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As the new installment in Bandai Namco's Tales series, Tales of Arise pushes its world to its limits with new visuals and fresh combat combined with familiar elements. With so much to uncover, it would be best to know how to use Fast Travel, a feature that makes exploration in Tales of Arise much easier.

Fast Travel spares players the effort of slogging through enemy-infested territories and re-exploring dungeons to get from Point A to Point B. As a recurring mechanic in Tales of Arise, Fast Travel is nothing new. While the game spares them the flying ship or a dragon, Fast Travel is still something all players will want as they continue their journey.

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Unlocking Fast Travel

Because it is such a staple in the Tales series, Fast Travel will be unlocked through the main story mode in Tales of Arise. Players only need to complete the Main Quests until they are assigned the mission Battle Preparations. In addition, Shionne will also get a new outfit.

The quest will need 100% completion before players gain access to Fast Travel. Unlike some previous Tales games, Fast Travel is unlocked relatively early, at about 3-4 hours into the game with sidequests.

Using Fast Travel


The act of Fast Travel is easier than the process to unlock it. Initiating Fast Travel requires opening the map with the X button (Xbox) or the Square button (PlayStation) and selecting any of the green dots/markers on the map. These locations must be unlocked first, with the exceptions of areas that have been uncovered prior to the Battle Preparations mission. As the story progresses and Tales of Arise's characters grow stronger, there may be times where Fast Travel becomes unavailable due to plot-important events. If an area has been explored but cannot be Fast Traveled to (i.e: no green dot), then continue exploring that area until an event occurs, such as a cutscene or an encounter.

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Luckily, Tales of Arise doesn't require a fee to fast travel like one of the previous titles, Tales of Zestiria. Fast Travel still serves as a quick and helpful method, only this time it won't cut into their Gald.

Some players may have felt disappointment regarding the removal of certain gameplay elements such as co-op, but Tales of Arise still has much to offer to newcomers and returning fans.

Tales of Arise is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: The 5 Best Things About Tales Of Arise (& The 5 Worst)