One of Mario's most noticeable physical features, aside from his charming mustache and bright red overalls, is his height. Mario isn't some big and burly main protagonist who can take on anyone that steps in his way with sheer might, as he's actually pretty small and not exactly the most intimidating guy on the surface. Admittedly, though, there are many people in the Mario universe who are on the shorter side, so it almost makes it feel like the characters have all been shrunken down to make the Mushroom Kingdom look even more gigantic in scale.

7 Tallest Final Fantasy Characters, Ranked

There's been a plethora of tall characters that have appeared through the Final Fantasy series, but these individuals are by far the biggest overall.

On the other hand though, there have also been some pretty tall individuals seen throughout the Mario games, some of them friends, but most of whom are enemies, or at least, were at one point in time. It's time to take a look at the actual heights of these beloved characters to see who truly stands among them all as the biggest of the bunch.

8 Daisy

Height: 6'

Daisy in Mario Sports Mix
Super Mario Land

Nintendo Game Boy
July 31, 1989
Nintendo R&D1

Daisy first made her debut in the series in Super Mario Land for the GameBoy where she was ruler of Sarsaland. Though some people may see Daisy as little more than a color palette swap of Peach, she's actually quite different in her personality, being much more sarcastic and witty compared to Peach's more passive attitude. She's also known for being pretty tall, easily towering over the Mario brothers and most of their friends.

Since she first appeared, Daisy has become a recurring character in the games who has taken part in everything from golf, to soccer, all the way to kart racing. She's a mainstay of the series, and though she prefers not to fight, she's shown on numerous occasions that she's also not afraid to throw-down if the situation calls for it, and will gladly use her larger stature to her advantage.

7 Peach

Height: 6' 1"

last picture in princess peach showtime, peach high fives stella
Super Mario Bros.

November 17, 1985
Nintendo R&D4

Standing only an inch taller than her counterpart, Peach is more or less considered a giant in the world of Mario who can always be seen standing head and shoulders above most of her friends and allies. Out of the main crew, she's the tallest by quite a larger margin, which can clearly be seen at the beginning of most of the 2D games where she's usually relaxing alongside the others before Bowser inevitably arrives to snatch her away.

Every Mario Game On The GameCube

Being a Nintendo console, of course the GameCube featured a bevy of Mario titles, and here are all of them.

Peach is also more than twice the size of her loyal Toad followers, with some fans even theorizing that the only reason they worship her at all is because of how awe-struck they are by her size, almost seeming like she came from an entirely different world. Even when Peach appears as a playable fighter in the Super Smash Bros games, she still manages to stand toe to toe with individuals like Samus and Captain Falcon, which gives a good idea of how tall she really is.

6 Birdo

Height: 6' 3"

Super Mario Bros. 2

September 1, 1988
Nintendo EAD

In all honesty, Birdo is a character who can be easy to forget about, despite the fact she's appeared in more than a few Mario games over the years. Before she became an ally of Mario's in the later games, Birdo actually started out as an enemy in Super Mario Bros 2, but over time, she seems to have grown closer to the main gang of heroes and decided to help them on numerous occasions. Part of the reason for this is probably because of Yoshi, whom she seems to share a particularly special bond with.

However, while Yoshi could already be considered fairly tall, in reality, Birdo is quite a bit bigger, mostly because of her natural height, but also due to the massive red bow which can always be seen on the back of her head. Though this probably isn't a natural part of Birdo's body, similarly to Shy Guy's mask, Birdo can never be seen not wearing it, so whether she uses it to look a bit taller is unknown, but it certainly worked for her this time around.

5 Rosalina

Height: 7' 3"

Rosalina Mario Kart 8
Super Mario Galaxy

Wii , Nintendo Wii U
November 1, 2007
3D Platformer

Though Rosalina was only intended to be a one-off character for Super Mario Galaxy, it didn't take long for her to become a fan-favorite who Nintendo felt obligated to include in more Mario games going forward. Part of what makes Rosalina so intriguing is how mysterious she is as a character. Though she resides in the Comic Observatory and is tasked with protecting the cosmos, she only reveals tiny tidbits about her backstory throughout Mario Galaxy.

