Table of contents

The main protagonist, and sometimes anti-hero, of the Tekken series returns to save the world in Tekken 8, Jin Kazama. Fighting alongside a roster of long-time entrants of the Iron Fist Tournament, players will step into the role of Jin when playing through most chapters in The Dark Awakens story.

Players will need a solid understanding of Jin's fighting style and technique if they wish to get through later chapters of the Tekken 8 campaign, and with this guide and a little dedication, you can breeze through the hardest difficulty of The Dark Awakens, and master a fighter who can be used to quickly climb lower ranks in online Ranked Matches.

Tekken 8 Guide Hub - Tips, Tricks, Unlockables & More

Our Tekken 8 guide hub is perfect for both new and returning players, offering up a broad selection of character guides, How-tos, and FAQs.

Style Overview - Jin, The Lightning of Fate

Tekken 8 - Jin - Jin Pose 2

A fighter with a family style based in karate, Jin Kazama has a pretty simple fighting style that can be very welcoming to new players, mostly relying on cross-kick combos or left-right, left-punch combos. Because of his more simple techniques, even after completing the story, players who are not veterans of the Traditional layout of the Tekken series can use Jin to become familiar with individual limb control to gain a better understanding of why and how techniques work for more complex characters before attempting to learn those fighters (like Yoshimitsu or Raven).

While not overly complex, Jin does still have a few tricks up his sleeve, being able to tap into his Devil Jin form to blast enemies with demon energy - don't forget the following when locked in as Jin:

  • Alternate for power, duplicate for speed - typically with Jin's combos, players can input a fast combo by repeating inputs (like when executing a Brazilian Kick or Left Sidekick > Stinger) and can unleash more punishing combos by alternating across sides (like Left Right > Black Wing Rondo) or alternating feet/hand strikes (like Kishin Rekko or the Kazama Style 6 Hit Combo Redux).
  • No need for finesse - While several stances in Jin's move list allow players to dive deep when mastering this fighter, players can still rack up wins and beat the Tekken 8 campaign on the hardest difficulty by just getting an understanding of Jin's easier normal moves. Use power crush attacks like Corpse Thrust when enemies are continuously blocking, and keep laying into the enemy with jabs, crosses, and kicks until their health bar is depleted.
  • Use Heat Gauge - as players only get one activation per round, it can be tempting to hold onto Heat activation until the most dire moment or to execute a finishing blow. Jin is among the fighters in Tekken 8 who can do more than just a Heat Smash once Heat is activated, having an entire stance available to him once Heat is engaged. Experiment with activating Heat at the start of a round to get familiar with how the gauge is consumed depending on which combos are executed, combined with depletion over time.
Tekken 8: 7 Best Character Episode Endings

Tekken 8 continues the tradition of the series having some of the most weird, wacky and wonderful character endings in the fighting game genre.

Jin's Move List

Jin has a pretty average move list compared to other fighters in Tekken 8, with 109 techniques in total. Jin has many stances for players to explore, with one stance (and its follow-up attacks) that taps into his demon power by consuming Heat Gauge.

Jin Move List

Heat Moves




Hellfire Trespass Slayer

A massive five-hit combo that pushes enemies high into the air with charged attacks, ending with a crushing downward strike accented by a blast of demon energy.

Heat Input OR RP + LK

Hellfire Darkside Slayer

A faster variant of the Hellfire Slayer attack that trades aerial juggle strikes for a forceful thrust kick that throws enemies far back.

Heat Input, RK OR RP + LK, RK

Median Line Destruction

A rapidly executed mid-strike jab combo that sends enemies flying back and activates Heat Dash (if Heat is available).


Tanden Nidan-uchi

Start with a thrust kick, then strike the enemy with a powered cross that knocks the enemy back. Activates Heat Dash if available.

Forward + LK, LP

Right Spinning Axe Kick

Step forward and spin, using the momentum for a fast yet strong head kick that activates Heat Dash if available.

Down-Forward + RK

Demon's Paw

Throw the enemy back with a powerful gut punch that activates Heat if available.

