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Players will encounter hundreds, if not thousands of Zeugles as they make their way through the main story of Tales of Arise. Some are a lot more deadly than others, however. Gigant Zeugles are high-level enemies with stats that are far greater than their regular counterparts, making them some of the most challenging enemies in Tales of Arise.

RELATED: Tales of Arise: Every Artifact (& Where To Find Them)

Thankfully, these ferocious foes all have a weakness, which comes in the form of an orange core somewhere on their bodies. Destroying this core will lead to an extended break period, during which time players can dish out some considerable damage (providing their party is within five to ten levels of the Zeugle, that is). Each one will drop an Astral Flower upon their defeat, and beating all 20 will unlock the Big Game Hunter trophy/achievement.

Updated November 5, 2021 by Tom Bowen: Finding every Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise can be a little tricky. Figuring out how to defeat them all, on the other hand, can at times be downright difficult. For this reason, this guide has been updated to include information on how to beat all of the Gigant Zeugles in Tales of Arise rather than just information on where to find them. As mentioned above, these strategies are designed for parties within five to ten levels of the Zeugles themselves, though will obviously become more effective as the player's party level increases.



Where to Find the Toxidillo Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Players will find the Toxidillo on the fourth floor of Glanymede Castle.

How to Beat the Toxidillo Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Toxidillo has no weaknesses nor resistances, so players should use whichever attacks and Artes they feel most comfortable with. Its weak point is on its tail, so players should aim to get behind it whenever possible, while also being sure to avoid its powerful poison and charge attacks.

Rewards For Beating The Toxidillo

  • Hard Bone
  • Spherical Shell
  • Astral Flower

Boisterous Roper


Where to Find the Boisterous Roper Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Boisterous Roper is in the Ulvhan Grotto area. Defeating it will also complete the "Opening Up Trade" sub-quest, though players don't need to initiate the quest to take the Gigant Zeugle on.

How to Beat the Boisterous Roper Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Boisterous Roper is weak to wind attacks, so players should utilize Alphen's Severing Wind Arte as much as possible. For other party members, players may want to consider disabling all of their non-wind elemental Artes before the battle, just to ensure that they're always attacking weakness. Once the battle begins, players should focus on taking out the regular Ropers first before targeting the larger variant. The only attack they'll really need to worry about is its seismic wave, which players can jump over to avoid.

Rewards For Beating The Boisterous Roper

  • Strange Core
  • Earth Seed
  • Astral Flower



Where to Find the Polycephus Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Players will battle the Polycephus as part of the "Survey Says..." sub-quest, which can be initiated after completing Riville Prison Tower.

How to Beat the Polycephus Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Polycephus' weak point is on its front-left leg, so this is where players should target the majority of their attacks. Sadly, the boss has no elemental weaknesses, so it's simply a case of using a combination of powerful Artes and Boost Attacks to chip away at its health.

Rewards For Beating The Polycephus

  • Inferno Fang
  • Astral Flower
  • A Key to a hidden chamber

Great Dragon


Where to Find the Great Dragon Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Great Dragon will show up midway through a battle with some wild boars in the southwestern area of the Traslida Highway area.

How to Beat the Great Dragon Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

As with other Gigant Zeugles in Tales of Arise, it's a good idea to take out all of the accompanying enemies first. Once the boars are gone, players should then focus on hitting the Great Dragon with water-based attacks, while also using Rinwell's Boost Attack to cancel the dragon's Artes whenever it begins to cast them. Its weak spot is on its chest, so players will need to be mindful of the boss' physical attacks if they plan to target it.

Rewards For Beating The Great Dragon

  • Keen Gigafang
  • Astral Flower



Where to Find the Flamewrecker Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Players will encounter the Flamewrecker at Razum Quarry in the Mining Site 1 area as part of the "Walking Crag" sub-quest.

How to Beat the Flamewrecker Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Flamewrecker is a relatively straightforward boss thanks in large to the positioning and size of its weak point. It's spread across the entire height of the Zeugle's back, making it incredibly easy to target when compared to some of the other Gigant Zeugles in Tales of Arise. The boss is weak to water too, so providing players take advantage of this and avoid the boss' powerful physical attacks, they really shouldn't have too much trouble taking it down.

Rewards For Beating The Flamewrecker

  • Bizarre Megacore
  • Clay Fragment
  • Astral Flower

Relentless Charger


Where to Find the Relentless Charger Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Relentless Charger shows up in the Traslida Highway area as part of the "A Boorish Boor" sub-quest. The quest can only be initiated once players have completed Autelina Palace.

