Tales Noir has many classes that excel in different areas of the game. Some classes are better suited for PvP, while others are more fit for PvE. However, some classes are great at both, if their builds are adjusted accordingly.

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The Knight is one of those kinds of classes and this guide will provide all of the best Knight Builds, explaining why they're good and when to use each build. Even Tales Noir players with the greatest gear and enchantments can fall short of a player who has worse gear, just because that player had the knowledge to play their class to its fullest capabilities.

Solo Build

Tales Noir Knight
  • Swirling Shield
  • Soul Pierce
  • Shield Counter
  • Vengeful Roar
  • Barricade
  • Extremity
  • At Mercy
  • Heavenly Salvation

The Solo Build is for players who are clearing open world events, Story Quests, or running Multiplayer content with Mercenaries. Swirling Shield is the Knight's main source of damage, providing players with the highest uptime of damage out of every skill. Soul Pierce deals a nice amount of damage while helping keep threat levels generated to make sure all monsters are focused on the Knight instead of their allies. Shield Counter deals a ton of damage when used in the proper situations. Since it reflects a portion of the incoming damage and increases the Knight's defenses, players are best off using this skill to counter Bosses' special skills. It saves time, so players won't need to dodge as often and can keep the aggro of the enemies comfortably. Vengeful Roar automatically makes nearby enemies focus on the Knight, but the Knight takes decreased damage from any enemy affected by this skill.

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This skill is great for grabbing a large group of mobs up in one shot or keeping a boss focused on the Knight. Barricade is a Passive skill that has a chance of increasing the Knight's defenses by a large amount when being hit. This skill can be a lifesaver in PvE if players are lucky enough for it to be activated when needed. Since it's the Knight's job to soak as much damage while protecting their teammates, this skill helps them do just that even easier. Extremity reduces all incoming damage by a large amount once the Knight's health drops below 25%. If players thought the Knight couldn't be even more durable, this skill skyrockets their defenses, buying the Musician ample time to cast heals on the Knight before they die. At Mercy increases healing received by a large amount when the Knight's Health is under 25%. This Passive skill has great synergy with Extremity since the Knight's defenses will be peaked while being healed for even more than usual. Lastly, Heavenly Salvation protects the Knight from death, giving them immunity to monster damage, and reduces all other sources of incoming damage by 90%. This is the best Passive skill hands down for the Knight, allowing them to cheat death temporarily. The Knight will be able to sustain through the toughest battles comfortably with this build.

PvP Build

Tales Noir Knight
  • Binding Chain
  • Dauntless Charge
  • Vengeful Roar
  • Swirling Shield
  • Extremity

This PvP Build works wonder in Arena and Battleground-oriented PvP. Players will be able to hold their own against most classes and shut down Ranged Classes with well-timed Binding Chains. Binding Chain does a great amount of damage and pulls the enemy in front of the Knight, leaving them immobilized briefly. Knights can use this opportunity to do their full damage combo while keeping the enemy CC (Crowd Control) chained. Performing Binding Chain, followed by Swirling shield, then Vengeful Roar, and lastly Dauntless Charge. This makes it so the enemy cannot escape melee range from the Knight for about 4 seconds.

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Learning this combo is crucial, especially against Sorcerers who are extremely slippery in PvP, with their teleporting ability. Dauntless Charge is a two-part skill that provides the Knight with a Movement Speed boost for a few seconds, followed by a strong attack that stuns the target for a couple of seconds. This skill is wonderful, giving the Knight the much-needed mobility to keep up with the more agile classes in the game. Sticking to the target to stay in melee range will be one of the most important skills a Knight must learn to have success in PvP. Vengeful Roar forces the enemy to attack the Knight, but the enemy's attacks deal less damage. This skill is great to use when players know the enemy has their burst skills off cooldown. Reducing incoming damage from the enemy's strongest skills can turn the tides of a fight in favor of the Knight. Swirling Shield is the Knight's Bread & Butter when it comes to dealing damage. It's the best damaging ability for Knights, being the only skill that provides continuous damage for them. Extremity reduces the damage Knights take when their Health drops under 1/4. When enemy players think they only need a few more hits to finish off the Knight, they'll be sorely mistaken, when they realize how much more durable the Knight is when on the verge of death. Knight players can use this to their advantage in PvP, and save their Vengeful Roar if they see their health is getting close to 1/4, allowing them to combo the damage reduction abilities, making them nearly impervious.

Tales Noir is available on Android and iOS devices.

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