Since the series' debut in 1995, Tekken has primarily centered on the conflict between key members of the troubled Mishima family. The family patriarch Heihachi Mishima's thirst for unlimited power has constantly seen him at odds with his son, Kazuya Mishima, and grandson, Jin Kazama. Both Kazuya and his son carry the Devil Gene in their DNA, allowing them to transform into powerful beings in moments of rage, and this power has been a constant focal point for the family. With Tekken 8 on the horizon, one final conflict looms between Kazuya and Jin before the Mishima bloodline could finally see some long-overdue peace.

Events in Tekken 7's climax saw Heihachi Mishima meet his end at the hands of Kazuya. Despite being killed off a couple of times before and returning, this time it seems pretty final, with his body being thrown into an active volcano after a heavy defeat at the hands of his son. Tekken's director, Katsuhiro Harada, confirmed recently that Heihachi is indeed dead this time around, so those expecting him to come back in Tekken 8 may be disappointed. A series mainstay since the first game, Heihachi's absence would see Tekken breaking a long-standing tradition, and could signal the start of a new era for the popular fighting franchise.

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Tekken's Mishima Family Conflict Could Be Coming to an End


Early promotional material for Tekken 8 was centered on Kazuya and Jin, who appear to be at loggerheads once more. With Heihachi now gone, it looks like both Kazuya and Jin have finally gotten the Devil Gene under some degree of control. Trailers have displayed the possibility that both fighters are now able to either transform into their demonic forms mid-battle, or use these powers to enhance their fighting abilities without actually succumbing to them.

Jin's disdain for both himself and his father is evident, and he firmly believes neither of them should even exist. He seems determined to bring an end to his father, and maybe even himself, in a bid to rid the world of the unpredictable and dangerous Devil Gene, and this could pave the way for a new focal point for the series' story. Over the years, the Tekken franchise has introduced some popular and memorable characters, many of which have had minor roles, with the spotlight firmly on the Mishima family conflict.

Even series regulars who started out by having a significant impact on the story, like Paul Phoenix, Marshall Law and Hwoarang, have found themselves being cast aside. Sometimes they're relegated to little more than comedic relief, allowing Heihachi, Kazuya and Jin's antics to dominate the game's events. It could be time for some of these popular characters to finally step out of the shadows and into prominence. Tekken 7 introduced several guest characters from other series, including Negan from The Walking Dead and Noctis from Final Fantasy 15. Akuma, a popular character from the rival fighting game Street Fighter, even managed to feature heavily in Tekken 7's canonical narrative.

Tekken 8 will likely follow a similar pattern with guest characters, but whether any of them will play a role in the game's actual story remains to be seen. Giving Kazuya and Jin a common enemy to fight may serve as a smart way to unite father and son, but if this isn't on the cards, the only definitive way to end their conflict may be for one of these fierce warriors to follow Heihachi to an early grave. Either way, it seems like something's got to give in the upcoming brawler, and the curtain may finally be coming down on the Mishima family saga.

Tekken 8 is currently in development for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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