How to Beat the Relentless Charger Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Relentless Charger is weak to wind attacks, so players should equip their best wind-based Artes before initiating the battle. As its name might suggest, the Zeugle's charge attacks are something of a specialty, which can make attacking it head-on a little risky. This doesn't bode well for those hoping to target the enemy's weak spot, though they'll still have ample opportunities to do so whenever the Relentless Charger is knocked down or immediately after it finishes one of its signature charges. Kisara's Boost Attacks can be useful for dealing with the latter, though mastering the timing may take a couple of attempts.

Rewards For Beating The Relentless Charger

  • Sturdy Megabone
  • Granite Fang
  • Astral Flower

Alpha Reaper


Where to Find the Alpha Reaper Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Players will find the Alpha Reaper in the northern part of Traslida Highway as part of the "Dohalim, Big Game Hunter" sub-quest. As with the previous Gigant Zeugle, players will first need to finish the Autelina Palace section of the main story before the quest can be initiated.

How to Beat the Alpha Reaper Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Before approaching the Alpha Reaper, players should ensure that they have their best earth Artes equipped. Once the battle begins, they'll want to take out the smaller Apes first, after which they'll be able to focus all of their attention on the Gigant Zeugle. Its weak spot is on its right arm, making it fairly easy to target without putting physical attackers directly in harm's way. With a healthy combination of Boost Attacks and earth elemental Artes, players should be able to break the enemy multiple times during the battle, which will make defeating it a fairly simple task.

Rewards For Beating The Alpha Reaper

  • Sturdy Megabone
  • Titanium Vambrace
  • Astral Flower



Where to Find the Stormbringer Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Stormbringer is fought at the Tuah Seashore as part of the "Seaside Tornados" sub-quest, which can be initiated in Thistlym once The Wedge shows up.

How to Beat the Stormbringer Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Stormbringer has high attack and low defense stats, making blocks and dodges an incredibly important part of the battle. It's also weak against earth attacks, so players will want to exploit this fact as often as possible. They should deal with the Archer Hawks first, after which they'll need to bring the Stormbringer down to the ground by hitting it with a few ranged Artes or Boost Attacks. After that, it's a simple case of piling on damage, while also aiming for the orange core on the boss' right wing when possible.

Rewards For Beating The Stormbringer

  • Rending Titanfang
  • Majestic Feather
  • Astral Flower



Where to Find the Elemental Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Players will do battle with the Elemental (technically, Elementals) in the Lavtu Marshlands area as part of the "Master of Nature" sub-quest, which is handed out by a boy in Pelegion.

How to Beat the Elemental Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Though players will only square off against a single Elemental to begin with, it will soon be joined by three more, which can make targeting weaknesses (earth, wind, water, and fire) a little tricky. It is possible, but players may be better off taking a brute force physical approach or equipping only light or dark Artes to avoid hitting resistances. Each of the Elementals will use elemental attacks of their own too, so players should consider equipping some Resist Rings and be sure to use Rinwell's Boost Attack to cancel their Artes whenever possible. It's also a good idea to pick them off one by one, as together they can be a real handful.

Rewards For Beating The Elemental

  • Mystical Luminacore
  • Astral Flower

Regent Bee


Where to Find the Regent Bee Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

To find the Regent Bee, players must first initiate the "Her Place" sub-quest by speaking to a man in Shinefall Woods after The Wedge appears on Dahna. They'll then find the Zeugle a little further into the woods.

How to Beat the Regent Bee Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Regent Bee has no weaknesses or resistances, so players should set themselves up with their strongest possible Artes. They'll want to focus on hitting the boss' midriff and stinger to trigger a break as quickly as possible, which shouldn't prove to be too difficult. Due to the shape and size of the Zeugle, it's possible to hit the stinger from all angles, which can make breaking it a lot easier than some of its peers. From a defensive point of view, players should steer clear of its ranged stinger attack as best as possible, as well as the exploding bee attack that it uses during the second half of the fight.

Rewards For Beating The Regent Bee

  • Rending Titanfang
  • Paralysis Stinger
  • Astral Flower
  • Incendiary Scale

Agony Keeper


Where to Find the Agony Keeper Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Players will come up against the Agony Keeper as part of the "In Sync" sub-quest, which can be initiated in Cyslodien once players return from Ganath Haros. They'll then find the Zeugle in the Frozen Valley area.