As a result, many players assumed that she must be some sort of alien or even a goddess, not only because of how much authority she wields, but also due to her size. Rosalina is far taller than both of the Mario brothers, and though she's not the tallest human in the game's universe, she's not far off.

4 Waluigi

Height: 7' 7"

Waluigi running with a tennis racket from Luigi and Mario in Smash 4
Mario Tennis

Nintendo 64 , Nintendo 3DS , Wii , Game Boy Color
August 28, 2000

It would only be a matter of time before Waluigi would show up on this list, as he is undoubtedly the tallest human in the Mario universe by leaps and bounds. The simple reason for this is the fact that Waluigi has some of the longest legs ever seen in a video game. In fact, his legs alone are bigger than Toad, and almost as tall as Mario himself. This gives him an incredibly intimidating presence as it allows him to always look down on his enemies, both physically and metaphorically.

Waluigi also isn't shy about putting his size to good use when he needs to. In Mario Strikers Charged for example, he's easily able to barge people into the electric fences due to his size, and is capable of pelting the ball at incredible speeds thanks to his long legs. How he manages to fit inside a car with each Mario Kart game is unclear, but there's no doubt if he was ever added to the Super Smash Bros lineup, he'd be a real force to be reckoned with due to his large frame.

3 Donkey Kong

Height: 7' 10"

Donkey Kong Country Rare key art1
Donkey Kong (1994)

Nintendo Game Boy
July 22, 1994
Nintendo EAD , Pax Softnica
Platformer , Puzzle

Similar to Bowser, there was once a time when Donkey Kong was also one of Mario's fiercest rivals, but over time, DK has started to warm up to the plucky plumber, and the two have worked together on numerous occasions. It's a good thing he isn't as antagonistic as he used to be, since Donkey Kong could easily crush Mario if he wanted to given just how massive he is in comparison.

At first glance, Donkey Kong may not seem that big, but this is often because he likes to rest on his knuckles, which allows him to move around his environment faster while on all-fours. When he's standing upright, there's barely anyone in the world of Mario who can compare to his size, and like Bowser, this resulted in him being a strong and heavy type of Super Smash Bros fighter who relies on his heavy punches to get the job done.

2 Bowser

Height: 8' 4"

Mario facing off against bowser
Super Mario Bros.

November 17, 1985
Nintendo R&D4

Admittedly, Nintendo has played around with Bowser's size multiple times, especially in the New Super Mario Bros series where he's often depicted as a massive fire-breathing behemoth. For most of his appearances though, he's not quite this big, but still very tall nonetheless, standing at well over 8 feet. It makes a lot of sense why Bowser would be depicted as so big, since he is designed to be the intimidating main antagonist of the games after all, but when standing side by side with Mario, it can honestly be quite frightening to see just how much bigger the King of Koopa's is compared to his rival.

Super Mario: Weirdest Powers Bowser Has Had

From fire breathing to time travel, Super Mario's Bowser has had some weird powers throughout the franchise's history.

Because Bowser can sometimes be used for comic relief in the games, or in other forms of Mario media, making him this big also helps to remind players he's still a dangerous villain who will gladly squash anyone who opposes him. Bowser's large frame resulted in him becoming a heavy archetype character in Super Smash Bros where he's able to use moves like a bellyflop and divekick to fling his opponent off the stage with little to no effort.

1 Petey Piranha

Height: 12'

Petey Piranha attacking Kirby in New Donk City
Super Mario Sunshine

August 26, 2002
Nintendo EAD

Alongside the Goombas and Koopas, another common enemy that Mario has encountered on more than a few occasions is the Piranha Plant. Most of these snappy guys look exactly the same, but there's one who stands out among the rest for his strength and size, and that's Petey. Unlike a lot of the characters on this list, Petey only makes brief appearances here and there, and wouldn't exactly be considered a main character or enemy of the series.

When he does show up though, he's capable of causing an incredible amount of carnage with his massive head and gigantic body. He originally showed up as a boss in Super Mario Sunshine, but since then, he's appeared in a few other games, such as Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam, and Mario Party: Star Rush. There's long been a theory among the fanbase which claims that Petey is perhaps the leader of all the Piranha Plants, and if his size is anything to go by, it seems highly likely this could be the case.

Most Difficult Mario Games, Ranked

Mario is one of Nintendo's most popular franchises but some of their Mario games are brutally difficult.