Forward, Forward (Hold) + RP

Fiendish Claw

Performed from Zanshin, a sweeping high strike empowered by demon energy, activating Heat if available.

Back + LK + RK (Zanshin), RP

Awakened Power Stance

Consumes Heat to briefly exert demon energy, breaking guards and knocking enemies back. Opens new lines of attack.

Down-Back + LP + RP

Awakened Thunder God Fist

A rising uppercut powered by demon energy that sends enemies flying back. Performed from Awakened Power Stance.

(Awakened Power Stance), LP

Awakened Wind God Fist

A fast uppercut that launches enemies upward, allowing for juggle combos. Performed from Awakened Power Stance.

(Awakened Power Stance), RP

Awakened Demon's Hoof

Jump and stomp down on the enemy, continuing ground juggle combos. Performed from Awakened Power Stance.

(Awakened Power Stance), LK

Awakened Demon's Tail

Feint high before dropping to the ground and striking the enemy with a far-reaching low kick, knocking them to the ground.

(Awakened Power Stance), Down-Forward (Hold) + LK

Awakened Spinning Demon

A spinning combo that uses charged kicks to devastate your enemy, start by knocking the enemy down with Awakened Power Stance, then juggle the enemy with a low-high kick combo, sending them back.

(Awakened Power Stance), RK, RK

Rage Art




Polar Demon Gouge

Lock the enemy with a charged uppercut, then unleash the full fury of Jin's Demon in a flying punch.

Rage Input OR Down-Forward + LP + RP

Normal Moves




Left Right Combo

A simple two-hit combo


Left Right > Spinning Hook Kick

A three-strike technique that sends enemies flying back.


Left Jab > Double Low

Start with a high jab, then quickly tag the enemy twice with low strikes that leave the enemy open for follow-up attacks.


Double Thrust > Roundhouse

A quick two-punch strike followed by a fast high kick that recovers quickly, allowing for follow-up techniques.



Punch high, then spin and kick the enemy in the face, releasing a small burst of demon energy. Hold Forward to transition to Zenshin after execution.


Kishin Rekko

A powerful combo that starts with a high kick and a high punch, followed by a low knee kick. Transition to Zenshin after execution by holding Forward.


Spinning Flare Kick

A falling kick that knocks both Jin and the enemy to the ground.

RK, LK (Quickly)

Left Sidekick > Stinger

A combo that kicks twice with the same leg, transitions to Zenshin by holding Forward.

Forward + LK, LK

Moves During Breaking Step (Forward, <Rest>, Down, Down-Forward)




Thrusting Uppercut

Blast enemies upward with a small blast of demon energy, allowing for juggle combos.

(Breaking Step), LP

Wind Hook Fist

An uppercut that uses a larger amount of demon energy to knock enemies back.

(Breaking Step), RP

Depraved Savagery

Trip your enemy before crashing down on them with a massive blast of demon energy.

(Breaking Step) Hold, RK, RP

Moves During Zanshin (Back + LK + RK)




Brimstone Bite

A spinning fist strike that uses demon energy to send enemies flying back

(Zanshin), LP, RP

Kazama Style Leg Strike Flurry

A juggle combo that executes automatically (players can interrupt the cinematic with a throw input)

(Zanshin), LP, LK

Halberd Heel

A cross-strike heel kick that exerts a small blast of demon energy.

(Zanshin), LK

Tekken 8: True Devil Kazuya Hard Mode Guide

Fighting True Devil Kazuya in Tekken 8's Story Mode: The Dark Awakens can be pretty daunting, so here are some tips to make things a bit easier.

Combos for Jin Kazama

When playing as Jin, players will want to focus on simple combos that lock the enemy and trap them in a succession of Jin's strikes, finishing with a demon energy strike for maximum damage.

Basic Combo: Left Right Combo + Left Jab > Double Low + Over the Shoulder Reverse

A basic combo that starts with a jab-cross-jab combo followed by two quick low strikes (be sure to pause a moment between the Left Right Combo and the Left Jab input, or players will accidentally execute Black Wing Rondo). Before the enemy recovers, grab them and throw them to the ground - transition into ground juggle techniques for follow-up damage.

