The Tales series is one of Japan’s most beloved and long-running JRPG series. With a myriad of games spanning multiple console generations, the Tales series stands out among other JRPGs for a laundry list of different reasons.

The first entry in the Tales series, Tales of Phantasia, was released all the way back in 1995 for the Super Famicom in Japan. Now, the Tales series is about to commemorate its 25th anniversary and developer Bandai Namco is hosting a livestream celebration with tons of fun content planned.

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Bandai Namco made its official announcement through its Japanese website earlier today. A date for the livestream has yet to be announced, but Bandai Namco has outlined some of the content fans can expect from the livestream. The livestream will feature developer and publisher stories from staff who have worked on the Tales series, discussions surrounding fan questions and surveys, as well as news from upcoming Tales titles. Though unconfirmed as of yet, the livestream could announce news regarding the indefinitely delayed Tales of Arise.

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Additionally, the livestream may also feature news surrounding other upcoming titles in the Tales series. Bandai Namco trademarked a new Tales title in October that could hint to some kind of new entry in the series. Of course, all of this is still just speculation, as Bandai Namco has only loosely provided details on what kind of content the stream will hold. Still, it seems like this livestream will be a very nice way for fans to celebrate the Tales series, whether they live in Japan or overseas. Fans should remain on the lookout for when an official date and time for the livestream is announced.

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Source: Bandai Namco