
  • Tekken 8 introduces Rage Arts, devastating special moves that can be used when a character's health is low, giving players a last resort to turn the tide of battle.
  • The quality of the Rage Arts varies, with some being forgettable while others are visually spectacular and showcase the character's personality.
  • Each character's unique Rage Art highlights their fighting style and abilities, creating visually striking and powerful attacks that add depth to gameplay.

Every fighter in Tekken 8 has their own unique special move called a Rage Art, which they can unleash on their opponent to deal a staggering amount of damage. Because they can only be used when a character has dropped to 25% health or less, these devastating attacks essentially act as a last resort, giving the player an opportunity to even the odds if they manage to land the attack successfully.

Tekken 8: 7 Best Stages, Ranked

Tekken 8 features some of the most detailed and visually impressive stages of any fighting game, with these being the best of the bunch.

It does need to be said, though, that the Rage Arts featured in Tekken 8 differ wildly in their actual quality. A few of them are very short and quite forgettable, but there are luckily plenty of others that are much more vibrant and eye-catching, which also allow the character's personality to shine through in the form of an attack. These Rage Arts listed below are particular stand-outs due to their visual spectacle and because of how incredibly powerful they look when pulled off.

7 Hwoarang

Hwoarang's Lightning-Fast Fighting Style Is Perfectly Showcased In His Rage Art

Hwoarang using his Rage Art on Jin

Hwoarang as a character is all about throwing out as many lightning-fast kicks as possible to ensure his opponent never gets an opportunity to attack, and this ferocious fighting style is showcased perfectly in his dazzling Rage Art. In classic Hwoarang fashion, he starts off with an endless flurry of kicks to the opponent's face before eventually launching them up into the air, where he continues his attacks, creating a small whirlwind around him in the process.

The way the camera quickly revolves around Hwoarang during the attack really emphasizes just how fast and lethal he is as a fighter, but he eventually decides to finish things off with a devastating slice-kick, which is a real feast for the eyes. The small lines of dialogue Hwoarang lets out during the attack where he complains about the whole thing being a "Hassle" perfectly sums up how effortlessly strong he is as a fighter.

6 Jun

This More Passive Rage Art Perfectly Suits Jun's Calm And Collected Personality

Jun using her Rage Art on Kazuya

Without a doubt one of the most anticipated characters to be returning in Tekken 8, Jun sticks out from a lot of the series' other characters as she doesn't seem to enjoy fighting quite as much as everyone else. While she's skilled at using Kazama Style Martial Arts, Jun's main interest lies in animal conservation, and this passion will often find its way into her attacks in some form or another.

Tekken 8: All the New Characters in the Base Roster

Three new characters have been announced for Tekken 8; this article will go over who they are and what they are capable of.

In the case of her Rage Art, Jun doesn't pummel the opponent to an inch of their life, but instead, uses a special technique to "Purify" the evil and corruption within the enemy's heart, forcing them to tremble before her. It's an incredibly unique attack that looks incredibly striking thanks to the clear white background that appears and the simple fact that it differs from every other Rage Art in the game since it doesn't involve any physical form of violence.

5 Bryan

Tekken 8's Excellent Sound Design Emphasizes The Power Of Bryan's Endless Flurry Of Punches

Bryan charging up a punch

Bryan Fury has always been described as one of the most dangerous characters in the Tekken universe and a loose cannon who will gladly unleash his underlying rage on anyone who stands in his way. As a result, Bryan's Rage Art is just as violent as many would come to expect, and the sound design really goes a long way to make each one of his punches feel as powerful as possible when he's in the middle of obliterating his opponent.

While his first attack launches the enemy in the air, Bryan continues by throwing an endless amount of haymakers their way, but the sequence then takes the POV of Bryan's mechanical eye, which begins analyzing the target. After breaking down their weaknesses and vulnerabilities, Bryan proceeds by launching one final deadly punch at the opponent, with the slow motion of the camera and Bryan's maniacal laughter making it all the more satisfying to watch in action.

4 Devil Jin

Jin Showcases Tremendous Power In His Devil Form


When Jin activates his Devil form, he becomes much more merciless and unforgiving as a fighter, but he really takes this to a whole new level with his Rage Art, which is absolutely stunning from a visual standpoint. Once Jin slashes his opponent to push them back, he begins laughing maniacally while chains start appearing around him and his enemy.

All of a sudden, the stage completely disappears, and all that can be seen is Jin's unlucky opponent trapped under multiple chains, which forces them to take the brunt of Jin's massive beam attack that he uses to tear them apart while they're at their most vulnerable. It's an incredibly sadistic Rage Art that perfectly encapsulates just how violent Jin becomes when entering this form, and the twisted laughter that can be heard throughout is the icing on the cake.

3 Alisa

Alisa Treats Her Own Head Like An Explosive Soccer Ball During Her Rage Art

Alicia kicking her removed head

Because Alisa is a robot whose body parts can be removed and re-attached at will, it means that she has quite a unique and unorthodox fighting style compared to her peers, and she certainly isn't afraid about using every one of her tools during her Rage Art attack. After pulling out her deadly dual chainsaws, Alisa starts flying around the opponent with her jetpack, slashing them to ribbons as she goes.

18 Best Fighters In Tekken History, Ranked

Tekken has a long history, and the following fighters have been a major part of it due to how great they have continued to be.

That's not all, though, as she then takes off her head and lines it up to take a shot at the enemy, launching it straight into them and eventually exploding it to deal the finishing blow. Hilarious, weird, but so entertaining to watch, this Rage Art manages to look extremely powerful while also retaining that lighthearted nature that has made Alisa such a fan-favorite character.

2 Azucena

Azucena's Most Powerful Attack Is Just As Fun And Vibrant As She Is As A Character

Azucena flicking Lilly with a large blast

Azucena is a fun and bubbly newcomer to the Tekken series whose quick movements and evasive maneuvers make her an incredibly tricky target to hit, but another aspect of her character, which she makes sure to mention every time she can, is how much she loves coffee. Azucena's infectious charisma is showcased perfectly in her Rage Art, where she's constantly popping in and out of the screen to attack the opponent with fast and sudden strikes, giving them no time to react.

As mentioned before, though, Azucena never misses the opportunity to chat about her passion for coffee, and as a result, she asks her opponent how they like to take their coffee right before launching the final attack, which is showered with a range of different colors to make it stand out. Every element of Azucena's personality is demonstrated through her fun and flashy Rage Art, which is sure to put a smile on anyone's face, even the person on the receiving end of it.

1 Kazuya

Kazuya Proves Why He Should Be Feared Through His Utterly Devastating Rage Art

Kazuya Mishima Tekken 8

Just like Jin, Kazuya decides to enter his Devil form during his Rage Art, but he really goes to extreme lengths to demonstrate just how immensely powerful and destructive this form can be when utilized by an experienced user. After firing a lethal purple laser at the enemy fighter, which sets off a cluster of explosions, Kazuya begins to take flight as he slams the opponent into the ground, assuring them that this next attack will be the last thing they ever see.

He then lets out an electrified leg drop that launches into the fighter's chest, causing the whole screen to turn purple and a giant whirlwind of energy to swirl around Kazuya as he deals the finishing blow. There's no doubt that Kazuya is going to be one of the most popular characters online, but with a Rage Art that's this stunning to look at, maybe that isn't such a bad thing after all.

tekken 8
Tekken 8

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
January 26, 2024
Bandai Namco Entertainment , Arika