How to Beat the Agony Keeper Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Agony Keeper's weakness to wind attacks makes it a fairly simple enemy to deal with, as too does the positioning of its weak point. It's right on the Zeugles tail, meaning that players can do most of their attacking from behind while avoiding the bulk of the boss' most devastating attacks. Ideally, they'll want to hit it with everything they've got right from the get-go without ever letting their foot off the gas. This will keep the Zeugle from ever taking flight, which in turn makes defeating it considerably easier.

Rewards For Beating The Agony Keeper

  • Rending Titanfang
  • Infused Statue Fragment
  • Astral Flower

Mother Boomy


Where to Find the Mother Boomy Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Mother Boomy can be found in the Aqfotle Hills area during the "Skybound Swarm" sub-quest. To initiate the quest, players will need to make their to the Hidden Wharf in Mahag Saar.

How to Beat the Mother Boomy Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

With no elemental weaknesses, the Mother Boomy fight is another in which players need only focus on using their most powerful attacks. The boss does have a few of her own though, one of which sees her spawn a swarm of smaller Boomy and then charge rapidly towards the party. Players will want to dodge this attack whenever possible, as it deals a considerable amount of damage on impact. Though the boss' weak point is on its back, the speed with which it moves around can make targeting it a little tricky. For this reason, players should focus on hitting it with Boost Attacks the moment they get behind it, and also keeping the party spread out across the battlefield so that one or two party members are always behind it.

RewardsFor Beating The Mother Boomy

  • Rending Titanfang
  • Spirit Tail
  • Astral Flower



Where to Find the Ruthless Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Players will fight two Ruthless on the B2 floor of the Fortress Ruins in Este Luvah Forest. Before they show up though, players will first need to initiate the "Echoes" sub-quest by speaking to Baephon in Niez.

How to Beat the Ruthless Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Ruthless' stats are a bit more well-balanced than some of the other Gigant Zeugles, which can make dealing with them a little more time-consuming. They have no major weaknesses either, so it's another case of slowly chipping away at their HP until they're finally defeated. Players should still try their best to pick them off one at a time though, as dealing with both of them while their HP is below 50% can be a real nightmare. Dohalim's Boost Attack can help a lot in this regard, as it will slow the enemies down quite a bit.

Rewards For Beating The Ruthless

  • Large Demihuman Talon
  • Astral Flower



Where to Find the Thunderite Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Thunderite is locked away behind a giant boulder in Iglia Sands. Before players can get to it though, they'll first need to complete the "Mixed Feelings" sub-quest, which is initiated in Ulzebek.

How to Beat the Thunderite Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Thunderite has an incredibly high physical attack stat, so players will need to approach this fight with an air of caution. They should make sure they have plenty of healing items in stock and avoid getting too close to the boss until they've familiarized themselves with its attack patterns. Its elemental attacks can deal a lot of damage, so players may want to consider equipping Resist Rings on their ranged attackers. As for their physical attacker, they'll instead want to opt for a Shock Charm, as the Thunderite's electricity-based attack can cause instant paralysis. From an offensive point of view, players should exploit the Zeugle's weakness to fire, which, among other things, means using Alphen's Flaming Edge attacks as often as possible.

Rewards For Beating The Thunderite

  • Indomitable Gargantubone
  • Sticky Tentacle
  • Astral Flower



Where to Find the Mantis Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Mantis will likely be the first Gigant Zeugle that most players encounter, though they won't be able to take it on until much later in the game. It can be found in the Sandinus Ravine area and defeating it will complete the "Giant Zeugle Hunt" sub-quest.

How to Beat the Mantis Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Like several of the other Gigant Zeugles, the Mantis is weak to Wind attacks, so players should set their party up with this in mind. It also has a relatively low elemental defense stat, which bodes well for those planning to attack weakness. Unfortunately, its weak point is on its front left leg, which, due to its wide array of claw-based attacks, can make hitting it with physical attacks a little tricky. That said, if players are fast enough with the dodge button, this shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Rewards For Beating The Mantis

  • Mantid Claw
  • Astral Flower

Calamity Arms


Where to Find the Calamity Arms Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Players will square off with the Calamity Arms as part of the "Tissue Sample" sub-quest, which is handed out by the researchers on Daeq Faezol. Once the quest has been initiated, they'll need to head to the Upper Level 3F area of Gegham Helgari to find the Zeugle.

