The developer behind The Evil Within, Tango Gameworks, may be working on a brand new JRPG project. If the leak that indicates this is happening is real, then Tango Gameworks may be about to try out a new project that will be completely different from the original The Evil Within and the other titles that made it famous.

Tango Gameworks was founded back in 2010 by Shinji Mikami, who is known for his work on survival horror games such as Resident Evil. After the 2014 release of The Evil Within and its sequel a few years later, the company’s name became synonymous with some of the best horror games released in the last few years. Its following game, Ghostwire: Tokyo, maintained the horror vibes of the previous titles, but was much more action-focused, and Hi-Fi Rush was a complete departure from the previous titles. Now, it seems that the following project will stray even further from the survival horror roots that inspired The Evil Within.

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According to leaker eXtas1s, Tango Gameworks may be currently working on a new Japanese role-playing game. This would be the first game for a whole new IP and a radical departure from previous horror games. Aside from this yet unnamed game, the studio seems to be working on two other games, and if eXtas1s is to be believed, the other one is not The Evil Within 3. As eXtas1s is known for a few notable leaks, such as the one about Overdose, an upcoming game made by Hideo Kojima, he got enough credentials to be credible in this leak.

Back in February, Tango Gameworks announced that its CEO Shinji Mikami was going to depart from the company. Mikami worked for Capcom for decades before founding Tango Gameworks, being part of the creation of franchises like Resident Evil and Devil May Cry. Now that he’s gone, the studio may be changing a lot, and these upcoming games are proof of that.

As recently shown by Hi-Fi Rush, Tango Gameworks should not be focused solely on horror games. With bright colors and rhythm-based action, this game shows that the studio is well-versed in other kinds of gameplay and that it should not be completely tied up by its main IP, The Evil Within. At the moment, however, it’s best to wait for an official announcement before speculating too much on the next project, as there’s next to no information about it.

MORE: Shinji Mikami's Greatest Games

Source: GamesRadar