Input: LP, RP, <Rest>, LP, LK, RK, RP + RK

Advanced Combo: Double Lift Kick + Fiendish Rend + Scourge + Spinning Flare Kick + Handspring Kick

Combining excellent timing with swift input execution, start by launching the enemy into the air with a powerful upwards kick, catch them midair with Fiendish Rend, followed by a charged low swipe, timed right as the enemy hits the ground. Flip forward and down onto the enemy, then launch up off the ground, kicking the enemy as you approach, allowing for follow-up attacks.

Input: Down + LK + RK, Down-Forward + RP, Down + RP, [Quickly RK, LK], LK + RK

Perfect Combo: Left Right > Black Wing Rondo + Left Kick + Zanshin + Corpse Crusher + Shun Masatsu + Savage Sword + Heat Burst + Hellfire Trespass Slayer

Catch the enemy with a quick jab combo that launches them into the air. Catch the enemy with a left kick to juggle them momentarily, then rapidly transition to Zanshin and follow up with Corpse Crusher to close distance and continue the damage chain. Quickly transition to Shun Masatsu, opening up the enemy's guard for the heavy-hitting strikes of Savage Sword, kicking the enemy back on the final hit. Activate Heat, and smash the enemy to oblivion with the power of Jin's Devil with Hellfire Trespass Slayer.

Input: LP, RP, LP, LK, Back + LK + RK, RK, Back + RP, LP, Down-Back + RP, RP, LK, Heat Input OR LK + RK, Heat Input OR LK + RK

Tekken 8: 7 Best Rage Arts

Each character in Tekken 8 has a unique Rage Art move that they can throw out, but these ones are definitely the most fun to watch in action.

How To Win

Players will need to gain a solid understanding of Jin Kazama's techniques to progress through the later stages of the main campaign, especially on higher difficulties. Players who hope to master the Kazama style should focus on the following aspects of Jin:

  • Turn the table with parries - You can catch incoming attacks with Jin (and many other fighters in Tekken 8) by inputting Back + LP + LK before the attack lands. Mastering parry timing can give you the upper hand in any fight, being able to turn an enemy on their head just when they think they have the upper hand.
  • Learn to control the demon - Jin's strongest stance awakens his demon energy, consuming Heat Gauge to punish enemies. Learn to master the execution of techniques performed from Awakened Power Stance and efficiently use Heat to maximize the destructive power of the Kazama fighting style.
Tekken 8: Where The Series Can Go After The Mishima Saga

It's interesting to speculate where the Tekken franchise could go after the conclusion of the long-running Mishima Saga.

Countering Jin

Tekken 8 - Jin - Pose-1

Jin is decent all around as a fighter, not the fastest, yet not the strongest, even with his demon energy attacks. A solid Jin player can be a challenge for most fighters, especially if you are playing against a Jin and aren't very familiar with his counter abilities or stance transitions (for example, Zanshin steps back to dodge, allowing Jin to launch into a new line of attacks, and Awakened Power Stance can interrupt and guard break enemies while allowing Jin to tap into empowered combos the emit demon energy blasts). With the lowest start-up frames hitting 10, Jin can easily be outpaced by some of the faster fighters who are still able to keep up with his damage output, like Victor or Lili.

Victor Chevalier, one of Tekken 8's new fighters, especially has an easy time taking on Jin as he can use his quick knife combos to lock Jin (with start-up times of Victor hitting as low as 7 frames) and then seamlessly transition to his Iai Stance, which uses Victor's cybernetic sword to dish out huge amounts of damage using blink attacks that can zip in and out of Jin's attack range.

Jin also has a particularly rough time against fighters who have a good variety of throws or a grappling fighting style that can grab Jin and throw him around the ring without allowing him to use his parries - like King or Panda. Azucena, while less of a grappler, can also be a strong pick due to her automatic counters built into her Libertador stance and her tricky startup motions that can dodge around enemy attacks and strike underneath guards.

tekken 8
Tekken 8

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
January 26, 2024
Bandai Namco Entertainment , Arika