Tales of Arise is the hotly anticipated next release in the vaunted Tales series from Bandai Namco. The title is intended to revitalize the franchise's mood and aesthetic, in part to appeal to a broader and more western audience. The wait for more information about the RPG has been excruciating for fans, but it now seems like they'll have to wait a while longer yet. Thursday morning, Bandai Namco confirmed that Tales of Arise will not meet its 2020 release window, that it has been delayed.

The reason for Tales of Arise's delay is one that fans are likely to support wholeheartedly. Bandai Namco describes that the game is delayed simply due to the ambitious nature of the project. Holding to a 2020 release window would limit the game's development in a way the team wasn't willing to compromise on. Instead, Bandai Namco will spend as much time as is required to create the Tales of Arise experience that it envisions.

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Considering how aspirational the reasons for the delay are, it should also come as no surprise then that Tales of Arise does not have a new release window. Bandai Namco says that it'll announce a new launch window when the game has progressed further.

tales of arise new wallpaper

In addition to the development team's lofty goals for Tales of Arise, Bandai Namco also acknowledges the issues that the COVID-19 pandemic have introduced to the development process. According to Bandai Namco, "some aspects of development" have been affected by the pandemic and the necessary precautions that have been taken to keep everyone safe. Bandai Namco says that its done its best to adapt to the situation and to implement remote development policies.

To reassure Tales fans, Bandai Namco says that "the determination of  our development team has not weakened." It goes on to say that "It is always darkest before the dawn," tying that into a newly released piece of art for Tales of Arise.

In summary, Bandai Namco's delaying Tales of Arise due to the scope of the game expanding beyond the game's previously announced release window. Work-from-home policies likely contributed to the decision, as well. Tales of Arise has no new release window, which means a 2021 launch, while likely, isn't a certainty. Expect more info from Bandai Namco as development progresses.

Tales of Arise is in development for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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