In Tales Noir, Musicians charm enemies and allies alike with their beautiful and harmonious tunes. Musicians are the support and backbone of any team, whether it's PvE (Player vs Enemy) or PvP (Player vs Player) content. The heals, shields, and buffs they offer are invaluable and are something that only this class is capable of. They are also necessary for the toughest forms of content, which makes it easier to find parties to group up, compared to most classes.

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If healing and saving lives is enjoyable, then the Musician is the perfect class choice. Healing may look simple from the outside, but it's a lot more intricate and complex than players will expect. Let's discuss how to build and utilize the Musician's skills to their full potential.

Musician PvE Build

Tales Noir
  • Praising Melody
  • Aria
  • Concerto
  • Healing Tune
  • Revive
  • First-Aid

Praising Melody is a strong single-target healing ability with a short cooldown. Heals typically have to be used carefully, but this one is an exception. This skill is great to keep allies topped off in health, and is primarily used for the Knight since they are usually the ones taking the most amount of damage in a party.

Aria is probably the best skill the Musician has, as not only does it heal, it can heal everyone in the party simultaneously. However, that's not all, this skill purifies all allies, which cleanses them of all debuffs. This skill is perfect against bosses that constantly debuff the party, especially Guild Bosses.

Concerto is a great AoE (Area of Effect) HoT (Heal over time) skill. The cooldown is a bit on the longer side, but since it heals over time, technically the cooldown ends up being relatively short. This skill is great to use right at the start of a Boss battle, or before powerful Boss AoE skills. It makes it so Musician players won't need to panic on deciding who to heal because allies will stay relatively healthy from the HoT.

Healing Tune is the strongest heal the Musician has, and it also deals quite a bit of damage. However, the cooldown is extremely long and must be used with caution. This skill should only be used as a last resort, or during a Boss skill window where players know they'll have enough time to get this skill off cooldown. This skill can save an entire party from the brink of death by healing everyone by a massive amount, which is why it needs to be used, only when needed.

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Revive is an extremely great skill that can bring back allies from the dead. This skill should also be used wisely since it has a near 2-minute cooldown. It would be best to only use this skill on the Knight since a party will most likely wipe instantly if the Tank is dead for a prolonged period. However, in the case that the Tank seems like they won't die in this fight at all, it can be used on the best DPS (Damage Per Second) member of the party. Knowing who to use this skill on can make or break a Dungeon or Raid.

First-Aid is a Passive kill that increases the Musician's healing on low-health allies. A class that's dedicated to healing and supporting their allies, will want the highest healing potential they can get, and that's what this Passive helps them attain. It has great synergy with every Musician skill in this build, which also makes it the perfect choice.

Musician PvP Build

Tales Noir
  • Deepsea Wind
  • Aria
  • Healing Tune
  • Fortifying Tune
  • Muse Assistance
  • First-Aid

Deepsea Wind is one of the best damaging abilities the Musician has, and it also heals for quite a bit. It's also the only healing ability they can use while moving simultaneously. Learning how to aim this ability is crucial since it's a channeled skill that can't be deactivated once started and players cannot turn to change the trajectory of the skill while using it, they can only move left or right. Players should do their best to line themselves up with as many allies or enemies as possible before casting this skill to get the most out of it.

Aria is a strong AoE heal that cleanses debuffs from all allies. This skill works wonders against Assassins, Knights, and Sorcerers, since they rely heavily on CC (Crowd Control) abilities in PvP to find success.

Healing Tune is the strongest healing ability Musicians have and should be focused more on saving it for themselves if they can. In PvP, most players will focus on killing Musicians since they have low defenses, and are so influential when it comes to their team winning battles. Popping this skill when an Assassin is bursting a Musician down can be a game changer, buying player's teammates time to come save them.

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Fortifying Tune provides a shield to whoever it's cast on, and also should be saved for the Musician in most cases. As much as players want to heal and protect their allies, if the Musician is dead, they can't heal anyone. Knowing how to juggle the priority of each member's life is what makes the difference between an average Musician and a great one.

Muse Assistance is a Passive kill that enhances the damage Musicians deal to enemies based on how many skills were used and the order they were used in. With some skills generating Soft, and Strong Notes, depending on the combination of Notes the Musician has obtained during the fight, they will deal bonus damage.

First-Aid is a Passive skill that increases the healing done to allies with low HP (Health Points). This is a great comeback skill and can be even further utilized if players see an ally that's nearing the 30% HP threshold. Using the heal when they're at 31% HP will heal them normally but waiting for the extra second or two to let them drop to 29% or lower is how players can make the most out of a seemingly simple Passive skill.

Tales Noir is available on Android and IOS devices.

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