It's been a while since the name Team Meat was mentioned. The developer, a team-up between Tommy Refenes and Edmund McMillen, is known for its fiendishly difficult platformer Super Meat Boy. Although McMillen and Refenes have gone on to work on other titles - with McMillen's The Binding of Isaac a major feather in his cap - Team Meat itself left us with a breadcrumb trail of vaporware and canceled projects.

The most frustrating thing is that Super Meat Boy was a game that deserved a sophomore effort from the development team. After all, it may have been the best platformer of 2010. Super Meat Boy: The Game for iOS was revealed in 2012, but production eventually ground to a halt. A cat-breeding simulator called Mew-Genics was then announced, but updates on the title have been thin on the ground since February of this year.

However, the mysterious lack of development may soon be a thing of the past. With PAX Prime just around the corner, Team Meat have released details of a brand new game. Its title is A Voyeur for September, and the developer promises more details on the project at PAX Prime's Indie Megabooth later on this month. Not only that, but Team Meat has also released a mysterious teaser trailer for the title.

A Voyeur For September Team Meat Reveal

The trailer itself doesn't offer much information about A Voyeur for September. It consists of grainy, static-laden shots of plants and flowers, before cutting to footage peering into a house and its seemingly unaware inhabitants, all to a haunting piano soundtrack. However, Team Meat has revealed that the title is a "live action stealth game" - something that certainly demands attention.

The game's listing on the Indie Megabooth site reveals that the title is being released for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, and - most interesting of all - "physical." Although information is thin on the ground, it's easy to speculate on what A Voyeur for September could entail. The "live action" description means that the title could include ARG-like elements, and given the title's ties to mobile devices and operating systems, a wise guess could be that gameplay is focused around real-world player locations.

However, there may be more to the project than meets the eye. A few of Team Meat's more sleuth-like fans have noticed something special about the name of the developer's new project. It turns out that A Voyeur for September is an anagram of 'Super Meat Boy Forever'. Whether this is a hint to another project altogether - even though Team Meat announced they had no plans for a sequel - or a bit of fun based on the developer's most famous character remains to be seen.

Information may be scarce, but so far there is enough to get excited. All eyes will be on PAX's Indie Megabooth, where we're sure to learn more about this project - whatever it may be. Those interested in A Voyeur for September can find out more at PAX Prime, from 29 August to 1 September.