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Riville Prison Tower is the second castle in Tales of Arise and the home of Cyslodia's devious overlord, Ganabelt. Following some shocking and unexpected events in the castle's courtyard, players eventually find themselves storming the tower with a full party of four at their disposal. This includes Alphen, Shionne, and Rinwell as well as Zephyr's estranged son, Law, who tags along in order to exact revenge on his former master.

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The castle itself is actually a little smaller than the previous one, though requires a fair amount of back and forth in order to unlock its many secrets. There are also a few things that cannot be done until after players have defeated Ganabelt, meaning that they'll need to return to the location a little later on in Tales of Arise's story if they want to get their hands on all of the items there.

Updated November 7, 2021 by Tom Bowen: Given how much hand-holding there is during the early stages of Tales of Arise, there's perhaps an argument to be made that Riville Prison Tower is the game's first real dungeon. Players are, for the most part, left to figure things out entirely for themselves, which can make the tower a lot trickier to navigate than Glanymede Castle. There are also a few secrets that will require players to return later on; most notably, the hidden chamber that's accessed via the office at the end of the Collection Room. This guide covers everything that players will need to know about Riville Prison Tower, including where to find the Hidden Chamber Key, how to beat Lord Ganabelt, and where players should go next once they have done so.

Riville Prison Tower - 1F


Upon entering the castle, players will find themselves in a lobby area with a bunch of enemies and an out-of-order elevator. Most of the doors are locked at this time though, so players should head through the door to the right, which will take them to the Southern Block.

Riville Prison Tower - Southern Block


Upon passing through the door, players will be faced with a large blue wall. Much like the flame walls in Glanymede Castle, these can be torn down by Law in exchange for some CP. This first one only costs 11, but there's another one shortly after which costs twice that amount. It's arguably worth it though, as there's a chest containing an Alexandrite accessory behind it, which will come in pretty useful later on.


The rest of the adjoining rooms contain various healing gels as well as the Collection Room Key. Players can also find a resistance member dressed like one of the Snake Eyes, who'll provide them with a hint as to how they can gain access to the castle's underground prison.


With the Collection Room key now in hand, players should return to the main lobby, head up the stairs and unlock the door. On the other side, they'll find a room full of display cases full of weapons and armor, though there's sadly no way to interact with them. With this in mind, players should keep going to the next room and then push the button under the desk.


Observant players may notice that there's a hidden door behind one of the bookcases, but there's no way to unlock it at this time. Instead, players should return to the main lobby and head through the newly unlocked door on the left to gain access to the Underground Prison.

Riville Prison Tower - Underground Prison


One of the first things that players will notice upon entering the prison is the Gigant Zeugle mini-boss, though, much like the hidden room, this doesn't come into play until much later on. There are some healing items in some of the other cells though and a blue chest containing a Life Bottle. The Elevator Key, which is the main reason for coming down to the prison, is on the desk. Once players have it, they should return to the lobby and ride the elevator up to the second floor.

Riville Prison Tower - 2F


The second floor is incredibly large and is hiding many secrets. All of the unlocked rooms contain food and healing items, but there are a few other things to look out for. The first of these is in a room behind a blue barrier, which players will need Law and 23 CP to tear down. Inside, they'll find a red chest containing a Middy Blouse, which can be equipped by Shionne.


Not long after this, players will come to another 23 CP blue wall. Immediately opposite this is a room with another red chest that contains Alphen's Haute Couture armor, which, like the Middy Blouse, should provide a nice defensive boost. There's also a blue chest containing 1,500 Gald nearby, as well as some additional healing items.


Returning to the original path, players will come to a room that's being guarded by some soldiers, one of which is a red Cyslodian Chief Spearman. These enemies are a lot more durable than regular Cyslodian soldiers, so players should approach this fight with a little more caution than they usually would.


With the enemies taken care of, players can use the terminal in the room that they were guarding to activate the elevator. The room next to it contains some more healing items and Owl #14 perched on top of one of the bookshelves. Upon returning to the elevator, players will need to defeat some more soldiers and can then make their way to the third floor.

Lord Ganabelt Valkyris Boss Fight


After refilling the party's health and CP with the healing light, players should make their way through the door to confront Ganabelt. He has a couple of powerful light-based attacks, so it's a good idea to equip the Alexandrite on whoever is going to be the primary attacker. Rinwell is a good option here as she's able to interrupt Ganabelt's Artes, though, ultimately, it shouldn't make too much difference who players choose.

Boss Tip: Law's Boost Attack can break down Ganabelt's barrier, while Rinwell's can interrupt his Artes.


At about 50% HP, Ganabelt will begin to channel Astral energy, at which point four mirages will appear around him. These are fairly easy to take out, though players should be prepared for his Indignation attack. It's pretty powerful, though shouldn't be nearly enough to kill a well-leveled party (14+) providing everyone's HP is at a decent level when he uses it.


Once all four mirages have been taken care of, the task becomes a fairly simple one. Ganabelt will teleport around a little, but this won't be enough to spare him from the party's onslaught. Eventually, Law will punch him into the giant orb of Astral energy to finally put an end to proceedings, at which point, natural light will return to Cyslodia.

Riville Prison Tower - Cleanup


After defeating Ganabelt, players will be able to pick up the "Culling the Snowplain Herds" sub-quest from Bregon back at the hideout, which involves defeating three groups of monsters in the Nevira Snowplain area and will unlock the "Survey Says..." quest upon its completion. This second quest requires players to speak with three Cysloden citizens and then head back to the prison tower.


Upon returning to the Underground Prison area, Law will speak with a traitor for a while and then players can unlock the cage containing the Gigant Zeugle they saw earlier on. It's a level 21 Polycephus, so players should probably level up their party until they're at least level 15 before taking it on. It has some pretty powerful attacks, but most of these can be dodged pretty easily.

Boss Tip: Most of the Polycephus' attacks are front-facing, so it's a good idea to stay behind it as much as possible.


As well as another Astral Flower, defeating the Polycephus will reward players with a Hidden Chamber Key, which can be used in the room at the end of the Collection Room to gain access to a secret area. Inside, players will find a red chest containing a Lucky Bangle, which increases the chance of enemies dropping items. Later on, after the players have found the first 32 Owls and reached the Rena section of the main story, they'll also find Owl #35 in this room.

Where to Go After Riville Prison Tower


After defeating Ganabelt, players will be able to venture out into the Frozen Valley, which can be accessed via Central Plaza Avenue in Cysloden. Though certain parts of the area are inaccessible at this point in the story, players should still take their time to fully explore the ones that are, as, amongst other things, they'll be able to find Owl #15 and Rinwell's Zeugle Shell Mage Coat.


Whenever they're ready to leave, players should follow the path until they reach the Safar Sea Cave, which separates the realms of Cyslodia and Menancia. Here, they'll need to make their way down to the Lower Level via the hole on the left of the Central Level, which will enable them to pick up Law's Zeugle Shell Vest armor from the red chest in the side room.


There's also some Gald and healing items scattered around the cave as well as a Black Onyx accessory for those who want it, but the armor is the only real must-have that's on offer. After collecting everything they want from the area, players can head through the tunnel to Overseer Hill, which is the first area in the game's third realm, Menancia.

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