Tales Noir is filled with multiple ways to find enjoyment and different styles to play the game. Given the diversity offered in class options, professions, outfits, and interior home design, players will easily find ways to make themselves unique and maximize their fun in-game.

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When it comes to choosing a class, players will find more success whether it be PvE (Player vs Enemy) or PvP (Player vs Player) content, if they have the knowledge and information needed to fully utilize their potential with any given class. The class that will be focused on for this guide will be for all those interested in the Hunter class or already enjoying it.

Hunter PvE Build

Tales Noir

For the Hunter, they have a bit more diversity than most classes when it comes to deciding what Active and Passive Skill combinations they can take. The most powerful build for the Hunter is a high burst build, otherwise known as the Nuker build. The Nuker build is great for tough boss battles, especially considering Hunters have the highest ST (Single Target) damage among all of the classes. This Dungeon oriented build is packed with tons of AoE and ST damage making it the optimal choice for Dungeons and can be used to help clear the path to the boss efficiently.

Nuker Build:

  • Elven Volley
  • Split Arrow
  • Thunder Hawk
  • Hawk Arrow
  • Precision
  • Windstrike

Elven Volley deals a considerable amount of damage while having a short cooldown, making it one of the Hunter's primary sources of damage. It's a great staple skill for most builds, given the fact it deals AoE damage while still being great for ST as well.

Split Arrow deals a large amount of damage with an average cooldown. This skill is also great in most PvE scenarios and is another valuable damage option for the Hunter. The animation of this skill is slightly longer than most, so players should ensure they don't activate it during a Boss skill, or it'll make it much harder to dodge them.

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Thunder Hawk is one of the strongest skills for the Hunter, increasing their Auto Attack Speed, and adding a 10% chance of burst of damage with every Auto Attack. The cooldown for this ability is very long, but it's only fair given how powerful it is. This is the skill that makes Hunter's the best Boss killers out of every class, and if they're lucky enough, for the skill to proc repeatedly during Boss burst windows, they can make some extremely difficult boss battles so much easier.

Hawk Arrow is another extremely powerful ability that deals a vast amount of damage after marking a target. This skill has the longest cooldown of all the Hunter's skills, so players should make sure they're not wasting this skill on irrelevant enemies. Learning the mechanics and routes of dungeons will allow players to utilize this skill to its maximum potential, instead of using it on a trash mob that triggers a Boss spawn.

Precision is a Passive Skill that increases the Hit Rate of the Hunter, increasing the accuracy of Auto Attacks and Skills. Although this may not seem like a big deal early into the game because enemies never evade attacks, later on into the Mid to Late Game it becomes a lot more useful. Even if the Hunter has powerful skills, what good are they if they miss? Leveling Precision will ensure that against tougher targets with higher evasion rates, the Hunter will still comfortably land more of their skills than other classes.

Windstrike is a Passive Skill that gives Hunters a chance to increase their Attack Speed whenever they Auto Attack or use a Skill. The synergy that this skill has with Thunder Hawk is what allows it to deal so much damage while it's active. Getting the Attack Speed buff from Thunder Hawk will increase the player's odds of activating the Windstrike effect. Activating the Windstrike effect will increase the odds of Thunder Hawk's damage bonus activating. This combination alone is what makes Hunter's so deadly and unmatched in the ST damage department.

Hunter PvP Build

Tales Noir
  • Split Arrow
  • Elven Volley
  • Hawk Leap
  • Magnetic Mine
  • Hard Bow
  • Precision
  • Windstrike

Split Arrow, aside from its damage capabilities and short cooldown works wonders in PvP due to it naturally creating some distance between Hunters and their enemies. Kiting is essential against Melee classes like the Knight or Assassin and this skill makes it that much easier to do so.

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Elven Volley is great whether it be Arena 1v1 or Battleground-oriented PvP. Since it does great ST and AoE damage, it works in both scenarios, which is why this skill is a staple in all Hunter builds. Groups of enemies will have their eyes on Hunters in combat since players know if they're left unchecked, the amount of damage they'll be able to dish out will be too much to handle.

Hawk Leap does a decent amount of damage, but it's in this build more for its mobility. Being able to hop large distances around the map helps players reach locations faster than others could. It's only great for kiting in combat or dodging powerful abilities. Without this skill, the Hunter will be a sitting duck for most Melee Classes.

Magnetic Mine is not only great for kiting, but it's also useful for ambushing enemies. This skill immobilizes and damages enemies that come into contact with it, and is the best form of CC (Crowd Control) the Hunter has available. This skill isn't that great for Arena matches against other Ranged classes, but in Battleground, it's invaluable. Not only does it help with kiting Melee Classes it can set up other teammates for a quick and easy kill on a caught Ranged target.

Hard Bow increases Auto Attack Damage dealt. Although this is very straightforward, it does have great synergy with Windstrike. Since Windstrike will allow Hunters to increase their Attack Speed, Hard Bow's efficiency skyrockets making their Auto Attacks even more deadly.

Precision is a Passive skill that increases Hit Rate. Having higher accuracy helps a lot against the Hunter's hardest PvP matchup, the Assassin since they're extremely mobile and evasive. Landing more Attacks is also an indirect way of increasing the Hunter's overall damage output.

Windstrike is a Passive skill that gives the Hunter a chance to increase their Attack Speed whenever they use Auto Attacks or skills. Hunters heavily rely on this skill to give them damage boosts in clutch scenarios. Although there's a bit of randomness to factor in when using a skill that activates with a 10% chance, it's pretty consistent in battle nonetheless.

Tales Noir is available on Android and iOS devices.

More: Tales Noir: Best Knight Builds