Ever since 2017, Bandai Namco's Tekken 7 has seen massive success in the competitive fighting game space. It has been lauded for its intricate mechanics and roster, along with considerable post-launch support. Tekken 7 alone has sold over 7 million copies, being one of the best selling titles in the franchise of all time, and continuing to be quite popular four years after its launch on consoles. With the game's enduring popularity, Bandai Namco announced that this game will be re-released with a new boxed version, under the moniker of Tekken 7: Legendary Edition.

Video game re-releases, especially for fighting games, is a common practice. When a game has wrapped up its post-launch support, companies will re-release it as a "complete" or "game of the year" edition that bundles all of the game's DLC into one convenient package that fans can get at a lower price. This can be seen with games like Nioh: The Complete Edition or Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate. Tekken 7: Legendary Edition will also follow this trend, albeit with some omissions.

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Announced on Bandai Namco's European Twitter account, this legendary edition will come bundled with the base game's roster, as well as a few of Tekken 7's DLC fighters. Out of the 15 that were added out since the game's launch, only eight will be included in this legendary edition, which is only about half of the post-launch roster. The characters being added in this legendary edition, based on the new box art, are Kunimitsu, Armor King, Anna Williams, Safina, Ganryu, Craig Marduk, Julia Chang, and Lei Wulong.

This left some fans a little miffed, as this means other DLC characters like Noctis from Final Fantasy 15, Negan from The Walking Dead, or even returning Tekken characters like Violet will need to be purchased separately. Bandai Namco however makes it clear that this isn't a "complete" edition, but rather a re-release version that is most likely intended to draw in new players, giving them an option to start with instead of only just the base game.

Fans expressed their confusion over why this re-release was necessary, where if gamers wanted all of Tekken 7's DLC content, starting with this legendary edition would be disadvantageous. They pointed out if someone purchased the game's season passes, there's a chance they would end up re-purchasing content they'd already own from this legendary edition. It's also unclear if there's any other DLC content in this re-release, like the additional stages or customization items, other than the eight characters. There also seems to be no release date outside of Europe as of this writing.

Tekken 7: Legendary Edition will release November 12 for Xbox One and PS4.

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