How to Beat the Calamity Arms Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Calamity Arms is weak to Light attacks, which makes Law and Rinwell incredibly useful in this battle. More cautious players may want to consider equipping the party with some Alexandrite, which, when combined with the Light/Dark Damage -10% Bonus Skill, can make this fight a lot more straightforward. Rather than targeting the boss' weak point, which is hard to reach due to being on its head, players should instead exploit its slow movement speed and focus on attacking the Calamity Arms from behind. Boost Attacks can still be used to damage the weak point, though when it comes to regular attacks, it really isn't worth the risk of facing the Zeugle head-on.

Rewards For Beating The Calamity Arms

  • Cursed Claw
  • Astral Flower

Masher Bull


Where to Find the Masher Bull Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

After completing "Tissue Sample," players will be able to return to the researchers on Daeq Faezol to initiate the "The Super Zeugle" sub-quest. They'll then need to head to Adan Lake in Mahag Saar, where they'll fight both the Masher Bull and the Masher Mare together.

How to Beat the Masher Bull Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Granted, the Masher Bull is something of a physical powerhouse, though much of the challenge of defeating it is derived from it being joined by the Masher Mare. Together, these powerful foes are capable of wiping out the party in an instant, so players should focus on dealing with them one at a time. To do this, they'll need to target the Masher Bull's weak spot, which can be found on its right leg. Once it goes down, they'll then want to hit it with everything they've got, including any Boost Strikes they happen to have available. After depleting its HP bar, they can then switch their focus to the other Gigant Zeugle.

Rewards For Beating The Masher Bull

  • Indomitable Gargantubone
  • Adamantine Tendon
  • Megafauna Bone
  • Astral Flower

Masher Mare


Where to Find the Masher Mare Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Masher Mare is fought together with the Masher Bull in Adan Lake as part of the "The Super Zeugle" sub-quest.

How to Beat the Masher Mare Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

For all intents and purposes, the Masher Mare is the same as the Masher Bull, with the exception being that its weak spot is on its left leg rather than its right. Both enemies are fairly slow, so players should use this to their advantage where possible. In particular, it can help to separate the pair so that players need only worry about one of them at a time. That said, providing players remain alert to where both bosses are and what they're both doing, this isn't really a requirement.

Rewards For Beating The Masher Mare

  • Indomitable Gagantubone
  • Adamantine Tendon
  • Astral Flower



Where to Find the Ezamamuk Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Once players have completed the "Tissue Sample" and "The Super Zeugle" quests for the researchers on Daeq Faezol, they'll unlock the "The Ultimate Zeugle" sub-quest. After doing so, they'll need to return to Mount Dhiara, where they'll fight the Ezamamuk in the Mountain Base area.

How to Beat the Ezamamuk Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Ezamamuk ​​​​​​​has a couple of powerful light elemental attacks, so players may want to consider equipping some Alexandrite before the fight. They should also make sure that they have their most powerful dark Artes equipped so as to best exploit the boss' weakness. The biggest threat posed by the boss is its tornado/lightning move, which can interrupt the party's attacks as well as inflict paralysis. If players are able to break the core on its tail, however, the Ezamamuk will no longer be able to use this attack, which can make the fight a lot simpler.

Reward For Beating The Ezamamuk

  • Lustrous Astral Crystal
  • Astral Flower

Sword Dancer


Where to Find the Sword Dancer Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

The Sword Dancer shows up in the Water Astral Energy Separator on Rena right at the end of the main story, just before the point of no return. Players can also fight a more powerful version of the Sword Dancer known as the Sword Ranker at the Training Grounds in Elde Menancia as part of the Ultimate group challenge. Defeating it won't count towards the Big Game Hunter trophy/achievement, though it will reward players with ten Astral Flowers and so is definitely worth doing.

How to Beat the Sword Dancer Gigant Zeugle in Tales of Arise

Despite its high level and intimidating HP pool, the Sword Breaker's attack stats are fairly lackluster. It also has poor elemental defense, which, when combined with its weakness to light attacks and multiple weak points, can make dealing with its first phase a fairly simple endeavor. It does become a little trickier after it transforms, though by continuing to exploit its weakness and using Kisara's Boost Attack whenever it charges, players shouldn't have too much trouble bringing it down a second time.

Reward For Beating The Sword Dancer

  • Astral Flower

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