Table of contents

Dancing through the Iron Fist with her caffeinated fighting style, Azucena joins the ranks of fighters in Tekken 8. Growing up on her family's coffee farm, Azucena brings a bright and flashy personality and equally bubbly fighting style to the roster of serious fighters in the Tekken franchise.

While her motives for fighting may make her an outlier among most of the crew, Azucena's automatic counters, massive sweeping strikes, and her arsenal of grappling techniques combine to make her one of the most powerful and dangerous fighters of the Tekken 8 lineup.

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Style Overview - Azucena, the Perfect Blend Coffee Queen

A new contender in the Iron Fist tournament, Azucena is a Columbian social media star who is determined to dance her way to victory. A champion MMA fighter and professional dancer and model, Azucena brings a sassy style that incorporates a variety of counters and reversals to continuously turn the tables on her enemies, while constantly insulting them in her native language.

Players who are looking to pick up Azucena will find she can be learned very easily, and can quickly climb low ranks in Online Ranked matches due to her capacity to be successful in a fight while players are spamming random inputs (when in doubt, LP, RK, LP, RK, LP, RK, etc. will unleash an annoying juggle combo that alternates high and low attacks).

When first approaching Azucena, here are some tips to remember:

  • Libertador stance counter-attacks - One of Azucena's main stances, Libertador, has her lean forward and drop her guard, taunting the enemy. When active, Azucena will automatically counter any attacks in the high or low lanes - switch to this stance when exiting combos to prevent incoming damage.
  • Stay energized - While not the fastest fighter on the Tekken 8 roster, Azucena's start-up times average below 15 frames, with low recovery times on even her heaviest attacks. Set the pace of the fight by rapidly stringing together inputs - even if not 100% confident of Azucena's combos.
Tekken 8 Trophy / Achievement Guide

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Azucena's Move List

Tekken 8 - Azucena - Rage Art-1

Azucena has a total of 120 techniques in her move list, making her far from the most technical fighter in Tekken 8. Despite this, Azucena can keep her enemies on their toes by integrating any of her 6 attack reversals or her 11 grappling techniques (including chainable throw techniques that can lock down the enemy for massive amounts of damage, similar to King's massive wrestling throws).

Azucena Move List

Heat Moves




Azucena Specialty

Lift the enemy off the ground with a quick rising knee strike before sending them flying back with a charged punch.

Heat Input OR LK + RP

Tifón Patear

A spinning double kick that activates Heat Dash if available.

Forward + RK, RK

Aero Press Pegar

Plant your foot and throw a powerful cross strike, knocking enemies to the ground and activating Heat Dash if available.

Forward + LP + RP

Tacón Plunger

A windmill kick that crashes down on enemies, staggering them while Azucena charges forward with Heat Dash (if Heat activation is available).

Back + LK

Golpe Cappuccino

Performed from Libertador, slap your enemy, pushing them back and staggering them. Heat Dash activates if available.

Forward + LK + RK (Libertador), RP

Smell the Coffee

Can be performed on a crouching enemy, Azucena grabs her foe and crushes their skull with a vicious knee smash before momentarily posing for the camera and her fans.

Down + LK + RK

Libertador Revolución

Performed during Heat, dashes forward closing the distance to enemies, allowing for followup attacks.

Forward + LK + RK

Double Blend Tempestad > Nuevo Libertador

Send the enemy flying back with a triple backhand slap combo, closing the gap at the end with a quick leap.

Back + LP, LP, RP, Forward (Hold)

Puño de Fuego Evitacion

Automatically evade an incoming high attack and counter with a massive uppercut that knocks enemies to the ground, restoring Heat time and health.

With Heat activated and during Libertador, take high attack.

One Drip Cielo Evitacion

Drop backwards to Azucena's palms, dodging an incoming low attack automatically while launching enemies into the air with a double foot kick.

With Heat activated and during Libertador, take low attack.

Rage Move




Alegría del Café

Lock enemies with a swift uppercut, staggering them, then quickly sneak up on them from out of frame. Unleash a barrage of spinning strikes to disorient the enemy before finishing them with a flick right between the eyes.

Rage Input OR Down-Forward + LP + RP

Normal Moves




High Mountain Combo

A two punch jab combo that transitions to Libertador automatically.


High Roast Combo

Start with a quick jab, but finish with a powered downward smash that can transition to facing backward.


Groovy Strike

A strong thrust kick and punch strike that can be canceled into Libertador.


Groovy Punalada

A double kick combo that knocks enemies to the ground.


Danza del Cóndor

A three-strike combo ending with a flying kick that sends enemies flying back.

Forward + RP, LP, RK

Full Body Grande Combo

Strike for the enemy's stomach, following up with a high kick before smashing down on the enemy with a powered-up closed fist palm strike.

Down-Forward + LP, RK, [LP.RP] (Quickly)

Passionate Kick Combo

A dance-like kick combo that flips enemies backward to the ground.

Down + LK, LK, RK

Seattle Skipper

Strike your enemy with three successive knee strikes before kicking them backward and to the ground.

Back + RK, LK, RK, LK


Step forward while shrugging and taunting, opening a new line of attacks and counters.

Forward + LK + RK

Moves During Libertador




Blend Tempestad

Quickly jab upwards, striking the enemy in the face, opening them up for a spinning backhand strike.

(Libertador), LP, RP

Blend Asaltar

Kick your enemy right between the legs, lifting them off the ground. Follow-up with a jab-cross combo that sends enemies flying back.

