodge, change sides, or sneak attack an opponent.

Heat Moves




Élimination Samouraï

Duck low and sweep the enemies leg with Victor's sword. If the first hit lands, Victor will follow up with three blinking sword strikes that deal massive damage and throw enemies way back.

Heat button OR LK + RP

Carving Cameo

A thrust kick followed by a huge cross slash that activates Heat if available.

Forward + RK, LP


A fast and powerful overhead slash with Victor's sword that sends the enemy flying back. Activates heat if available.

Forward + LP + RP


A downward strike that activates Heat if available.

Down + RP


A fast ducking jab that activates Heat if available.

Back + LP + RP

Flying Gentleman

Performed during Perfumer, a rising knee strike that activates Heat if available.


Monsieur Samurai

Performed during Heat, draw Victor's sword and quickly strike the enemy, then blink into Iai Stance for follow-up attacks.

Down-Back + LP + RP


Performed during Heat - an upgraded version of Caliburnus that blinks higher, allowing Victor to generate more momentum and unleash a small shockwave as his blade hits the ground.

Up + LP + RP


Performed during Heat from Iai Stance - an upgraded version of Rhongomyniad that thrusts Victor's sword into the ground, unleashing a powerful, close-range shockwave that knocks enemies back.

Down + RP

Rage Moves




Coup de Chevalier

Ready Victor's knives and lock opponents with a flurry of slashes that leaves the enemy vulnerable. Draw Victor's sword, and strike with a single, electrified, focused strike that obliterates the enemy.

Down-Forward LP + RP

Normal Moves




Double Cabochon Cut

A high striking combo that combines a flurry of swift punches and knife cuts


Briolette Cut

A series of knife attacks that throw the enemy back


Cutlery Etiquette

A double cut attack that can transition to Perfumer


Crybaby Sophia

Open up the enemy's guard with a slashing combo, followed by a quick shot from Victor's pistol. While the enemy recovers, blink forward and shift to Iai Stance


Asterism of Benevolence

A powerful three-strike combo that opens with two spinning kicks followed by a heavy uppercut that sends enemies flying back


Iai Stance

Victor steps forward and readies his sword, opening a new line of attack.



Duck forward, dodging high attacks, and ready Victor's knives, opening a new line of attacks.

Forward + LK

Iridescence of Prowess

A charged downward smash that flips enemies into the air.

Down + LP + RP

Dun Stallion

Blink backwards, then charge forward, striking the enemy with the hilt of Victor's sword.

Back + LP + RK


Blink into the air and slash down with Victor's sword, knocking enemies to the ground.

Up + LP + RP


Duck down, then slash upwards, sending the enemy high into the air.

Forward, Forward (Hold) + RP

Montjoie Takemikazuchi

Blink back and draw Victor's sword. Charge up for a brief moment, then unleash an unblockable downward slash that smashes enemies to the ground.

Back, Back (Hold) + LK + RP

Moves During Iai Stance





Smash the enemy with Victor's sword hilt, throwing them back.



A hilt jab followed by a massive upward sword strike, launching enemies into the air. Close the combo by blinking up and slashing enemies down to the ground.



Lock the enemy with a quick hilt strike, then blink into the air and strike down with momentum, knocking enemies back. Blink forward again to close the gap on the enemy, allowing for follow-up damage.



Knee the enemy in the chest to lift them off the ground, then throw them back with a powered-upward slash. Blink forward to chase the enemy and allow for follow-up attacks


Moves During Perfumer




Top Note

A three-strike knife combo with a fast start-up time.


Last Note

A whirlwind flurry of knife strikes that ends with a downward hammer smash that knocks the enemy down.



An overhead smash with the hilt of Victor's sword that knocks enemies down and bounces them back.


Tekken 8: Why You Should Consider Maining Nina Williams

Tekken 8's Nina Williams is a dangerous jack of all trades who excels in pressuring her opponents and fast-paced, aggressive offense.

Victor Combos

Tekken 8 - Victor - Pistol Shot

When building combos for Victor, players typically want to open with a quick technique from Victor's normal attack list or by using his Perfumer technique, then transitioning into his more powerful blink attacks and Iaido style techniques once enemies are locked in a combo.

Basic Combo: Crybaby Sophia + Almace

An easy and quick combo that can be useful for creating space: Open up with a few quick knife strikes before locking the enemy with a quick pistol shot. Blink forward and unleash a powerful upward strike to send the enemy flying.

Input: RP, RP, RP, <Pause>, RP

Advanced Combo: Strobing Memories + One Night Miracle + Forward Step + Durandal + Crybaby Sophia (Interrupted) + Excalibur + Élimination Samouraï

A powerful combo that can earn players a perfect round if executed with Heat available (or put them one attack away), start by pushing enemies back with Strobing Memories. Players will get the most effectiveness from this combo when using Strobing Memories as enemies are attacking; however, if players are struggling with timing Strobing Memories, start this combo with the One Night Miracle throw.

After recovering from the throw, step forward quickly and strike forward with Victor's katana, activating Heat. After Heat Dash ends, input the first two RPs for Crybaby Sophia, pause, and begin the input for Excalibur (until players perfect this timing, try mashing the Up + LP + RP input for Excalibur as the knife strikes of Crybaby Sophia are executed). After smashing down on your enemy, tag them with a Heat Smash to further decimate their health.

If players have the opportunity, a follow-up Durandal or Concave Cut can keep enemies suppressed, opening the window for a perfect round.

Input: Back + RP, LP + LK, Forward, Forward + LP + RP, RP, RP, Up + LP + RP, Heat Smash

Perfect Combo: Basic Etiquette + Crybaby Sophia + Murgleys + Le Blanc + Armour Shaft + Chastiefol + Iai Stance + Clarent + Iridescence of Prowess OR Durandal OR Perfumer + Maceration

An absolutely devastating combo that can be incredibly difficult to master but will leave enemies unable to touch Victor once he begins bringing the pain. Start with a quick jab combo to lock the enemy, then use a Crybaby Sophia to quickly transition to Iai Stance. As Victor is blinking toward the enemy, input the Murgleys technique, launching enemies back. As the enemy recovers, blink back with Le Blanc and lock the enemy again while transitioning back to Iai Stance with a quick shot from Armour Shaft.

Bash the enemy back with the sheath of Victor's sword, then blink forward to continue the assault. Quickly transition back to Iai Stance and begin the input for Clarent while the enemy is still recovering - the goal here is to execute the first strike of Clarent while enemies are still knocked down (causing this strike to completely miss), allowing the second strike in the combo to begin a quick ground juggle.

Input: LP, RP, RP, RP, RP, RP, RK, RP, Back, Up-Back, Down, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + RP, LP, LP + RP, LK + RK, LP, RP, RP,

As the enemy is sent flying from this string of inputs, players will have to decide quickly on the final input to successfully earn the perfect round:

  • If the enemy is close, finish with Down + LP + RP
    • Create a shockwave directly below Victor, knocking enemies back. If the enemy manages to block enough of the initial combo to still survive at this point, use Durandal or Heat Smash to deal a finishing strike.
  • If the enemy is far away, finish with Forward + LP + RP
    • Launch forward into Durandal to close the gap and continue the ground juggle. If the enemy survives for any reason, use another Durandal or Heat Smash to finish the round.
  • If the enemy recovers quickly or blocks, finish with Forward + LK, LP
    • Duck down quickly into Perfumer, dodging any potential retaliation and stepping in close, then knock the enemy down with a sharp shin strike. If players take this path and the enemy still survives, crash down on them with a finishing Caliburnus strike.
Tekken 8: Why You Should Consider Maining King

With Tekken 8 giving players a wide array of fighters to choose from, series veteran King makes a strong argument as a main fighter.

How to Win with Victor

Despite being brand new to the franchise, Victor has the potential to be a dominating force in the King of Iron Fist competition. Being faster than most fighters without having to sacrifice too much damage, and being able to quickly make up for it with his Iaido techniques will make Victor a must-know player for any dedicated Tekken 8 player.

Those who want to master Victor and his super-spy skills should do the following:

  • Dip, duck, dodge - Victor has a wide variety of techniques that can be used to create space, close distance, evade, and counterattack. Learning Victor's movement skills, especially those in Iai Stance that integrate his blink abilities, can confuse enemies and create an unbeatable fighting style.
  • No hesitation - While Victor's moves can be strung together with wicked speed, even a moment's delay on input can allow the enemy the opportunity to interrupt a lighter move in the combo and turn the tides against you. Take the time to fully memorize preferred combos and execute them with confidence to give your enemies no quarter.
Tekken 8 Burning Questions, Answered (Crossplay, Rollback Netcode & More)

With the release of the game now imminent, prospective buyers will likely have a lot of questions about Tekken 8. This FAQ should help to answer them.

How to Counter Victor

Players will have a difficult time countering Victor, as his two stances allow him to alternate between styles that allow him to respond to almost any tactic in the game. Players will have the best chance of taking down a good Victor with the more powerful mid-sized fighters that can crush through Victor's swift start-ups.

Fighters like Brian and Dragunov can be OK picks against Victor for this reason, but a fighter like King, who can crush through Victor's strikes but also punish any close-range attacks with his grappling techniques, would be a better matchup against the top UN super spy.

Other good choices against Victor are the enhanced humans in the game, Devil Jin, True Devil Kazama, and the vessel of Azazel, Zafina. When using these super-powered fighters, leaning on their strongest abilities, they can quickly overpower Victor before he has the chance to execute his elegant style. Remember to be precise and confident when inputting techniques against Victor, as the slightest opening can give him a chance to end the fight.