(Libertador), RK, LP, RP

Rana Barista

A leaping uppercut that launches enemies high into the air, opening the opportunity for juggle combos.

(Libertador), LP + RP

Blend Cortar

Sharply kick the enemy's foot, flipping them on their head. Just before they hit the ground, send them flying back with a roundhouse kick.

(Libertador), Down + RK, RK

Crema Petalo

An automatic dodge that steps behind the enemy while regaining health and shifting back to Libertador.

(Libertador), take high attack

Flush Valve Gracia

A ballet leap that ends with a double kick, regaining health and shifting to Libertador in the process.

(Libertador), take low attack

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Combos for Azucena

Tekken 8 - Azucena - Action Shot

When building combos for Azucena, players will want to learn the attack chains that become available from her two stances, Libertador or facing backward. When facing away from her enemy, Azucena can surprise her enemy with jumping or ducking attacks that can dodge incoming techniques while continuing a combo chain, while Libertador can automatically cause an attack reversal if struck in the high or low lanes, which can catch an enemy off guard when they attempt to attack Azucena after blocking one of her combos and allow Azucena to launch into another technique.

Basic Combo: Mount Rainier + Passionate Kick Combo

Start by striking low with a sweeping uppercut, lifting the enemy into the air slightly. Immediately input Down + LK to catch the opponent just before they hit the ground, lifting them back into the air before sending them flying back.

Input: Down - Forward + RP, Down + LK, LK, RK

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Advanced Combo: Right Kick + Face Backward + Foo Fighter + Crouching Left Punch + Ultimate Tackle > Takedown + Ultimate Punch + Armbar

Tekken 8 - Azucena - Grappling

A combo that combines elegance with pure savagery, start with a Right Kick and pause after the input to face away from the enemy. Once Azucena takes the stance, flip upward and smash down on your enemy. Quickly tag them with a low jab as they fall, then, hold down to stay crouched and tackle the enemy the moment they begin to recover. Ultimate Tackle automatically transitions to Takedown, and the moment Azucena is on top of her enemy, begin the punching inputsfor Ultimate Punch, stopping short to input the Armbar technique. This grapple combo can be hard to escape once started, and will eviscerate your enemy's health rapidly.

Input: RK, <Rest>, LK + RK, Down (Hold) + LP, Down (Hold), LP + LK, LP, RP, LP, LP + RP

Perfect Combo: High Roast Combo + Face Backward + Mocha Attaque Sidamo + Roast Knuckle Combo + Kilimanjaro Uppercut + Tifón Patear + Tacones Drip + Kilimanjaro Uppercut

A whopping combo that slaps the enemy around before juggling them into oblivion - start with a jab-cross combo and transition to facing backward. Tag the enemy with a backhand strike and a quick kick, followed by another quick kick and soft melee strike that feints into Libertador. Cancel into a massive uppercut, and juggle your enemy with two powerful kicks. Flip forward and down onto the enemy with a heel strike, keeping them on the ground, and finish with another sweeping uppercut before they can recover. If the enemy sidesteps or rolls before the final uppercut can hit, transition to a UFO Roll (Down + LP + RP) which cannot be escaped.

Input: LP, RP, Back (Hold), LP, RK, Down + RK, LP, Down-Back + LP + RP, Forward + RK, RK, Up-Forward + RK, Down-Back + LP + RP

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How To Win As Azucena

While she can be easily picked up, players who want to master Azucena will need to dive deep to fully uncover all the flashy dance tricks up her sleeves. Having special moves that allow Azucena to recover Heat Gauge, restore health, or even power-up with a quick coffee break, players who spend time with Azucena will be able to add an incredibly powerful fighter (who can be difficult to counter) to their line-up of Tekken fighters.

To increase your win rate with Azucena, become a master of the following:

  • Only two stances, but too many transitions - Azucena can quickly transition to facing backward or her Libertador stance in an immense number of ways, allowing players to change attack chains and constantly keep enemies guessing.
  • Taunt and flair - Not often addressed, a big aspect of fighting games is the mental strategy. Azucena has several ways to taunt her enemy, either by using one of her special dance moves or by simply standing still until Azucena begins shouting insults at the enemy fighter. Combine these tactics with quick transitions into Azucena's many attack reversals (or Libertador stance for automatic counters) to goad your enemy into an attack that will ultimately work against them.
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Countering Azucena

Tekken 8 - Azucena - Pose

Azucena can be one of the hardest fighters to match against in Tekken 8 given the diversity of her techniques - she can match pace with UN Super Spy Victor Chevalier (albeit at a two to three frame disadvantage), automatically counter-attacks with a simple LP, LP input, and can even rival the grappling prowess of King. When matched against a good Azucena, players will need to rely more on technique than simply picking a fighter that can counter her coffee-empowered style.

While a solid grappler herself, Azucena can be quickly thrown off balance with throw techniques. As these techniques cannot activate her auto-counters, this can be a good way to ensure damage lands on her without triggering any type of reversal. Be careful though, as a good Azucena will reply to these tactics with an inescapable throw of her own.

The most reliable way to ensure Azucena is not a concern is to study her throw escapes and stance counters. While some are inescapable, being able to push Azucena off when she tries to take you down can open the window to flip the fight against her. When Azucena drops her guard and leans forward in her Libertador stance, try a mid-striking power crush that will send her flying back without activating her attack reversals.

tekken 8
Tekken 8

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
January 26, 2024
Bandai Namco Entertainment , Arika